13 Price Selectors

A price selector associates event, service, and account attributes with prices. You use a price selector in a charge to apply prices based on price selector rules.

To work with price selectors, see the following topics:

For overview information, see "About Selectors" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

Creating a Price Selector

To create a price selector:

  1. In the Pricing section of the navigation pane, under Models and Selectors, click Create Price Selector.

    The Create Price Selector page appears.

  2. Specify general information for the price selector. See "Specifying Price Selector General Information".

  3. Select the attributes that you want to use in the rules for the price selector. See "Selecting Rule Attributes".

  4. Create the rules for the price selector. See "Creating Price Selector Rules".

  5. When you have completed adding the rules, click Finish.

    The overview page for the price selector appears.

Specifying Price Selector General Information

To specify general information for the price selector:

  1. In the General Information section, enter a name and description for the price selector.

  2. (Optional) From the Service list, select the service for which you want to create the price selector.

  3. (Optional) From the Event list, select the event for which you want to create the price selector.

  4. From the Pricing Profile list, select the pricing profile to associate with the price selector.

Selecting Rule Attributes

You select rule attributes that you want to use to define price selector rules.

To select the rule attributes:

  1. In the Select Fields for Rules section, click the Add icon in the table.

    The Select Field dialog box appears.

  2. Select the fields that you want to use to define price selector rules and click OK. Hold down the Ctrl key to make multiple selections.

    The selected fields are added to the table with default values.

    The same fields are used for all the rules in the price selector. You can override the default values and set specific values in the rule to limit the fields that you want used in a rule.

  3. In the Value Type column, select the type of value the field contains.

    • If you select Value of Another Field, in the Default column, select the other field.

  4. In the Default column, enter the default value for the field.

    An asterisk (*) specifies the field can contain any value.

Creating Price Selector Rules

To create price selector rules:

  1. (Optional) In the Rules section, from the Effective Period list, click Manage to add or change an effective period.

    The effective period indicates when the rules in the price selector are valid.

    The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.

  2. Click the Add icon in the table to add a new rule.

    A row is added to the table.

  3. In the Rule Name column, enter a name for the rule.

  4. In the subsequent columns, enter or modify the values for each of the rule attributes that you selected previously.

  5. In the Price column, do one of the following:

    • To create a pricing configuration for the rule, select Create.

      In the Price section, enter a name for the price. In the Pricing Details section, configure the balance impact.

    • To search for an existing pricing configuration from the price selector, select Search.

    • To modify the pricing configuration, select Edit.

The table lists the rules in the order that the rules are evaluated. You can select a rule and move it up or down if you wish to reorder the rules. See "Working with Tables".

Create Price Selector Page Reference

Use the Create Price Selector page to create rules that associate event, service, and account attributes with prices.

For a description of the fields, see:

General Information Section

Use the General Information section to provide general information for the price selector.

Field Description

Name, Description

Enter a unique name and a description for the price selector.


(Optional) Select the service for which you want to create the price selector.


(Optional) Select the event for which you want to create the price selector rules.

Pricing Profile

Select the pricing profile to associate with the price selector.

Select Fields for Rules Section

Use the Select Fields for Rules section to select the fields that you want to use in the price selector rules.

Column Description


Displays the fields that you have selected to define price selector rules.

The same fields are used for all the rules in the price selector. You can override the default values and set specific values in the rule to limit the fields that you want used in a rule.

Value Type

Select the type of value that the field contains.

  • Single Value: The field contains a single value.

  • Value of Another Field: The field contains the value of another field. If you select this option, in the Default column, select the other field.


Displays the relationship between the rule's default field value and the value in the subscriber, service, or event field.

The equal sign appears next to the field names when you define the rules. The value of the field in the subscriber, service, or event must match the value of the field in the rule.


Enter a default value for the field.

An asterisk (*) specifies the field can contain any value.

If the field is limited to predefined values, a list of values appears. Select a value from the list.

If Value of Another Field is selected for Value Type, the Select Field dialog box appears. In the Select Field dialog box, select the field you want.

Rules Section

Use the Rules section to define price selector rules and associate each rule to a pricing.

The table in this section lists the rules in the order that the rules are evaluated. The price selector returns the price of the first rule that matches the values in the event.

You can select a rule and move it up or down if you wish to reorder the rules.

Field Description

Effective Period

(Optional) Set the start and end dates to specify the period when the rules in the price selector are valid.

The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.

From the Effective Period list, click Manage to add or change an effective period. See "Manage Effective Periods Dialog Box".

Column Description


Enter the rule's priority.

This table displays rules in numerical order, starting with priority 1. The rules are evaluated in order of priority.

Reorder a rule in either of the following ways:

  • Click the Move Rule Up or Move Rule Down icon.

  • Change the rule's priority number. PDC moves the rule to its new place.

The priority numbers of all rules affected by the move are changed.

Rule Name

Enter a name for the rule.

Field Name

(Optional) Select an operator and enter a value.

You can select one of the following operators:

  • Equals or Not Equals

  • In or Not In

  • Matches or Not Matches

Note: The NOT operators can be used only if you are using ECE for the usage charging.

To apply the rule to a subscriber, service, or event, the field value must match the corresponding subscriber, service, or event value.

Note: An asterisk (*) matches all values in the corresponding subscriber, service, or event field.


Create a pricing instance or select an existing pricing instance to associate with the rule.

Pricing Details Section

Use the Pricing Details section to configure pricing for the price selector rule.

Field Description

Price tier tabs

If a pricing uses more than one RUM, a tab appears for each RUM. These tabs are called price tiers.

Used By

Click this button to display a hierarchical view of all components that use the pricing.

Quantity Range

Click the link to specify the range for level of usage or frequency of occurrence used for the pricing.

Add Quantity Range

Add Quantity Range icon

Click this icon to add a quantity range to pricing.

Change Price

Change Price icon

Click this icon to specify the components affected by a pricing change.

Minimum Charges

Minimum Charges icon

Click this icon to set a minimum charge for the balance elements in pricing.

Add Balance Impact

Add Balance Impact icon

Click this icon to add a balance impact to pricing.

Add Counter

Add Counter icon

Click this icon to add a counter to pricing.


Select whether to credit or debit a balance or to increase or decrease a counter.


Specify the amount of balance impact.

Balance Element

Select the balance element to debit or credit.

Per Unit

Select the type of unit to which the charge applies.The selected unit should be related to the RUM associated with the charge. For example, if the RUM is Duration and the units specified in the RUM are seconds, select a unit that can be converted to seconds, such as Minute.


Select the increment that is used to determine the charge.

For example, if the charge is 40 cents per minute, increment is 2 minutes, and rounding is set to Round Up, the quantity will be rounded up to 2 minutes and the charge will be 80 cents.

Amount Is Valid

Click the link to display the Amount Is Valid dialog box. Select the validity period for the balance impact.


Select the general ledger ID (G/L ID) assigned to the event.


(Only for recurring charges) Select Do not prorate to prevent the proration settings in a charge from applying to the balance impact.

Search for Pricing Dialog Box

Use the Search for Pricing dialog box to find pricing to add to a price selector.

Field Description

Pricing Component

Specifies the type of pricing component to search for.

This field displays Pricing.


Displays the pricing profile associated with the price selector.


(Optional) Enter a full or partial name of the pricing to search for. Select an operator from the operator list, and then enter a value in the field next to the operator list.

Leading and trailing whitespaces are removed from the search criteria. If embedded whitespaces need to be included in the search, use '% %' in place of the whitespace in your search criteria.

Results Table

The Results table lists the pricing instances that match the search criteria. Select the pricing instance and click OK.

Column Description


Displays the pricing instances that match the search criteria.


Displays a description of each pricing instance.


Displays the status of the pricing instances:

  • Draft: The pricing is only visible to the user.

  • Promoted: The pricing has been validated and is visible for other users to use.