List of Figures
- 1-1 Lifecycle Management Solutions
- 2-1 Setting Up Your Infrastructure WorkFlow
- 2-2 Software Library Console
- 2-3 Software Library Administration
- 2-4 Add Security Rule
- 2-5 Privilege Delegation Setting
- 2-6 Add Host Target Installation Details
- 3-1 Database Provisioning Solution in Cloud Control
- 4-1 Oracle Database Topology
- 6-1 Oracle RAC Database Topology
- 13-1 Managing Pluggable Databases
- 13-2 Provision Pluggable Database Console
- 13-3 Creating a New Pluggable Database: Creation Options Page
- 13-4 Creating a New Pluggable Database: Identification Page
- 13-5 Creating a New Pluggable Database: Storage Page
- 13-6 Creating a New Pluggable Database: Schedule Page
- 13-7 Creating a New Pluggable Database: Review Page
- 13-8 Creating a New Pluggable Database: Procedure Activity Page
- 13-9 Provision Pluggable Database Console
- 13-10 Plugging In an Unplugged Pluggable Database: Creation Options Page
- 13-11 Plugging In an Unplugged Pluggable Database: Identification Page
- 13-12 Plugging In an Unplugged Pluggable Database: PDB Template Location Section
- 13-13 Plug in a TDE Enabled PDB
- 13-14 Plugging In an Unplugged Pluggable Database: Storage Page
- 13-15 Plugging In an Unplugged Pluggable Database: Schedule Page
- 13-16 Plugging In an Unplugged Pluggable Database: Review Page
- 13-17 Plugging In an Unplugged Pluggable Database: Procedure Activity Page
- 13-18 Provision Pluggable Database Console
- 13-19 Cloning a Pluggable Database: Specifying Creation Options
- 13-20 Cloning a Pluggable Database: Specifying CDB Host Credentials
- 13-21 Cloning a Pluggable Database: Identification Page
- 13-22 Cloning a Pluggable Database (Full Clone): Storage Page
- 13-23 Cloning a Pluggable Database (Snap Clone): Storage Page
- 13-24 Cloning a Pluggable Database: Schedule Page
- 13-25 Cloning a Pluggable Database: Review Page
- 13-26 Cloning a Pluggable Database: Procedure Activity Page
- 13-27 Provision Pluggable Database Console
- 13-28 Migrating a Non-CDB: Method Page
- 13-29 Migrating a Non-CDB: Selecting a Non-CDB
- 13-30 Migrating a Non-CDB: Specifying Credentials
- 13-31 Migrating a Non-CDB: Specifying Stage Location
- 13-32 Migrating a Non-CDB: Specifying PDB Properties and Datafile Location
- 13-33 Migrating a Non-CDB: Specifying Import Directory
- 13-34 Migrating a Non-CDB: Schedule Page
- 13-35 Migrating a Non-CDB: Review Page
- 13-36 Provision Pluggable Database Console
- 13-37 Unplugging a Pluggable Database: Select PDB Page
- 13-38 Unplugging a Pluggable Database: Destination Page
- 13-39 Unplugging a Pluggable Database: Schedule Page
- 13-40 Unplugging a Pluggable Database: Review Page
- 13-41 Provision Pluggable Database Console
- 13-42 Deleting Pluggable Databases: Specifying Credentials
- 13-43 Deleting Pluggable Databases: Schedule Page
- 13-44 Deleting Pluggable Databases: Review Page
- 13-45 Deleting Pluggable Databases: Procedure Activity Page
- 17-1 Accessing the Provisioning Page
- 17-2 Procedure Execution Page
- 20-1 Fleet Maintenance Operations Lifecycle Overview
- 20-2 Creating a Gold Image
- 21-1 Accessing the Patches & Updates Screen
- 21-2 Create Plan Wizard
- 21-3 Edit Template Wizard
- 21-4 In-Place Mode of Patching
- 21-5 Out-of-Place Mode of Patching
- 21-6 Rolling Mode of Patching
- 21-7 Parallel Mode of Patching
- 21-8 Searching for Patches
- 21-9 Downloading Patches from My Oracle Support
- 21-10 Out Of Place Patching Of Clusters
- 21-11 Patch Plan Errors Displayed on the Validation Page
- 21-12 Patch Plan Errors Displayed in the Issues to Resolve Section
- 21-13 Patch Plan Errors Displayed in the Plans Region
- 26-1 Comparison and Drift Management Dashboard
- 27-1 Violations for a Compliance Standard
- 27-2 Violations Using the Target Compliance Tab
- 27-3 Show Details Page
- 27-4 Event Details and Guided Resolution
- 27-5 Compliance Summary Region on Enterprise Summary Page
- 27-6 How Compliance Score of a Compliance Standard-Target Is Calculated
- 27-7 Compliance Score of Parent Node
- 27-8 Compliance Summary
- 27-9 Compliance Evaluation Report
- 27-10 Compliance Standard Definition
- 27-11 Completed Create Configuration Extension Page
- 27-12 Completed Compliance Standard Rule Details Page
- 27-13 Completed Compliance Standard Rule Check Definition Page
- 27-14 Completed Compliance Standard Rule Test Page
- 27-15 Completed Compliance Standard Rule Review Page
- 27-16 Completed Manual Rule Page
- 27-17 Completed Create Compliance Standard Pop-Up
- 27-18 Compliance Standard Rules
- 27-19 Compliance Standards Library Page
- 27-20 Completed Target Association Page
- 27-21 CS1 - DB Check Compliance Standard in Evaluation Results Tab
- 27-22 Manage Violations Page - Unsuppressed Violations
- 27-23 Evaluation Results Page After Violation Is Suppressed
- 27-24 Manage Violations Page Showing the Suppressed Violations Tab
- 27-25 Clearing Manual Rule Violations
- 28-1 Steps in a Change Plan
- 31-1 Data Redaction Page
- 33-1 Transparent Data Encryption Home Page
- A-1 Proxy Settings Error
- A-2 Inadvertently Selecting Privileged Credentials as Normal Credentials
- A-3 Instances Not to Be Migrated Are Shown as Impacted Targets
- A-4 Analysis Fails Stating Node Name Property Is Missing for a Target
- A-5 Link to Show Detailed Progress Appears Broken