Configuration Management

Cloud Control collects configuration information for all managed targets across the enterprise. Collected configuration information is periodically sent to the Management Repository over HTTP or HTTPS, allowing you to access up-to-date configuration information for your entire enterprise through Cloud Control.

Cloud Control enables you to view, save, track, compare, search, and customize collected configuration information for all managed targets known to Enterprise Manager. Additionally, the Configuration Topology Viewer provides a visual layout of a target's relationships with other targets; for example, you can determine a system's structure by viewing the members of a system and their interrelationships.

Table 22-1 provides a snippet of configuration information collected for a small sampling of target types as an example.

Table 22-1 Collected Configurations for Various Targets

Target Type Collected Configuration Information

HostFoot 1

  • Hardware (includes memory, CPU, I/O device, and network information)

  • Operating system (includes installed patches and patch sets)

  • Oracle software (includes installed products and their components, patch sets, and interim patches applied using OPatch)

  • Other software (Operating system includes installed packages and patch sets)

  • Ksplice kernel patches and select userspace libraries

DatabaseFoot 2

  • Database and instance properties

  • Initialization and System Global Area parameters

  • Tablespace, datafile, and control file information

  • Redo logs, rollback segments, and high availability information

  • Licensing information

Middleware such as WebLogic Server

  • Node Manager, machine, Web service, and Web service port configurations

  • Resource Adapter, including outbound

  • Web and EJB modules

  • Server information

  • JDBC Datasource and Multi Datasource

  • Resource usage

  • Virtual hosts

  • Startup Shutdown classes

  • Jolt Connection Pool

  • Work Manager

  • JMS Topic, Queue and Connection Factory

  • Network channels

Elastic Cloud Infrastructure

  • Switch details

  • Storage appliance details

  • Compute node details (including associated "Host" target GUID)

  • Switch ports configuration

  • Network topology (switch port - device association metric)

VM Server Pool

  • Server Pool configuration details (total disk space and memory available, for example)

  • VM Guest member details

  • VM Server member details


  • Hardware

  • Operating system (includes properties, file systems, patches)

  • Software registered with the operating system

  • Network data (includes latency and bandwidth to the Web server)

  • Client-specific data that describes configuration for the browser used to access the client configuration collection applet

  • Other client-oriented data items

Non-Oracle Systems

  • Hardware details including vendor, architecture, CPU, and I/O device information.

  • Operating system details including name, version, software and package lists, kernel parameters, and file system information.

  • OS Registered software including product name, vendor, location, and installation time.


vCPU is a Engineered Systems Management Framework having Virtualization enabled on it to gather data about maximum VCPU used by products or license editions deployed on the system. It reports maximum-vcpu consumed by individual engineered-systems and all engineered-systems of a type for 3 time periods hourly, daily, and monthly. Engineered Systems currently registered with ECM VCPU are:

  • Exalogic system
  • Exalytics system

To enable collection of VCPU data for an Engineered System integrator for the system needs to register with ECM VCPU. Registration happens via MRS using xml.

Footnote 1

The default collection period for host configuration information is 24 hours.

Footnote 2

The default collection period for database configuration information is 12 hours.

Use Cloud Control to manage enterprise configurations:

  • Search collected configuration data

  • Compare configurations

  • View latest and saved configurations as well as inventory and usage details

  • Monitor configuration history for changes

  • Build configuration extensions and introduce custom target types

  • Collect and analyze external client configurations

  • Perform root cause analysis and impact analysis