38 PDB Relocation

This chapter covers the PDB Relocation feature. It contains the following sections:


Enterprise Manager Pluggable Database as a Service now provides support to migrate an existing pluggable database to a new Pluggable Database pool. This functionality will allow the DB administrators to migrate PDBs to a new platform when existing platform is obsolete.


  • Destination CDB must either be part of the same Pluggable Database Pool as the target PDB or it must be a part of a Pluggable Database pool on a PaaS Infrastructure Zone different than the target PDB.

  • Destination Pluggable Database Pool must be added to the Service Template associated with the target PDB.

  • Source and Destination Pluggable Database Pool version must be same.

PDB Relocation: EMCLI Command and Input File Properties

This section provides details on PDB Relocation using the EMCLI command:

$ emcli db_cloud_maintenance -relocateService –input_file=”data:<absolute_path_to_input_file”

Input file properties:

SRC_PDB_TARGET_NAME=<EM Target name of the PDB to be relocated>
DEST_CDB_TARGET_NAME=<EM Target name of the destination Target Container DB, optional, required when SELECT_TARGET_OPTION=RUNTIME is not used>
STORAGE_LOCATION=<Optional, Storage location for destination PDB>
DEST_WORK_DIR=<Optional, absolute path to temporary work directory at destination>
SELECT_TARGET_OPTION=RUNTIME<Optional, needed if destination CDB needs to be selected automatically>
DEST_CDB_POOL_NAME=<Optional, Destination Pluggable Database Pool name needed only when SELECT_TARGET_OPTION parameter is specified>
USE_SAME_STORAGE_LOCATION=Y<Optional, needed in case PDB relocation is to be performed without moving PDB datafiles, target PDB datafile(s) storage location must also be accessible to destination Container DB>
WORKLOADS=<Optional>, to be specified if during relocate, the instance needs to be associated with the different workload size. The given  workload  must exist in the Service template.>
PDBAAS_CUSTOM_PRE_SCRIPTS_URN=<Optional>, if not specified, pre script configured in the Service Template associated with this instance will be selected>
PDBAAS_CUSTOM_POST_SCRIPTS_URN=<Optional>, if not specified, post script configured in the Service Template associated with this instance will be selected> 


If Storage location is not in the input file, then it will be picked from the associated Service Template.

This is an administrator driven operation to be initiated by an EM administrator with EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR role privileges.