Install Utility Syntax Examples

The following examples provide examples of the syntax and sample output. The XML configuration file is named Example_Inc-ra01.xml (linux-x64/ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml).

This command displays Help for the utility:

$ ./ -cf ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml -h -cf <config.xml> -l [options] -cf <config.xml> -s <step #> | -r <num-num>
   -l                 List all the steps that exist
   -cf                config file name [Full path please]
   -s <step #>        Run the step # at a time
   -r <num-num>       Run the steps one after the other as long as no errors
                      are encountered
   -u <num-num> | <step#> Undo a range of steps or a particular step
   -h                 Usage
  Version : 14.254.04:00

This command lists the steps:

$ ./ -cf ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml -l
1. Validate Configuration File
2. Setup Required Files
3. Create Users
4. Setup Cell Connectivity
5. Verify Infiniband
6. Calibrate Cells
7. Create Cell Disks
8. Create Grid Disks
9. Configure Alerting
10. Install Cluster Software
11. Initialize Cluster Software
12. Install Database Software
13. Relink Database with RDS
14. Create ASM Diskgroups
15. Create Databases
16. Apply Security Fixes
17. Install Exachk
18. Setup ASR Alerting
19. Create Installation Summary
20. Resecure Machine

The next example runs step 7:

./ -cf ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml -s 7
 Executing Create Cell Disks
 Check physical disks for errors before creating celldisks..............
 Restarting cell services..................
 Initializing cells..............
 Cleaning cells....................
 Restarting cell services...................
 Creating cell disks.........................
 Creating flashlog on cells..........
 Creating flashcache on cells........
 Successfully completed execution of step Create Cell Disks

This command reverses step 15:

$ ./ -cf ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml -u 15
 Undoing Create Databases
 Deleting databases...
 Deleting database zdlra