J Setting up RUEI against a remote database Service

This appendix contains information on setting up RUEI against a remote database service including the pluggable database.

In a standard setup, the Reporter Database Instance is created using ruei-prepare-db.sh which, along with other helper scripts, is to be executed on the host on which the Oracle Database software is installed. There are cases, however, in which you do not have access to the command-line of the database server, or where having to copy the scripts over is inconvenient. This includes Pluggable Database setups.

The sections in this appendix describe the following:


  • An existing database instance or Pluggable Database. The database instance or Container Database (if using a Pluggable Database) needs to be configured using paragraph B.1 and B.2 of Generic Database Instance Setup as a reference for the required options (e.g. Character Set).

  • The fully-qualified connection string to the remote database service. In case of a pluggable database setup, this should be the name of the pluggable database, not the container database.

  • The password for the SYS user who has sysdba rights. In case of a pluggable database setup, this should be the -global- SYS user.

Setting Up

To set up RUEI, do the following:

  • As the root user, run the following commands:

    • cd /usr/local

    • tar xzf /root/RUEI/mkstore/mkstore-

  • This installs the mkstore utility to /usr/local/mkstore- To make the install directory version independent, create a more generic symlink running the following command:

    • ln -s /usr/local/mkstore- /usr/local/mkstore

  • Add/change the following settings in /etc/ruei.conf:

    • export DEFAULT_TABLESPACE=<name_of_default_tablespace>

    • export REMOTE_DB=1

    • export DBCONNECT="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=<databasehostname>)(Port=<port>))(CONNECT_DATA=(service_name=<service name>)))"

    • export RUEI_DB_INST=<name of service or sid>

    • export MKSTORE_BIN=/usr/local/mkstore/mkstore

    All values between <> serve as an example. Replace them with values appropriate to your setup.

Running ruei-prepare-db.sh

Running ruei-prepare-db.sh on the reporter system:

Make ruei-prepare-db.sh and the sql_scripts subdirectory available to the $RUEI_USER user (e.g. /tmp) and set the proper permissions by running the following commands:

  • cd /tmp

  • chmod +x ruei-prepare-db.sh

  • chmod -R +r sql_scripts/

As the $RUEI_USER user, run the following commands:

  • cd /tmp

  • ./ruei-prepare-db.sh create

The ruei-prepare-db.sh script will execute all regular steps, except creating the instance and will prompt for the password of the database SYS user, a password for the RUEI user, and a password for the wallet.