1 Overview of Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c is the latest release of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control from Oracle. This new release offers a variety of new features, enhancements, performance improvements, and bug fixes compared to its previous releases. If you have Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2 or Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 3 then Oracle recommends that you upgrade it to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 to benefit from all the new features.

Before you start upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4, you must understand the upgrade process, the upgrade utilities, and other key aspects related to upgrade, such as the supported environments, the supported upgrade paths, how ports are reused, what features from the previous release are automatically carried forward, what customization you must redo after the upgrade, so on. This will help you understand the requirements and the implications of the upgrade, and will help you prepare for a smooth transition from the previous release.

This chapter introduces you to the upgrade process, and describes the important aspects that you must know before you start the upgrade process. In particular, this chapter covers the following:

Supported OMS Environments for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

You can upgrade any of the following Oracle Management Service (OMS) environments:

  • Single-OMS Environments: A single-OMS environment is an environment with one OMS that orchestrates with multiple Management Agents. Typically, small deployments.

  • Multi-OMS Environments: A multi-OMS environment is an environment with two or more OMS instances moderated with a Server Load Balancer (SLB) that orchestrates with multiple Management Agents. Typically, large deployments.

Supported Upgrade Paths and Supported Upgrade Approaches for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

Table 1-1 lists the supported upgrade paths for each upgrade path.

Table 1-1 Supported Direct Upgrade Paths for Upgrading an Enterprise Manager System

Upgrade From Upgrade To Supported Upgrade Approach

13c Release 3

13c Release 4

1-System Upgrade

13c Release 2

13c Release 4

1-System Upgrade

Table 1-2 Supported Upgrade Approaches for Upgrading an Enterprise Manager System

Upgrade From Upgrade To Supported Upgrade Approach

13c Release 1

If you have 13c Release 1, then you cannot directly upgrade to 13c Release 4. You must first upgrade to 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3, and then upgrade to 13c Release 4.

1-System Upgrade

12c Release 5 (

If you have 12c Release 5 (, then you cannot directly upgrade to 13c Release 4. You must first upgrade to 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3, and then upgrade to 13c Release 4.

1-System Upgrade

12c Release 4 (

If you have 12c Release 4 (, then you cannot directly upgrade to 13c Release 4. You must first upgrade to 13c Release 2 and then upgrade to 13c Release 4.

1-System Upgrade

  • 12c Release 3 Plug-in Upgrade 1 (

    (12c Release 3 ( software with plug-ins released in October 2013)

  • 12c Release 3 (

If you have 12c Release 3 (, then you cannot directly upgrade to 13c Release 4. You must first upgrade to 13c Release 2 and then upgrade to 13c Release 4.

1-System Upgrade

  • 12c Release 2 Plug-in Update 1 (

    (12c Release 2 ( software with plug-ins released in February 2013)

  • 12c Release 2 ( (base release)

If you have 12c Release 2 (, then you must first upgrade to 12c Release 5 (, then upgrade to 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3, and after upgrade to 13c Release 4

1-System Upgrade

  • 12c Release 1 ( patched with Bundle Patch 1

  • 12c Release 1 ( containing Bundle Patch 1 (included by default)

  • 12c Release 1 ( (base release)

If you have 12c Release 1 ( [with or without Bundle Patch 1], then you must first upgrade to either 12c Release 3 ( or 12c Release 4 (, after upgrade to either 12c Release 5 ( or 13c Release 1, and then upgrade to 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3. After that, you can upgrade to 13c Release 4.

1-System Upgrade

  • 11g Release 1 (

  • 10g Release 5 (

First upgrade to 12c Release 5 ( using 2-System Upgrade or 1-System Upgrade on a Different Host method, then upgrade to 13c Release 3, and after upgrade to 13c Release 4.


Supported Platforms for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

To view a list of supported platforms, access the Enterprise Manager certification matrix available on My Oracle Support. For instructions, see Accessing the Enterprise Manager Certification Matrix in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Upgrade Scope Offered for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

The following are some facts about upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c:

  • You can upgrade only 13c Release 3 ( or 13c Release 2 ( to 13c Release 4 (

  • You can upgrade only if the existing database is a database certified for 13c Release 4. If the existing database is not of the release that is supported for 13c Release 4, then upgrade it to the supported release before you start upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository. You can see a list of certified databases in the Enterprise Manager certification matrix available on My Oracle Support. To access the Enterprise Manager certification matrix, see Accessing the Enterprise Manager Certification Matrix in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide .

    For example, if you are upgrading from 13c Release 2 (, then you might have an earlier release of the database that is not supported for 13c Release 4. In this case, ensure that you first upgrade your database to the minimum database release supported for 13c Release 4, and then upgrade the Enterprise Manager system to 13c Release 4.

  • The upgrade operation is always an out-of-place upgrade where you see a new Oracle home for the OMS and the Management Agent. As a best practice, back up your old and new homes regularly.

  • The upgrade approaches do NOT upgrade your existing database where the Management Repository is configured.

    To upgrade such databases, use the database upgrade tool. For more information, on the upgrade tool, see the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide available in the Oracle Database documentation library at:


  • Table 1-3 describes compatibility between the OMS and the Management Agents across 13c and 12c releases. The OMS can communicate only with the Management Agent releases that are listed in this table.

    Table 1-3 Compatibility Between the OMS and the Management Agents Across 13c and 12c Releases

    NA Oracle Management Agent 12c Release 5 ( Oracle Management Agent 13c Release 1 Oracle Management Agent 13c Release 2 Oracle Management Agent 13c Release 3 Oracle Management Agent 13c Release 4

    Oracle Management Service 13c Release 4






    If you have any earlier releases of Management Agent, then before upgrading the OMS to 13c Release 4, make sure you upgrade the Management Agents of other earlier releases to either 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 using the Agent Upgrade Console that is present within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console.

  • You can upgrade any Management Agent on any platform as long as the OMS 13c software for that platform is available.

  • The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard installs Java Development Kit (JDK) java version "1.8.0_231" and Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 2 ( by default. A preinstalled JDK or Oracle WebLogic Server is not supported from 13c Release 1 onwards.

  • You must ensure that the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 2 ( installed by the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard is dedicated for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. You must not have any other Oracle Fusion Middleware product installed in that Middleware home.

    Enterprise Manager Cloud Control cannot coexist with any Oracle Fusion Middleware product in the same Middleware home because the ORACLE_COMMON property is used by both the products.

  • You must ensure that SQL ALG is disabled in firewall. If not, the Enterprise Manager Upgrade process may terminate/hang in same operation for a long time.

  • If you have events setup for maximum memory usage limit, then you must disable them before upgrade.

    For example, alter system set event='10261 trace name context forever, level 3145728','10262 trace name context forever, level 3145728' scope=spfile;

  • You must make sure that there is no foreign custom objects. For example, views or MVs, which are dependent on EM repository objects.

  • Currently, AOM upgrade is not supported. You must make sure that the previous version of AOM is uninstalled before installing the new version. For more information on instructions and files to backup before uninstalling, see Uninstalling Always-On Monitoring in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

  • JVM Diagnostics as a Service: Beginning with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Release 13c Release 4, JVMD as a service is no longer supported.

    For a fresh Enterprise Manager Cloud Control installation, JVMD as a service is not supported.

    If you are upgrading to Enterprise Manager Release 13c Release 4 from an earlier release, you will need to re-install the JVMD Agents with the latest agent version (13.4 or greater).

Components Upgraded or Installed As Part of the Upgrade to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

The upgrade to 13c Release 4 is an out-of-place upgrade, and therefore, when you invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Installation Wizard, the wizard does the following:

  • Installs Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 2 (

  • Installs Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.8 (Java version 1.8.0_231).

  • Installs Oracle Management Service 13c Release 4.

  • Installs Oracle JRF 12c Release 2 (

  • Installs Oracle Web Tier 12c Release 2 (

  • Installs Oracle BI Publisher 12c Release 2 (

  • Upgrades plug-ins, carries over the already deployed plug-ins, or deploys plug-ins:

    • Upgrades the deployed plug-ins if newer versions are available in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 software.

      Starting with 13c Release 1, as part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Plug-in deployment or upgrade, one Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics (JVMD) Engine is installed by default on the OMS. For every additional OMS you deploy, you receive one JVMD Engine by default with that OMS.

      JVMD enables administrators to diagnose performance problems in Java applications in the production environment. By eliminating the need to reproduce problems, it reduces the time required to resolve these problems, thus improving application availability and performance.

      While JVMD Engine is installed by default on the OMS host, you will still need JVMD Agents to be manually deployed on the targeted JVMs. For instructions, see Installing JVM Diagnostic Agents in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

      If the previous release of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control had any JVMD Engines, then they are all automatically decommissioned. However, after upgrade, the targets monitored by the previous JVMD Agents can no longer be monitored because the old JVMD Engines have been decommissioned. To continue monitoring those targets, you must redeploy those JVMD Agents on the targeted JVMs so that they communicate with the newly installed JVMD Engines.

    • Migrates or carries over the deployed plug-ins without upgrading them in the following cases.

      • If newer versions are not available in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 software.

      • If the deployed plug-ins are already of the higher or same version as the ones in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 software.

    • Deploys new plug-ins when the plug-ins being upgraded have new dependencies, or when there are any new default plug-ins introduced with a release.

    • Deploys any additional plug-in you select.

  • Creates an Oracle WebLogic domain called GCDomain.

  • Creates a Node Manager user account called nodemanager.

  • Configures an Oracle Management Service Instance Base directory (gc_inst) for storing all configuration details related to Oracle Management Service 13c.

  • Upgrades Oracle Management Repository in the existing certified Oracle Database.


The central agent (in other words, the Management Agent installed with the OMS) is not upgraded by default. You must upgrade it using the Agent Upgrade Console available in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console after upgrading the OMS.

Ports Used by an Upgraded Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c

When you upgrade the OMS or the Management Agents, the ports used by the earlier release of the Management Agents are carried over to the upgraded Management Agents. Therefore, your firewall settings are not affected in any way.

When you upgrade your OMS, then the ports used by all the core components of the earlier release are carried over.


For information about the core components, the range within which a port is selected, and the free port that is assigned, see the chapter Understanding the Basics in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.

For information about what URLs should be made available through a firewall, when a firewall is configured for the OMS, see Configuring Enterprise Manager for Firewalls Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.

Upgrading Oracle BI Publisher While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

Starting with 13c Release 1, Oracle BI Publisher is automatically upgraded from the earlier release to the latest release while upgrading the OMS. No additional step is required from your end.

Upgrading Plug-Ins While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

This section describes the following:

Upgrading Plug-Ins While Upgrading Oracle Management Agents to 13c Release 4

While upgrading Oracle Management Agents to 13c Release 4 using the Agent Upgrade Console, all plug-ins of the earlier release are upgraded by default. No manual effort is required.

Upgrading Plug-Ins While Upgrading Oracle Management Service to 13c Release 4

While upgrading Oracle Management Service to 13c Release 4 using the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard, plug-ins are automatically upgraded, migrated, or deployed under the following circumstances:

  • Plug-ins are upgraded when newer versions exist.

  • Plug-ins are migrated when newer versions do not exist.

  • Plug-ins are deployed when the plug-ins being upgraded have new dependencies, or when there are any new default plug-ins introduced with a release.

  • Any additional plug-in you select on the Select Plug-ins screen of the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard.

If you want to install plug-ins that are not listed on the Select Plug-ins screen, then follow these steps:

  1. Manually download the required plug-ins.
  2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where the additional plug-ins have been downloaded:

    On UNIX platforms:

    ./em13400_<platform>.bin PLUGIN_LOCATION=<absolute_path_to_plugin_software_location>

    On Microsoft Windows platforms:

    setup_em13400_win64.exe PLUGIN_LOCATION=<absolute_path_to_plugin_software_location>

    This displays a list of plug-ins available in the software kit (DVD, downloaded software) as well as the plug-ins available in this custom location. You can choose the ones you want to install.

Applying Release Update While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

While upgrading to 13c Release 4, you can apply a release update (bundle patch) as part of the upgrade process.

Follow the instructions for Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along With Plug-ins which includes a step for applying a release update using the OMS bit only mode in Applying Release Update in Bit Only Mode.


Applying a release update while upgrading to 13c Release 4 reduces the downtime compared to applying it after the upgrade process is completed.

Enabling Force Logging When Oracle Data Guard Is Configured with the Standby Database (Management Repository) Before Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

If you have Oracle Data Guard configured with your standby database, which houses the Oracle Management Repository, then enable force logging on the database using the following command:

ALTER DATABASE force logging;

If you do not enable force logging on the database, then use of NOLOGGING commands while upgrading the Enterprise Manager system might corrupt your standby database.

Status of Oracle Software Library After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

Oracle Software Library is functional the moment the Enterprise Manager is upgraded. No manual effort is required to make it functional.

Status of Connectors After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

After upgrading the entire Enterprise Manager system, the connectors that were configured with your old Enterprise Manager system will continue to work in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. However, the ones that were not configured will not work.

Custom Certificates Status When Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

When you upgrade to 13c Release 4, all custom certificates configured for the upload and console ports of the OMS must be first removed from WebLogic Server before upgrade and re-configured after the OMS upgrade.

Status of Webgate When Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

If you have Webgate configured in your Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 3 then upgrading to Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 4 will not configure Webgate automatically. For instructions about reconfiguring after completing the upgrade process, see Reconfiguring Oracle HTTP Server Webgate.

XML DB Feature in the Database After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

Enterprise Manager is not affected when you enable or disable features such as XML DB on the Oracle Database in which you plan to configure the Management Repository. Therefore, you can enable or disable any feature in the database because Enterprise Manager does not rely on them.

Manually Restarting the OMS and the Management Agent After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

If you install the OMS and the Oracle Database, which houses the Management Repository, on the same host, then when you reboot the host, the OMS and the Management Agent installed with it will not automatically start up. You will have to manually start them.

To manually start the OMS, run the following command from the Oracle home of the OMS host:


Before starting OMS, make sure the DB and Listener are up on the host.

$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms

For example,

/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl start oms

To manually start the Management Agent, run the following command from the Agent home:

$<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl start agent

For example,

/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir/agent_13. start agent

Wizards or Consoles Used for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

This section introduces you to the wizards or consoles to be used for upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c. In particular, it covers the following:

Overview of the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Installation Wizard

The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Installation Wizard is the primary user interface that enables you to upgrade your OMS and Management Repository. Since the upgrade happens on the same host where the earlier release of OMS exists, there is a reasonable downtime involved.



The installer does NOT upgrade your existing Oracle Management Agents (Management Agent). After upgrading the OMS, you must upgrade the Management Agent separately using the Agent Upgrade Console. Agent Upgrade Console is a GUI console that you see in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console after you upgrade the OMS. For more information, refer to Overview of the Agent Upgrade Console in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4.

Overview of the Agent Upgrade Console in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

The Agent Upgrade Console is a graphical user interface that is built into the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. The console acts as a single-window solution to mass-upgrade your existing central agents. Central agents are Management Agents installed by default with every OMS.


You can use the Agent Upgrade Console to upgrade even the standalone Management Agents, but Oracle recommends that you use Agent Gold Images instead to upgrade the standalone Management Agents. You can create and manage gold images, and update the existing standalone Management Agents using the Gold Agent Images Console. See Overview of the Agent Upgrade Console in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4.

To access the Agent Upgrade Console, from the Setup menu, click Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade Agents.



Before you can use the Agent Upgrade Console to upgrade your central Management Agents, all OMS instances must be upgraded in a multi-OMS environment.

Agent Upgrade Console consists of the Agent Upgrade Tasks tab, and the Post Agent Upgrade Tasks tab.

  • You can use the Agent Upgrade Tasks tab to upgrade central agents, view the central agents that cannot be upgraded, and view the summary of central agent upgrade jobs.

  • You can use the Post Agent Upgrade Tasks tab to clean up the old directories of the upgraded central agents, and view a summary of the central agent clean up jobs. To access the Agent Upgrade Console, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade Agents.

Overview of the Gold Agent Images Console in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

The Gold Agent Images Console is a graphical user interface that is built into the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. The console acts as a single-window solution to mass-upgrade your existing standalone Management Agents. Standalone Management Agents are Management Agents installed on unmanaged hosts to convert them to managed hosts and monitor the targets running on them.

To access the Gold Agent Images Console, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Gold Agent Images.

Gold Agent Images Console

Using the Gold Agent Images Console, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Provision new Management Agents.

  • Update any existing Management Agents.

    • Upgrade your Management Agents (that is, upgrading the Management Agent software).

    • Deploy new plug-ins on your Management Agents.

    • Upgrade the existing plug-ins that are deployed on your Management Agents.

    • Deploy patches on your Management Agents.

    • Deploy patches on the plug-ins that are deployed on your Management Agents.

  • Check the Agent Gold Image compliance level to identify what percentage of Management Agents in your environment are already associated with an Agent Gold Image, and what percentage are not.

  • Track the Agent Gold Image activities, such as the gold image jobs submitted, their status, the start and end time of the activity, and so on.

Changes to the OPSS Schema After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

After the Enterprise Manager system is upgraded, SYSMAN122130_OPSS is used instead of SYSMANUPGR_OPSS for the Oracle Platform Security Service (OPSS) schema.

Manually Shutdown OMC Data Collector and Cloud Agent Before Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4

If you are using Oracle Management Cloud (OMC) agents, you need to shutdown the Data Collector and Cloud Agent connecting to the repository database before starting the upgrade process to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.

Since OMC Data Collector is an integration product that pulls data from Oracle Enterprise Manager schema, customers who are using OMC need to shutdown the Data Collector and Cloud Agent configured in the repository database prior to upgrading to Enterprise Manager 13c or it can cause problems with locking during the upgrade to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.