13 Managing and Monitoring the OPCM Target

Refreshing the Oracle Public Cloud Machine Target

You should consider refreshing the system whenever you upgrade the OPCM Rack, for example, from a quarter to half. You should also consider refreshing when you discover Oracle VM Manager or ZFS targets after the OPCM system is discovered. To refresh the OPCM target, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Oracle Public Cloud Machine.

  2. From the list of targets, click the Oracle Public Cloud Machine target you want to view.

  3. From the Oracle Public Cloud Machine menu, choose Refresh System.

    Cloud Control displays a Discovery Inputs page with the fields pre-populated.

    Click Next to start the discovery action or Cancel to cancel.

  4. On the Review page, click Submit to start the refresh action or Cancel to cancel. Once Submit is clicked, a progress dialogue appears that shows a confirmation:

    Once the operation is complete, the dialog will close and Cloud Control will update to show all OPCM targets.

Displaying and Using the OPCM Dashboard

Use the Dashboard to view status information about software and hardware targets in the OPCM:

To display and use the Dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Oracle Public Cloud Machine.

  2. From the list of targets, click the OPCM target you want to view. The dashboard displays the details.

  3. You can return to this page at any time by choosing Home from the Oracle Public Cloud Machine target menu.

  4. You can display General Information about the target by choosing Target Information from the Oracle Public Cloud Machine target menu.

Using the Software Tab

Use the Software tab on the OPCM dashboard to display status information including alerts and key performance metrics of the following targets:

The Software tab displays an Incident section in the table for each element, such as Application Deployments or WebLogic Domains, that shows alerts on which you can drill down for more information.

The Software tab displays large numbers of software targets that are members of the OPCM system. You can use the inter-region filtering option to conduct a page level search. For example, if the search is performed for an Oracle WebLogic Domain, the Applications region is also filtered to show all the applications deployed on the WebLogic servers that are members of the searched WebLogic domain. Similarly the Host region is filtered to show hosts that are hosting the WebLogic servers that are part of the searched WebLogic domain.

Viewing Application Deployments in the OPCM Target

Use the Application Deployments page to view details about the applications hosted on the hosts running on the OPCM target.

To view application deployments, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCM target home page, select Application Deployments to display the Applications Deployment page.

  2. You can choose to show All Domains or filter by specific domains by choosing the domain from the Show menu.

  3. You can drill down to specific applications, targets, domains, or dependencies by clicking on its related value in each row.

  4. You can filter the list of applications by choosing a value from the Status drop-down. You can select from Up, Down, Unknown, Blackout, and All.

  5. You can change the column appearance of the table by clicking View and choosing which Columns to display, expanding or collapsing rows, or scrolling to the first or last row. You can also reorder columns.

  6. You can use the Topology tab to display a pictorial view of the Application Deployments in various relational configurations.

Viewing WebLogic Domains Hosted on the OPCM Target

You can use Enterprise Manager to view details about the domains hosted on the virtual machines running on the OPCM target. To view WebLogic domains, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCM target home page, select WebLogic Domains and then select Summary to display the WebLogic Domains page. By default, the Topology view is displayed:

  2. On this page you can view a chart that shows the status of the WebLogic Domains and displays the percentage of domains that are up and down. You can also view server information that shows the Server Status and alert and policy violation information for each.

    Select the Summary tab to display additional details about the selected WebLogic Domain.

Viewing Coherence Cluster Targets

You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to view details about the Coherence targets that comprise the OPCM target. To display Coherence Clusters in Cloud Control, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCM target home page, select Coherence Clusters. 

  2. You can view a chart that shows the status of the Coherence Clusters and displays the percentage of clusters that are up and down.

  3. You can drill down to specific values for each cluster such as Alerts and Policy Violations along with Node information.

  4. You can filter the list of clusters by choosing a value from the Status drop-down. You can select from Up, Down, Unknown, Blackout, and All.

  5. You can change the column appearance of the table by clicking View and choosing which Columns to display. You can also reorder columns.

  6. The Coherence Clusters page displays two charts showing the Top Nodes With Lowest Available Memory and Caches With Lowest Hit To Get Ratio. You can drill down to specific node information by clicking on the Node name below the Top Nodes With Lowest Available Memory chart.

  7. The Nodes table displays information about each Node, including Host and several metric values such as Memory Available, Gets, and Puts.

  8. The Applications table displays information about applications such as Local Attribute Cache, Clustered Session Cache, and other metrics. You can drill down to specific information about each application by clicking the Application name.

Using the Hardware Tab

From the Hardware tab, you can view information about the hardware and infrastructure of the OPCM. You can view information such as Temperature and Status, as well as a Hardware Schematic depicting the current state of the hardware.

The Hardware tab displays the number of hardware units in each category along with their status in the Overview section. It also shows the Incidents associated with the hardware. The Rack Hardware schematic shows the position of each hardware component on the rack. You can use the Incidents section to monitor hardware issues that arise and then drill down to the Incident Manager page by clicking the Incident Summary for more details about the incident.

You can use the Hardware tab to view information such as Temperature (by turning on the Temperature option at the top of the Rack Schematic) and Status, as well as a Hardware Schematic depicting the current state of the hardware.

Using the Resources Utilization Tab

On the Resources Utilization tab, each box represents a compute node:

  • The size of the box represents the average CPU utilization of a compute node over the last 24 hours.

  • The color of the box indicates the average memory utilization of compute node over the last 24 hours.

  • Large boxes indicate compute nodes with high average CPU utilization.

  • Red color indicates high average memory utilization.

Hover on the boxes to get memory and CPU details.

Using the Control Infrastructure Tab

Use the Control Infrastructure tab for details about each discovered service in the rack.

Visualizing Relationships Between Software and Hardware Components

Use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to visualize relationships among software and hardware components. To see the routing topology among these components, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Oracle Public Cloud Machine.

  2. From the list of targets, click the OPCM target you want to view.

  3. From the OPCM menu, select Routing Topology.

  4. On the Routing Topology page, you can view the relationships between software and hardware components.

Analyzing the Impact of Component Failures

You can analyze the impact of component failures in an Oracle Public Cloud Machine by following the steps below. In this example, you will access an InfinBand Switch component:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Oracle Public Cloud Machine.

  2. From the list of targets, click the OPCM target you want to view.

  3. From the Target Navigation panel, expand the OPCM rack icon, then expand the InfiniBand Switch folder. Select an Infiniband Switch you want to view to display the InfiniBand Switch page.

Viewing Host Targets on the OPCM Rack

You can view details about the host targets hosted on the physical and virtual machines running on the OPCM target. To display the hosts information, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCM target home page, select Hosts to display the Hosts page:

  2. You can view a chart that shows the status of the hosts and displays the percentage of hosts that are up and down.

  3. You can view information about the Middleware Targets that lists the Type, Status, CPU Utilization percentage, Memory Utilization percentage, and Incident statistics along with Configuration Changes.

  4. You can view charts showing the CPU Utilization percentage based on time and similarly, Memory Utilization based on time.

Viewing Application Deployments in the OPCM Target

Use the Application Deployments page to view details about the applications hosted on the hosts running on the OPCM target.

To view application deployments, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCM target home page, select Application Deployments to display the Applications Deployment page.

  2. You can choose to show All Domains or filter by specific domains by choosing the domain from the Show menu.

  3. You can drill down to specific applications, targets, domains, or dependencies by clicking on its related value in each row.

  4. You can filter the list of applications by choosing a value from the Status drop-down. You can select from Up, Down, Unknown, Blackout, and All.

  5. You can change the column appearance of the table by clicking View and choosing which Columns to display, expanding or collapsing rows, or scrolling to the first or last row. You can also reorder columns.

  6. You can use the Topology tab to display a pictorial view of the Application Deployments in various relational configurations.

Viewing WebLogic Domains Hosted on the OPCM Target

You can use Enterprise Manager to view details about the domains hosted on the virtual machines running on the OPCM target. To view WebLogic domains, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCM target home page, select WebLogic Domains and then select Summary to display the WebLogic Domains page. By default, the Topology view is displayed:

  2. On this page you can view a chart that shows the status of the WebLogic Domains and displays the percentage of domains that are up and down. You can also view server information that shows the Server Status and alert and policy violation information for each.

    Select the Summary tab to display additional details about the selected WebLogic Domain.

Viewing Coherence Cluster Targets

You can use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to view details about the Coherence targets that comprise the OPCM target. To display Coherence Clusters in Cloud Control, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCM target home page, select Coherence Clusters. 

  2. You can view a chart that shows the status of the Coherence Clusters and displays the percentage of clusters that are up and down.

  3. You can drill down to specific values for each cluster such as Alerts and Policy Violations along with Node information.

  4. You can filter the list of clusters by choosing a value from the Status drop-down. You can select from Up, Down, Unknown, Blackout, and All.

  5. You can change the column appearance of the table by clicking View and choosing which Columns to display. You can also reorder columns.

  6. The Coherence Clusters page displays two charts showing the Top Nodes With Lowest Available Memory and Caches With Lowest Hit To Get Ratio. You can drill down to specific node information by clicking on the Node name below the Top Nodes With Lowest Available Memory chart.

  7. The Nodes table displays information about each Node, including Host and several metric values such as Memory Available, Gets, and Puts.

  8. The Applications table displays information about applications such as Local Attribute Cache, Clustered Session Cache, and other metrics. You can drill down to specific information about each application by clicking the Application name.

Creating Reports in Enterprise Manager

You can create the following reports in Enterprise Manager:

  • Oracle BI Instance Performance -- This report covers all BI instances running on the selected OPCM rack. First a list of all WebLogic domains associated with the selected rack is read, then all oracle_ias_farm targets associated with those WebLogic domains are determined and then the list of all BI instances associated with those oracle_ias_farm targets are identified.

  • Oracle Internet Directory Performance -- This report covers all OID servers running on the selected OPCM rack. First a list of all WebLogic domains associated with the selected OPCM rack is read, then all oracle_ias_farm targets associated with those WebLogic domains are determined and then the list of all OID servers associated with those oracle_ias_farm targets are identified.

  • Oracle Service Bus Performance -- This report covers all OSB servers running on the selected OPCM rack. First a list of all WebLogic domains associated with the selected OPCM rack is read and then all OSB server targets associated with those WebLogic domains through ’r;farm' association are identified. This report has two sections under each OSB server – Top Business Services and Top Proxy Services. These sections show the top five business services and the top five proxy services respectively. The top five services are determined based on the decreasing order of max value of throughput (for example, messages per minute) metric for each service during the selected period.

  • SOA Infrastructure Performance -- This report covers all SOA Infrastructure targets running on the selected OPCM rack. First a list of all WebLogic domains associated with the selected OPCM rack is read and then all SOA Infrastructure targets associated with those WebLogic domains through ’r;farm' association are identified. The SOA Infra Engine related charts cover only the following four engine types - bpel, bpmn, mediator and workflow.

  • Oracle WebLogic Server Performance -- This report covers all WebLogic servers running on the selected OPCM rack. The list of all WebLogic domains associated with the selected OPCM rack is read. The report is divided into sections based on different WebLogic domains. For each domain, the top five servers are shown in the charts for each metric. The top five servers for each metric are determined by decreasing order of max value for the metric for each server in the selected period.

  • Compliance Summary -- This report give a brief summary about the compliance standards evaluated for the middleware targets like WebLogic server, domains, clusters, host, and so on, running on the OPCM system. The report shows the list of top ten least compliant WebLogic domains and host and Compliance Standard Summary.

  • Compliance Details -- This report give details on about the compliance standards evaluated for middleware targets like WebLogic domains, servers, clusters, hosts, and so on, running on the OPCM system. The reports show the top ten least compliant WebLogic domains and host and a detailed list on compliance rules violated for the middleware targets.

The Reports menu item is visible in the Oracle Public Cloud Machine target menu if BIP is configured with Enterprise Manager. If BIP is not configured, the menu item does not appear.

To create reports, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Oracle Public Cloud Machine.

  2. From the list of targets, click the Oracle Public Cloud Machine target for which you want to create reports.

  3. From the Oracle Public Cloud Machine menu, choose Reports and then select the report you want to create from the menu.

Enabling Log Viewer

The Log Viewer has been integrated for OPCM System and OPCM Control.

From the OPCM System home page, a Log Viewer page is now included that shows an integrated log view of all WebLogic-based service logs and Grill server logs. To access this page from the OPCM System home page target menu or from the OPCM Control target menu, select Logs, then View Log Messages.

The following log sources are integrated into this unified log viewer:

  • Logs from various WebLogic service domains.

  • Grill server logs located at /var/log/chef.log.

Converting an Exalogic Target to an Oracle Public Cloud Machine

To convert an existing Exalogic target to an Oracle Public Cloud Machine, follow these steps:
  1. From the Targets menu, select Exalogic / Virtual target.
  2. Click on the menu and select Convert to Oracle Public Cloud Machine.
  3. In the Discovery page, deselect the Discover Ethernet Switches checkbox.
  4. Mark the SNMP Community String as Public and click Next.
  5. Click Finish to convert the Exalogic target.