2 Installing and Configuring Collections Manager

You can install the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Collections Manager software. Installation includes both client and server components.


Collections Manager Reports are installed separately. See "Installing BRM Reports" in BRM Reports.

Topics in this document:

Installing and Configuring Collections Manager Server

The Collections Manager server components include opcodes, utilities, and storable classes.

Installing Collections Manager

You can install Collections Manager in the BRM_home directory. For instructions, see "Installing Individual BRM Components" in BRM Installation Guide.

Configuring Collections Manager

This section describes how to configure the Collections Manager software.

Updating Partitions

If your event tables are partitioned during installation, run the partition_utils utility with the -o update parameter from the BRM_home/apps/partition_utils directory:

perl partition_utils.pl -o update

For more information, see "Updating Partitions" and "partition_utils" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Configuring the pin_bill_day Script to Run Collections

To run collections automatically, you need to edit the pin_bill_day script.

  1. Open the pin_bill_day script in a text editor. The script is located in BRM_home\bin.

  2. Find the Collections Manager section of the script. If the following lines are commented out, remove the comment marks:

    cd ${PINDIR}/apps/pin_collections
  3. Save and close the file.

Uninstalling BRM Collections Manager

To uninstall BRM Collections Manager, See "Uninstalling Optional Components" in BRM Installation Guide.

Installing Collections Manager Client

Before installing BRM Collections Configuration Center, you must install:

Table 2-1 shows the disk space required to download, extract, and install the Collections Manager client application:

Table 2-1 Disk Space Requirements

Application Required Space (MB)

Collections Configuration Center


Installation Collections Configuration Center

You install the Collections Configuration Center in the same way that you install other BRM clients. See "Installing BRM Clients" in BRM Installation Guide.

Uninstalling Collections Configuration Center

To uninstall Collections Configuration Center, See "Uninstalling BRM Client Applications" in BRM Installation Guide.