21 Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OEMCC) 13.4 and Configuring the Agent on Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE)

This chapter describes how you can install Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OEMCC) 13c and configure the Agent on Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE) 11g for Monitoring.

Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OEMCC) 13.4

This section shows an example of installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OEMCC) 13.4 to monitor Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE) Agent installation already exists for ODSEE since ODSEE is on the same host as OEMCC.

The installation example below follows the Simple Configuration steps as available in Installing an Enterprise Manager System for a Demonstration Site (Simple Configuration).


You can also follow the Advanced Configuration step as available in Installing an Enterprise Manager System for a Production Site (Advanced Configuration).
  1. Run em13400_linux64.bin.

    1. Download the following files for OEMCC 13.4 and save in the same directory:
      • em13400_linux64-2.zip em13400_linux64-3.zip em13400_linux64-4.zip em13400_linux64-5.zip em13400_linux64-6.zip

      • em13400_linux64-7.zip em13400_linux64-8.zip em13400_linux64.json em13400_linux64.bin

    2. Run the .bin file chmod +x em13400_linux64.bin.

    3. Run ./em13400_linux64.bin.


      If the /tmp directory does not have enough space , then em13400_linux64.bin can not be run to install OEMCC. Run ./em13400_linux64.bin -J-Djava.io.tmpdir=/refresh/EM13.4/tmp to specify a tmp directory that has greater than 14 GB of space.
  2. Enter My Oracle Support Details..

  3. Click Next.

  4. Install the software updates.

  5. Check the prerequisites.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select the Installation Types (Simple or Advanced).

  8. In the Installation Details dialog box, specify the Middleware Home, Agent Base directory, and Host Name.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Enter the Configuration Details.

    Configuration Details Screen

  11. Click Next.

  12. Configure Shared Locations.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Review and Install.

    Install Progress Screen

  15. Track the Progress.


    This stage of installation alerts you of any database repository prerequisite issues.
  16. Run the allroot.sh script as root.

  17. Click Finish to end the installation.

For more information on installing, see Performing Postinstallation Tasks After Installing an Enterprise Manager System

Login to Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (OEMCC)

After you are done with OEMCC installation, you can login to the Enterprise Manager console.

  1. Enter the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control url obtained at the last step of installation in your browser.

    The OEMCC 13c Login page appears.

  2. Login as a SYSMAN using the administrator password specified during installation.

  3. Accept the License Agreement.

    The OEMCC 13c home page appears.

    OEMCC 13c Home Page

Configuring Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE) as a Middleware Target

The Middleware Target configuration uses the Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) to monitor each ODSEE instance. This means that each ODSEE instance that is intended to be monitored by OEMCC has to be registered in the DSCC.

  1. Login into OEMCC as SYSMAN and then, click Targets and select Middleware.
  2. Click Add and select Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition.
  3. Enter the ODSEE Registry Host (where the DSCC resides), the ODSEE Registry Port (the DSCC port number, by default 3998), the Directory Server Username (by default, cn=admin,cn=administrators,cn=dscc), the Directory Server User Password, and the ODSEE Install Home (where DSCC was installed from). Retain the default value for Unique Deployment Identifier field. Click Continue.

    Figure 21-1 Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

    Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition

  4. The existing Targets are displayed, which will be the DSCC and any ODSEE instances registered to that DSCC. Click Continue.
    The DSCC and its registered instances are displayed in OEMCC.

    Figure 21-2 Middleware Targets

    Middleware Targets

  5. Click the DSCC link to display the ODSEE instances registered to that DSCC.
  6. Click the ODSEE link to display the information on the LDAP Service tab.
  7. Run the Directory Server Resource Kit (DSRK) searchrate against the instance to show the metric changes.

    Figure 21-3 Metrics


    A graph of CPU utilization is also displayed, from where you can monitor the Load and Response and System Resources.

    Figure 21-4 CPU Utilization Graph

    CPU Utilization Graph

  8. Click the Resources tab to display the cache metrics and the suffix/backend information.
  9. Click the suffixes and backends link to display the cache information for backend files, system resources, and suffix-backend entry.