PDU Version Identification

PDU hardware is shipped in two versions, namely PDU v1 (Original PDU) and PDU v2 (Enhanced PDU).

For more information on enhanced PDU, see Monitoring Enhanced PDUs

For more information on original PDU, see Monitoring Original PDUs

You can distinguish the PDU version by accessing the PDU Management Interface. This interface is accessible using the web browser on IP address or DNS name that you have assigned to the PDU. Knowledge of PDU version is required to solve some PDU monitoring or discovery issues.


PDU may be on an isolated management network not reachable by your web browser. In that case, make sure you reach the PDU management interface from within the management network.

  1. Open the web browser.
  2. Enter the address of the PDU Management Interface in the web browser.

    For example, http://<IP or DNS name of your PDU> for PDU v1 or https://<IP or DNS name of your PDU> for the PDU v2.


    Whether to use http:// or https:// for the PDU v2 depends on how your PDU is configured. Try to use both if you are not sure. If neither of http:// or https:// work, the PDU is probably offline or the PDU address is incorrect. If the PDU Management Interface is turned off, you can turn it on using the PDU SNMP interface.

  3. In the PDU Management Interface, you can distinguish the PDU version by checking the PDU Power Consumption section. The PDU Consumption details are displayed only for PDU v2. Figure 35-1 is an example for PDU v1 management interface and Figure 35-2 is an example for PDU v2 management interface.

Figure 35-1 PDU v1 Management Interface

Description of Figure 35-1 follows
Description of "Figure 35-1 PDU v1 Management Interface"

Figure 35-2 PDU v2 Management Interface

Description of Figure 35-2 follows
Description of "Figure 35-2 PDU v2 Management Interface"