About the Install Utility Steps

The following descriptions show how each step contributes to the complete software installation. The install script lists the substeps as it performs them.

Step 1 Validate Configuration File

Runs a series of checks to ensure that the configuration file contains settings that are appropriate for the specified cluster on the current network:

  • Validates the host names and IP addresses

  • Verifies the operating system

  • Validates the cluster networks and network connectivity

  • Validates the network time protocol (NTP) setup

  • Validates the physical disks in the storage servers

  • Validates the compute servers for database readiness

Step 2 Setup Required Files

Ensures that the required files are accessible, copies them to the second compute server, unzips them as needed, and creates symbolic links.

See "Software Installation Prerequisites" if this step fails.

Step 3 Create Users

Creates the required users and groups for the cluster, updates /etc/hosts, and sets up a secure shell (SSH).

Step 4 Setup Cell Connectivity

Generates several files that are used by other steps, including cellip.ora, cellinit.ora, and cellaffinity, if required.

Step 5 Verify InfiniBand

Performs a series of checks on the InfiniBand fabric to ensure that the compute servers, storage servers, and InfiniBand switches are cabled together correctly.

If errors occur, a diagnostic ZIP file is generated. The output from this step includes the location of this file.

Step 6 Calibrate Cells

Uses the I/O calibration feature of Oracle Database to assess the I/O capability of the storage subsystem.

Step 7 Create Cell Disks

Performs a series of steps on the storage server disks that include creating the cell disks, and then creating a flash log and a flash cache on each cell.

Step 8 Create Grid Disks

Creates the grid disks for the cluster.

In this release, you must follow this step with additional manual procedures.

Step 9 Configure Alerting

Configures email on the storage servers, so that they can send alerts when problems occur.

Step 10 Install Cluster Software

Uses an Oracle Database utility to obtain the grid disk identifiers, and then runs the clusterware installer. It patches the software as needed.

Step 11 Initialize Cluster Software

If a replication network is being configured, this step creates the single client access name (SCAN) and virtual IP (VIP) for it. Then it initializes the cluster.

Step 12 Install Database Software

Installs the Oracle Database software and creates the Oracle Database home directory on both compute servers. It also patches the software as required.

In this release, you must follow this step with additional manual procedures.

Step 13 Relink Database with RDS

Relinks Oracle Database with Reliable Datagram Sockets (RDS).

Step 14 Create ASM Disk Groups

Obtains the grid disk identifiers and creates the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk groups.

Step 15 Create Databases

Creates the Recovery Appliance catalog on both compute servers.

Step 16 Apply Security Fixes

Restarts the cluster software to set the security parameters, and enables turbo mode if required.

Step 17 Install Exachk

Installs the exachk utility on the Recovery Appliance. See My Oracle Support Doc ID 1070954.1 for information about the utility.

Step 18 Setup ASR Alerting

Installs and configures Auto Service Request (ASR). Optional.

This step does the following:

  • Installs the required software packages

  • Configures the trap destinations

  • Starts the monitoring daemon

Step 19 Create Installation Summary

Obtains the system details, calibrates the storage servers, and generates a summary XML report. The output from this step includes the location of this file.

Step 20 Resecure Machine

Replaces the default passwords with custom passwords.