About User Accounts

You must have certain Administrator accounts to use Oracle Enterprise Manager for Autonomous Databases.

The following table lists the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator accounts and the Autonomous Database-related tasks users assigned these can perform. For information on how to create administrators in Oracle Enterprise Manager, see Creating Roles and Administrators in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Getting Started Guide.

Administrator Account Tasks
Super Administrator (sysman) This is the Oracle Enterprise Manager Super Administrator and is created by default when Oracle Enterprise Manager is deployed.

Specific to Autonomous Databases, the Super Administrator can:

  • Create Oracle Enterprise Database Administrator user accounts.
  • Grant privileges to manage Autonomous Databases.
Database Administrator The Database Administrator is created and assigned by the Super Administrator, and has full access to the database and can perform any operation on the database.

Specific to Autonomous Databases, the Database Administrator can:

  • Discover or delete Autonomous Databases.
  • Monitor Autonomous Databases.

See Creating a Database Administrator Account in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Security Guide.

Other than the two Oracle Enterprise Manager administrator accounts, you must also have the user accounts listed in the following table, which are created when the Autonomous Transaction Processing – Dedicated database is created.

User Account Tasks
Database Admin User (Admin) This is the super user for the Autonomous Transaction Processing – Dedicated database and is required for real-time database management.

Note: The Admin user can also perform monitoring tasks, however, it is recommended that the Monitoring User (adbsnmp) account is used for monitoring.

Monitoring User (adbsnmp) This user is created out-of-the-box when the Autonomous Transaction Processing – Dedicated database is created in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This account is locked by default and you can reset the password and unlock it using Oracle Enterprise Manager or any SQL client.

The adbsnmp user can:

  • Discover the Autonomous Transaction Processing – Dedicated database in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
  • Collect PDB metrics.
  • View the data on the Performance Overview page.