32 PDC XML Tags

Learn about various PDC XML tags and what each tag means. This is useful when importing pricing or configuration data to and exporting pricing or configuration data from PDC using the ImportExportPricing utility.

For more information, see "About Using the XML Pricing Interface to Create Product Offerings".

Topics in this document:

Charge Offer

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure charge offers in the XML pricing interface.

Charge offers determine the price of one or more events associated with a service. For more information, see "Configuring Charge Offers".


This is the main tag for configuring a charge offer in PDC. Table 32-1 describes the fields in the chargeOffering tag.

Table 32-1 chargeOffering

Field Name Description
name Unique name of the charge offer. PDC does not allow creation of offerings with duplicate names. It is VARCHAR2 (255).
description Description of the charge offer. It is VARCHAR2 (255).
internalId Unique ID (UUID) internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It is a unique internal ID for all charge offer, discount offer, bundles, and configurations in PDC and cannot be the same for any other pricing or configuration entity.
applicableQuantity This can be REMAINING or ORIGINAL based on the charge offer type.
dateRangeImpactType When you add balance impacts with new date ranges to an existing charge offer, whether existing subscriptions move to the new balance impact or continue with the old balance impact:
  • EVENT_DATE: The charge event date determines which balance impacts are applied.

  • PURCHASE_DATE: The original purchase date determines which balance impacts are applied.

  • INSTANTIATED_DATE: The original service instantiation date determines which balance impacts are applied. For products that have the first usage attribute for Purchase, this field is set with actual purchase time and will be used to filter the products for events prior to their subscription (for backdated or future dated scenarios).

See "Using Date Ranges for Versioning" for information and examples.


Boolean flag for triggering notifications to be sent to your customers when the charge offer is about to expire.

See "Specifying Which Expiring Products Trigger Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.


Boolean flag to enable the charge offer to be shared with all members of a product sharing group when it is purchased by the group's owner.

See "Sharing Products Automatically with Sharing Group Members" for information and examples.

obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
offerType The type of charge offer:
  • Item: A one-time purchase fee. Only item is created for the charges and there is no purchased product instance for this subscription.
  • Subscription: Charges for any type and combination of events, including one-time, recurring, usage, rollover, remittance, and fold. These charges apply only to the subscriber who owns the charge offer. Item and purchased product instance are created in BRM for this option.
  • System: Charges that apply to all subscribers who use a particular service. These type of offers do not require subscription and are effective on the subscriber at the system level.

Specify the maximum number of charge offers that a customer can own at one time. -1 means unlimited.

For example, if a website charge offer provides 100 MB of disk space, you can limit customers to 500 MB by setting the maximum ownership quantity to 5.

ownMin Specify the minimum number of charge offers that a customer can own at one time. -1 means unlimited.

Boolean flag to enable partial purchases.

This option is used to determine whether customers can purchase only part of a charge offer.

policySpecification Policy specification is made up of one or more counter policies, each of which defines a gradation in the quality of service (QoS) based on the subscriber's service usage. For example, you can have a policy specification named Platinum for a data service and a balance element for it as Megabytes Used. You can define a counter policy labeled Fair Usage, which has three levels, Low QoS, Medium QoS, and High QoS, with each level containing a usage range valid for that quality of service, such as 100-150, 150-200, and 200-No Maximum megabytes.
priceListName This is configured as Default by default.

The pricing profile determines which features are supported for the charge. PDC determines the pricingProfileName once the charge category and charge type are selected.

Possible values:
  • Convergent Usage
  • Product Offering
  • Standard ChargeSharing
  • Standard Discount
  • Subscription ChargeSharing
  • Subscription Discount
  • Subscription

To find out the actual pricingProfileName loaded in the system, query the PDC database:

select name, pricingProfileType from aPricingProfile where entityClass = 'PricingProfileDAO' order by pricingProfileType, name;


Priority for the charge offer.

When more than one charge offer applies to the same event, this priority determines the order in which your billing system considers the charge offers. The higher the number, the higher the priority. 0 is the lowest priority.

productSpecName The service type to which the charge offer applies.

Provisioning tag for the charge offer.

In BRM, provisioning tags are used to implement extended rating attributes (ERAs), such as a discount for calls to friends and family on a subscriber's birthday, or to configure telco service extensions and supplementary services, such as call forwarding and call blocking.


How to align product validity:

  • Integer: Aligns offer validity to a specific day of the month, with valid values from 1 through 31.

  • 0: Aligns offer validity to the billing date.

See "Aligning Recurring Charges and Product Validity to a Specific Day of the Month" for information and examples.

purchaseMax Specify the maximum number of charge offers that a customer can buy at one time. -1 means unlimited.
purchaseMin Specify the minimum number of charge offers that a customer can buy at one time. -1 means unlimited.


Boolean flag for triggering notifications to be sent to your customers before the subscription is due for renewal.

See "Specifying Which Subscription Renewals Trigger Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.

TaxExemptionSelectorGroup This XML tag contains information about the tax exemption selector to be used for the charge offer. See "TaxExemptionSelectorGroup".

Select a supplier tax ID for the charge offer.

This ID specifies the company or corporate division that sells the product and is responsible for collecting taxes for it.


The time range during which the offer is available for purchase in the format startingTime/endingTime.

The default is 0/inf, which specifies a time range from now to never ends.


Specify whether to start the charge offer's validity period at the purchase time or midnight of the purchase day.

  • OFF: Starts at the time of purchase. This overrides the CM pin.conf setting at the charge offer level.

  • ON: Starts at midnight (00:00:00) of the day that the charge offer is purchased. This overrides the CM pin.conf setting at the charge offer level.

  • NOT_SET: Uses the systemwide setting in the CM pin.conf file. This is the default.


Specify how to calculate the scale:

  • OFF: Calculates it based on the <validityRounding> setting.

  • ON: Calculates it based on full days.

The XML tag inside the ChargeOffering (CO) XML tag which illustrates the event details related with the CO. This tag can occur multiple times in the CO tag based on how many events are mapped inside a Single CO. See "chargeEventMap".

Note: You can map multiple events inside the CO but for override capability, you must only map single type of event under each CO. There will be one-to-one mapping of CO with ChargeEventMap.


The TaxExemptionSelectorGroup tag represents the tax exemption selector information for the charge offer. Table 32-2 describes the fields in the TaxExemptionSelectorGroup tag.

Table 32-2 TaxExemptionSelectorGroup

Field Name Description

The name of the tax exemption selector

taxExemptionSelectorIID The ID of the tax exemption selector


The chargeEventMap tag is present for each individual event type that a product offering will rate. It maps a given event type to the charging rules for those events. Table 32-3 describes the fields in the chargeEventMap tag.

Table 32-3 chargeEventMap

Field Name Description
eventName Name of the event. For example, EventDelayedSessionTelcoGsm (/event/delayed/session/telco/gsm in BRM) is used for usage events, while EventBillingProductFeeCycleCycle_forward_monthly (/event/billing/product/fee/cycle/cycle_forward_monthly) represents a monthly recurring fee (in-advance).
validIfCancelled Charge even if the instantiated product offering status is canceled. BRM offering statuses are:
  • 1 = active
  • 2 = inactive
  • 3 = canceled
validIfInactive Charge even if the instantiated product offering status is inactive.
timezoneMode Determines the time zone used to rate an event:
  • From ACCOUNT: Uses the time zone in which the account is registered.
  • From EVENT: Uses the time zone in which the event occurs.

For example, if you make a call from California and your account is registered in New York:

  • If you select From Account, New York time is used.
  • If you select From Event, California time is used.

Minimum value that the RUM quantity is rounded to. Value smaller than min_quantity is rounded to min_quantity. Minimum quantity starts from 0 by default.

For example, if an event had a duration of 10 seconds, and the minimum quantity is configured as 30, then 30 seconds would be rated. If the duration of the event were 45 seconds, 45 seconds would be rated.

minQuantityUnit Unit in which min_quantity is expressed. Possible values are:
  • NONE (0)
  • SECOND (1)
  • MINUTE (2)
  • HOUR (3)
  • DAY (4)
incrementQuantity Incremental value to round RUM Quantity to. RUM Quantity is always rounded to an integral multiple of the Incremental Quantity. For example, if the incrementQuantity is configured as 30 for a RUM of seconds, then the amount to rate would be rounded to that increment (see roundingMode) and a 43 second call would be rated as 60 seconds (if rounding up) or 30 seconds (if rounding down).
incrementQuantityUnit Units that incrementQuantity is specified in (see "minQuantityUnit").
roundingMode Specifies how RUM quantity is rounded. Possible values are:
  • Up (0)
  • Down (1)
  • Nearest (2)

How to apply cycle fees and rollovers when customers purchase subscriptions in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • NO_CHARGE: Do not apply a cycle fee.

  • FULL_CHARGE: Apply the full cycle fee.

  • PRORATE_CHARGE: Calculate the cycle fee based on the amount of time the subscription was owned in the billing cycle. This is the default.


How to apply cycle fees and rollovers when customers cancel subscriptions in the middle of their billing cycle:

  • NO_CHARGE: Do not apply a cycle fee.

  • FULL_CHARGE: Apply the full cycle fee.

  • PRORATE_CHARGE: Calculate the cycle fee based on the amount of time the subscription was owned in the billing cycle. This is the default.


How to apply cycle fees when customers change their billing day of the month (DOM) during any billing cycle:

  • NO_CHARGE: Do not apply a cycle fee.

  • FULL_CHARGE: Apply the full cycle fee.

  • PRORATE_CHARGE: Calculate the cycle fee based on the amount of time the subscription was owned in the billing cycle. This is the default.

chargeRatePlanName Name of the charge configuration inside the CO at a granular and more detailed level. Charge Configuration name can be any name such as OneTime charge, MRC, Rollover, FreeSMS, FreeVoice, and so on.
ratePlanIID Charge rate plan IID generated internally by PDC system for the chargeEventMap XML tag.
chargeRatePlanInfo The target engine where the pricing or configuration information is published. ECE means Rating Engine, BRE means batch rating sync to Pipeline component in BRM, and RRE means Realtime sync to BRM system. See "chargeRatePlanInfo".


The chargeRatePlanInfo tag represents the target engine where information about the charge offer is to be published. Table 32-4 describes the field in the chargeRatePlanInfo tag.

Table 32-4 chargeRatePlanInfo

Field Name Description
The target engine where the information about this charge offer is to be published. Possible values are:
  • BRE
  • ECE
  • RRE

This is automatically taken care of by the ImportExportPricing utility.


The root tag for configuring the charge rate plan. This captures details such as the target rating engine, tax code, time model, and so on. Table 32-5 describes the fields in the chargeRatePlan tag.

Table 32-5 chargeRatePlan

Field Name Description
priceListName This is configured as Default by default.

Convergent Usage for usage events.

Subscription for one-time and recurring events.

taxCode The tax code used for the charge. You can use either this parameter or TaxSelectorGroup, but not both.
TaxSelectorGroup The name of the tax selector group to use for the charge. You can use either this parameter or taxCode, but not both.

Displays the RUMs used in the charge.

RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement.

In a charge, the pricing for each RUM is contained in a price tier. If a charge uses multiple RUMs, each tier appears in a subtab in the Pricing Details section of the charge tab.

Applicable quantity types. Valid values are:

When the charge is taxed:

  • NONE: Do not apply taxes.

  • EVENT_TIME: Taxes are calculated when the event is rated, and they are added to the customer's account balance. This way, you always have an accurate reading of a customer's account balance at any time in the accounting cycle.

  • BILLING_TIME: Taxes are calculated when the bill is generated. Deferring tax calculation to the billing process reduces rounding errors because all events of the same type are calculated together. For example, taxes are calculated on the total amount of usage fees rather than on individual usage events.

  • DYNAMIC: Taxes are calculated at billing time using the tax rate at the time the event occurred. This provides the benefits of billing-time taxation while allowing you to change tax rates in the middle of a billing cycle. For example, assume a recurring charge's tax rate changes from 2% to 3% on May 15. If a billing cycle ends on May 30, BRM would use the 2% rate to calculate the charge's April 30 through May 14 taxes and the 3% rate to calculate the charge's May 15 through May 29 taxes.

todMode Indicates if events should be rated using startTime, endTime, or split to use both.
applicableQtyTreatment Indicates if applicable quantity should be treated continuous or isolated.
permittedName The service to which the charge applies.
permittedType Specifies whether it is a product or a customer type.

How to align recurring charges:

  • 0: Recurring charges are aligned to the billing date.

    For example, if the billing date is the 1st of the month and the charge offer is purchased on January 10, the charge is prorated and applied on January 10 for the interval January 10 to February 1. For subsequent cycles, the charge is applied on the billing date (for the interval February 1 to March 1, March 1 to April 1, and so on).

  • 1: Recurring charges are applied on the product purchase date.

    Using the previous example, the charge is applied on the 10th of every month (for the interval January 10 to February 10, February 10 to March 10, and so on).

See "Aligning Recurring Charges and Product Validity to a Specific Day of the Month" for information and examples.

billOffset Specifies the offset (in days or months) to bill in advance.
subscriberCurrency The three letter ISO code for currency.


The TaxSelectorGroup tag represents the tax selector information for the charge. describes the fields in the TaxSelectorGroup tag.

Table 32-6 TaxExemptionSelectorGroup

Field Name Description

The name of the tax selector

taxSelectorIID The ID of the tax selector


Table 32-7 describes the fields in subscriberCurrency tag.

Table 32-7 subscriberCurrency

Field Name Description

Charge rate plan relative date range. See "crpRelDateRange".


Generic pop model. It can be one-time, recurring, or usage type. See "crpCompositePopModel".


RUMs are ways in which you can measure events. The most common RUMs are Duration and Volume. Before you create product offerings, you must define the RUMs available for rating. You define RUMs when you create the service-event map. For each event, you specify the RUMs that can be used for rating it. See "applicableRum".


Table 32-8 describes the relative date range validity of the charge rate plan.

Table 32-8 crpRelDateRange

Field Name Description

Container for defining the effective date range for a fixed period. See "absoluteDateRange".


Container for defining a relative date range for a product purchase. See "relativeDateRange".


Table 32-9 describes the absolute date range validity of the charge rate plan.

Table 32-9 absoluteDateRange

Field Name Description
startDate Start date for the fixed period.
endDate End date for the fixed period.


Table 32-10 describes the relative date range details.

Table 32-10 relativeDateRange

Field Name Description
startOffset Number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the purchase time that the charge takes effect.
startUnit Days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the purchase time that the charge takes effect.
endOffset Number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the start time that the charge is no longer effective.
endUnit Days, hours, minutes, or seconds after the start time that the charge is no longer effective.
base Indicates the base type. Valid value: PRODUCT_PURCHASE


Table 32-11 describes the fields in the crpCompositePopModel tag.

Table 32-11 crpCompositePopModel

Field Name Description
oneTimePopModel OneTimeProdOfferPriceModel to define the Balance Impacts for OneTime event types. For example, Product Purchase Fee, Product Cancel Fee, and so on. See "oneTimePopModel".
recurringPopModel A RecurringProdOfferPriceModel to define the Balance Impacts for Recurring event types. For example, Monthly Cycle Forward fee. See "recurringPopModel".
usageChargePopModel UsageProdOfferPriceModel to define the Balance Impacts for Usage event types. For example, Telco Gsm Telephony Usage charges. See "usageChargePopModel".


Table 32-12 describes the fields in the applicableRum tag.

Table 32-12 applicableRum

Field Name Description
minQuantity Minimum value that the RUM quantity is rounded to. Value smaller than min_quantity is rounded to min_quantity.
minQuantityUnit The unit for minQuantity. Possible values are:
  • NONE (0)
  • SECOND (1)
  • MINUTE (2)
  • HOUR (3)
  • DAY (4)
incrementQuantity Incremental value to round RUM Quantity to. RUM Quantity is always rounded to an integral multiple of the Incr Quantity.
incrementQuantityUnit Units that incrementQuantity is specified in.
roundingMode Specifies how RUM quantity is rounded. Possible values are:
  • Up (0)
  • Down (1)
  • Nearest (2)


Table 32-13 describes the field in the oneTimePopModel tag.

Table 32-13 oneTimePopModel

Field Name Description
priceTier Container object to define the price tier. See "priceTier (OneTimePriceTier)".

priceTier (OneTimePriceTier)

Table 32-14 describes the fields in the priceTier tag.

Table 32-14 priceTier (OneTimePriceTier)

Field Name Description
lowerBound Starting value for the range.
tierBasis Container object to define charge tier expression. See "tierBasis".

Whether to enforce credit limits or let customers exceed them.

See "Enforcing or Exceeding Credit Limits" for information and possible values.

tierRange Container object to define charge tier range. See "tierRange".


Table 32-15 describes the field in the tierBasis tag.

Table 32-15 tierBasis

Field Name Description
AChargeTierExpression Base abstract entity for Tier Expression.


Table 32-16 describes the fields in the tierRange tag.

Table 32-16 tierRange

Field Name Description

Nonrecurring charges, such as setup or cancellation fees. See "oneTimeCharge".


Ongoing charges that are not generated or affected by usage, such as a monthly subscription fee. See "recurringCharge".


Table 32-17 describes the fields in the oneTimeCharge tag.

Table 32-17 oneTimeCharge

Field Name Description
price The amount to debit or credit.
unitOfMeasure The type of unit, such as Minute or Byte, to which the charge applies.
balanceElementNumCode Numeric code for the balance element.
discountable Boolean flag to make a balance impact discountable.
priceType Type of impact: grant or consumption.
impactType Used to specify whether the impact is fixed or scaled.


Table 32-18 describes the fields in the recurringPopModel tag.

Table 32-18 recurringPopModel

Field Name Description
priceTier Defines recurring product offer price model. See "priceTier (RecurringPriceTier)".

priceTier (RecurringPriceTier)

Table 32-19 describes the fields in the priceTier (RecurringPriceTier) tag.

Table 32-19 priceTier (RecurringPriceTier)

Field Name Description
lowerBound Starting value for the range.
tierBasis Container object to define charge tier expression.

Whether to enforce credit limits or let customers exceed them.

See "Enforcing or Exceeding Credit Limits" for information and possible values.

tierRange Container object to define charge tier range.


Table 32-20 describes the fields in the recurringCharge tag.

Table 32-20 recurringCharge

Field Name Description
price The amount of debit or credit.
unitOfMeasure The type of unit, such as Minute or Byte, to which the charge applies.
balanceElementNumCode Numeric code for the balance element.
discountable Boolean flag to make a balance impact discountable.
priceType Type of impact: grant or consumption.
impactType Used to specify whether the impact is fixed or scaled.
proratable Boolean flag to set proration.


Table 32-21 describes the fields in the usageChargePopModel tag.

Table 32-21 usageChargePopModel

Field Name Description
priceTier Defines usage charge product offer price model. See "priceTier".


Table 32-22 describes the fields in the priceTier tag.

Table 32-22 priceTier

Field Name Description
Quantity range selection:
  • UP_FRONT: Pick the quantity range containing the value.
  • FROM_BAL_IMPACT: Distribute value across applicable quantity ranges.
tierBasis Container object to define charge tier expression.
priceTierValidityPeriod Validity period for the price tier. See "priceTierValidityPeriod".


Table 32-23 describes the fields in the priceTierValidityPeriod tag.

Table 32-23 priceTierValidityPeriod

Field Name Description
lowerBound Starting value for the range.
validFrom Defines the start of the validity period. 0 means immediate.
priceTierRange Container object to define price tier range. See "priceTierRange".


Table 32-24 describes the fields in the priceTierRange tag.

Table 32-24 priceTierRange

Field Name Description


End value for the range. Supported for backward compatibility.


Defines the end value for a quantity range or the noncurrency balance element to consume. See "upperBoundExpression".

Supported in PDC Patch Set 8 and later.


Defines scaled charge pop. See "scaledCharge".


Defines fixed charge pop.


Table 32-25 describes the fields in the upperBoundExpression tag.

Table 32-25 upperBoundExpression

Field Name Description


Defines the granted allowance to consume. See "balanceTBExpression".


Defines the end value for a quantity range. See "numberTBExpression".


Table 32-26 describes the fields in the balanceTBExpression tag.

Table 32-26 balanceTBExpression

Field Name Description


The ID for the noncurrency balance element.


Table 32-27 describes the field in the numberTBExpression tag.

Table 32-27 numberTBExpression

Field Name Description


The end value for a quantity range.


Table 32-28 describes the fields in the scaledCharge tag.

Table 32-28 scaledCharge

Field Name Description

The amount to debit or credit.


The type of unit, such as Minute or Byte, to which the charge applies.


Numeric code for the balance element, such as 640 for US dollars.


Boolean flag to make a balance impact discountable.


Type of impact: GRANT or CONSUMPTION.


The number of units to which the charge applies.

For example, for a mobile phone service, you might charge 0.40 US dollars for every minute of usage in 2-minute increments. In this example:
  • Amount is 0.40.
  • Balance Element is US dollars.
  • Per Unit is Minute.
  • Increment is 2.

The type of rounding, which is based on the specified increment. For example, if a 3-minute-and-50-second call is rated in 2-minute increments, it is handled as follows:

  • None: Not applicable. (Applies only to an increment of 1).

  • Round Down: Charge for 2 minutes ($0.80).

  • Round Up: Charge for 4 minutes ($1.60).

Discount Offer

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure discount offers in the XML pricing interface.

A discount offer is a purchasable product offering, similar to a charge offer. You can use discount offers to reduce a charge by a percentage, or to consume or grant balance elements. For more information, see "Creating Discount Offers".


This is the main tag for configuring discount offers in PDC. Most of the tags are the same as for charge offers, except for the tags mentioned below. Table 32-29 describes the fields in the alterationOffering tag.

Table 32-29 alterationOffering

Field Name Description
applicableChargeAndQuantity Determines how the discounts are applied to the charge when a charge is eligible for multiple discount offers.
  • ORIGINAL_CHARGE: The discount offer is applied to the original charge amount, regardless of whether that amount was reduced by previous discount offers.
  • REMAINING_CHARGE: The discount offer is applied to the remaining charge amount after previous discount offers are applied.
  • UNUSED_CHARGE_QUANTITY: The discount offer is applied only to the part of the charge and quantity that have not been used as the basis for a previous discount offer.

This option is not valid for discount offers that credit a balance.


This is the XML tag inside the AlterationOffering (DO) XML tag which illustrates the event details related with the DO. This tag can occur multiple times in the DO tag based on how many events are mapped inside a Single DO.

Note: You can map multiple events inside the DO but for override capability, you must only map single type of event under each DO. There will be one-to-one mapping of DO with alterationEventMap.


Boolean flag to enable the discount offer to be shared with all members of an automated discount sharing group when it is purchased by the group's owner.

See "Sharing Discount Offers Automatically with Sharing Group Members" for information and examples.


This is the mapping between event and alterationRatePlan (discount). Table 32-30 describes the fields in AlterationEventMap tag.

Table 32-30 AlterationEventMap

Field Name Description
Displays if this discount is a snowball discount. Possible values are:
  • true: enable
  • false: disable

In Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM), a snowball discount is a type of shared billing-time discount that distributes a discount to all accounts in a discount sharing group.


How to apply discounts when they are valid from the start of a cycle but end in mid-cycle. Possible values are:

  • FULL_DISCOUNT: The discount is applied to the full cycle.
  • PRORATE_DISCOUNT: The discount is prorated.
  • NO_DISCOUNT: The discount is not applied.
  • NOT_APPLICABLE: The discount is not applicable.

How to apply discounts when they are valid from mid-cycle to the end of the cycle. Possible values are:

  • FULL_DISCOUNT: The discount is applied to the full cycle.
  • PRORATE_DISCOUNT: The discount is prorated.
  • NO_DISCOUNT: The discount is not applied.
  • NOT_APPLICABLE: The discount is not applicable.

How to apply discounts when they start mid-cycle and also end mid-cycle. Possible values are:

  • FULL_DISCOUNT: The discount is applied to the full cycle.
  • PRORATE_DISCOUNT: The discount is prorated.
  • NO_DISCOUNT: The discount is not applied.
  • NOT_APPLICABLE: The discount is not applicable.
alterationRatePlanName This refers to the name of the discount configuration inside the DO at a granular and more detailed level. Discount Configuration name can be any name such as OneTime discount, Recurring Discount, RatingTimeDiscount, and so on.
ratePlanIID Discount rate plan IID generated internally by PDC system for the alterationEventMap XML tag.


Root tag for the alteration rate plan configuration. Table 32-31 describes the fields in the alterationRatePlan tag.

For an example rate plan configuration, see "Consuming Noncurrency Resources for Discounts in Order of Expiration".

Table 32-31 alterationRatePlan

Field Name Description
internalId PDC system generated internal id for the objects.

Standard Discount for usage event.

Subscription Discount for onetime and recurring events.

priceListName This is configured as Default by default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted objects.
taxCode The tax code used for the discount. You can use either this parameter or TaxSelectorGroup, but not both.
TaxSelectorGroup The name of the tax selector group to use for the discount. You can use either this parameter or taxCode, but not both.


Whether to consume noncurrency resources for the discounts in order of earliest expiry, or in order of any discount rules configured:

  • EARLIEST_EXPIRY: Consume noncurrency resources according to which resource expires first. For example, if the customer is subscribed to one discount that grants minutes that expire monthly and another that grants minutes that expire yearly, the minutes expiring monthly should be consumed first. If all resources have the same validity dates, the discount rule order will be used.
  • RULE_ORDER: Consume balances according to the configured discount rules, without taking validity into account.
arpDateRange Alteration rate plan relative date range.


The TaxSelectorGroup tag represents the tax selector information for the discount. Table 32-32 describes the fields in the TaxSelectorGroup tag.

Table 32-32 TaxExemptionSelectorGroup

Field Name Description

The name of the tax selector

taxSelectorIID The ID of the tax selector


Table 32-33 describes the fields in the arpDateRange tag.

Table 32-33 arpDateRange

Field Name Description
startDate Start date for a date range in a discount.
endDate End date for a date range in a discount.
alterationConfiguration Defines configuration details for the alteration.


Table 32-34 describes the fields in the alterationConfiguration tag.

Table 32-34 alterationConfiguration

Field Name Description

Select how to apply the discount.

By default, a discount rule applies the discounts in the same way as the discount offer that contains the rule.

  • Original Charge: The discount offer is applied to the original charge amount, regardless of whether that amount was reduced by previous discount offers.
  • Remaining Charge: The discount offer is applied to the remaining charge amount after previous discount offers are applied.
  • Remaining Charge and Quantity: The discount offer is applied only to the part of the charge and quantity that have not been used as the basis for a previous discount offer.
arpCompositePopModel Alteration rate plan composite pop model. Holds information about the pricing/balImpact used in alteration offer pricing.


Table 32-35 describes the fields in the arpCompositePopModel tag.

Table 32-35 arpCompositePopModel

Field Name Description
alterationPopModel Defines alteration product offer price model.


Table 32-36 describes the fields in the alterationPopModel tag.

Table 32-36 alterationPopModel

Field Name Description
priceTier If a pricing uses more than one RUM, a tab appears for each RUM. These tabs are called price tiers.


Table 32-37 describes the fields in the priceTier tag.

Table 32-37 priceTier

Field Name Description
distributionMethod Quantity range selection:
  • UP_FRONT: Pick the quantity range containing the value.
  • FROM_BAL_IMPACT: Distribute value across applicable quantity ranges.
tierBasis Container object to define charge tier expression.
lowerBound Starting value for the range. Expressions are supported.
tierRange Container object to define charge tier range.


Table 32-38 describes the fields in the tierBasis tag.

Table 32-38 tierBasis

Field Name Description
tierExpressions Defines expression for the tier.


Table 32-39 describes the fields in the tierRange tag.

Table 32-39 tierRange

Field Name Description
upperBound Maximum value of the range. Expressions are supported.
percentAlteration Defines percentage Alteration value.


Table 32-40 describes the fields in the percentAlteration tag.

Table 32-40 percentAlteration

Field Name Description
price It is applied towards the amount that is discounted.
unitOfMeasure The type of unit, such as Minute or Byte, to which the discount applies.
balanceElementNumCode Select the currency or noncurrency balance element to debit or credit.
alterationAppliesTo Select the balance to apply the discount to.
  • User Balance: The balance of the account or service that generates the event.
  • Sharer Balance: The balance of the account or service that owns the discount.
alterationBasedOn Defines on how much alteration/discount should get applied. It is defined at the pricing level.
priceType Type of impact - grant or consumption
taxCode The tax code used for the discount.
glid Used for selecting the required GL Information for a given balance impact.
priceValidity Defines validity for the price.


Table 32-41 describes the fields in the alterationBasedOn tag.

Table 32-41 alterationBasedOn

Field Name Description
expression An expression which represents What to Discount field in the UI.


Table 32-42 describes the fields in the priceValidity tag.

Table 32-42 priceValidity

Field Name Description
priceValidity To define the validity period for the credited amount in the balance impact.
startValidityMode Defines start validity mode:
endValidityMode Defines end validity mode:

Defines the validity range. DateTimeRange should be defined as YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS or YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.


To make the amount valid in any number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds from the event occurrence.

For example, if you specify two accounting cycles, the amount will be valid after two accounting cycles from when the event occurs.


The amount validity ends relative to the validity start time.

Enter the number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, calendar days, hours, minutes, or seconds from the validity start time when the validity ends.

relativeStartOffsetUnit Accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds.
relativeEndOffsetUnit Accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, calendar days, hours, minutes, or seconds.

Chargeshare Offer

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure chargeshares in the XML pricing interface.

A chargeshare offer contains one or more chargeshares that specify how charges are shared among the members of a group. Charge sharing enables an account to sponsor the charges of other accounts in the group. The sponsoring account receives the balance impact of charges incurred by the group member accounts. For more information, see "Sharing Charges and Discounts".


Table 32-43 describes the fields in the distributionOffering tag.

Table 32-43 distributionOffering

Field Name Description
name Unique name for the chargeshare offer.
description Description for the chargeshare offer.
internalId Unique id internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be same for any other pricing or configuration entity.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the chargeshare offer.
priceListName This is configured as Default by default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.

The time range during which the offer is available for purchase. Format: starttime/endtime

  • <timeRange>0/inf</timeRange> indicates the offer is available for purchase immediately and there is no end date.

  • <timeRange>20220712T001137/20220730T001144</timeRange> indicates the offer can be purchased only within the time period mentioned.

productSpecName The service type to which the charge offer applies.

Select Use for Aggregation.

The ChargeShare offer is set for aggregation.


This is the XML tag inside the distributionOffering (charge offer) XML tag which illustrates the event details related with the chargeshare offer. This tag can occur multiple times in the discount offer tag based on how many events are mapped inside a single discount offer.

Table 32-44 describes the fields in the distributionEventMap tag.


You can map multiple events inside the discount offer, but for override capability, only map single type of event under each discount offer. There will be one-to-one mapping of discount offer with distributionEventMap.

Table 32-44 distributionEventMap

Field Name Description
eventName The name of the event. For example, EventDelayedSessionTelcoGsm (/event/delayed/session/telco/gsm in BRM) would be used for usage events, while EventBillingProductFeeCycleCycle_forward_monthly (/event/billing/product/fee/cycle/cycle_forward_monthly) would represent a monthly recurring fee (in-advance).
validIfCancelled Charge even if the instantiated product offering status is canceled. BRM offering statuses are:
  • 1 = active
  • 2 = inactive
  • 3 = canceled
validIfInactive Charge even if the instantiated product offering status is inactive.
timezoneMode Determines the time zone which will be used to rate an event:
  • From ACCOUNT: Uses the time zone in which the account is registered.
  • From EVENT: Uses the time zone in which the event occurs.

For example, if you make a call from California and your account is registered in New York:

  • If you select From Account, New York time is used.
  • If you select From Event, California time is used.
minQuantity Minimum value that the RUM quantity is rounded to. Value smaller than min_quantity is rounded to min_quantity. Minimum quantity starts from 0 by default. For example, if an event had a duration of 10 seconds, and the minimum quantity was configured as 30, then 30 seconds would be rated. If the duration of the event were 45 seconds, 45 seconds would be rated (as it is larger than the minimum configured).
minQuantityUnit Unit in which min_quantity is expressed. Possible values are:
  • NONE (0)
  • SECOND (1)
  • MINUTE (2)
  • HOUR (3)
  • DAY (4)
incrementQuantity Incremental value to round RUM Quantity to. RUM Quantity is always rounded to an integral multiple of the Incremental Quantity. For example, if the incrementQuantity was configured as 30 for a RUM of seconds, then the amount to rate would be rounded to that increment (see "roundingMode") and a 43 second call would be rated as 60 seconds (if rounding up) or 30 seconds (if rounding down).
incrementQuantityUnit Unit associated with the increment quantity. For example, for an increment of 60 seconds, you would enter Seconds.
roundingMode How to round the RUM quantity. Possible values are:
  • Up (0)
  • Down (1)
  • Nearest (2)
prorateFirst Proration setting when purchased mid-cycle. It can be either FULL_CHARGE or PRORATE_CHARGE.
prorateLast The proration setting when canceled mid-cycle. It can be either FULL_CHARGE or PRORATE_CHARGE.
distributionRatePlanName The name of the charge configuration inside the discount offer at a granular level. Enter any name, such as One-time charge, MRC, Rollover, FreeSMS, FreeVoice, and so on.
ratePlanIID Charge rate plan IID generated internally by the PDC system for the distributionEventMap XML tag.
distributionRatePlanInfo The target engine where the pricing or configuration information is published.
  • ECE = ECE rating engine
  • BRE = Batch rating synchronized to Pipeline Manager
  • RRE = Real-time rating synchronized to BRM


Table 32-45 describes the fields in the distributionRatePlanInfo tag.

Table 32-45 distributionRatePlanInfo

Field Name Description
targetEngine The target engine where to publish information about the discount offer. Possible values are:
  • BRE
  • ECE
  • RRE

This is automatically taken care by the ImportExportPricing utility in PDC as per the charge type and charge category.


Root tag for the distribution rate plan configuration. Table 32-46 describes the fields in the distributionRatePlan tag.

Table 32-46 distributionRatePlan

Field Name Description
internalId PDC system-generated internal ID for the objects.

Convergent Usage for usage events.

Subscription for one-time and recurring events.

priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted objects.
taxCode The tax code used for the chargeshare. You can use either this parameter or TaxSelectorGroup, but not both.
TaxSelectorGroup The name of the tax selector group to use for the chargeshare. You can use either this parameter or taxCode, but not both.
drpDateRange Distribution rate plan relative date range.


The TaxSelectorGroup tag represents the tax selector information for the chargeshare. Table 32-47 describes the fields in the TaxSelectorGroup tag.

Table 32-47 TaxExemptionSelectorGroup

Field Name Description

The name of the tax selector

taxSelectorIID The ID of the tax selector


Table 32-48 describes the fields in the drpDateRange tag.

Table 32-48 drpDateRange

Field Name Description
startDate Start date for a date range in a charge share.
endDate End date for a date range in a charge share.
distributionConfiguration Container object to define configurations for the distribution rate plan.


Table 32-49 describes the fields in the distributionConfiguration tag.

Table 32-49 distributionConfiguration

Field Name Description
drpCompositePopModel Distribution rate plan composite pop model. Holds information about the pricing/balImpact used in the distribution offer pricing.


Table 32-50 describes the fields in the drpCompositePopModel tag.

Table 32-50 drpCompositePopModel

Field Name Description
alterationPopModel An alteration pop model rate plan element which contains the price tier information.


Table 32-51 describes the fields in the alterationPopModel tag.

Table 32-51 alterationPopModel

Field Name Description
priceTier If a pricing uses more than one RUM, enter the price tier name.


Table 32-52 describes the fields in the priceTier tag.

Table 32-52 priceTier

Field Name Description
distributionMethod Quantity range selection:
  • UP_FRONT: The quantity range containing the value.
  • FROM_BAL_IMPACT: Distribute the value across applicable quantity ranges.
tierBasis Container object to define charge tier expression.
lowerBound Starting value for the range. Expressions are supported.
tierRange Container object to define charge tier range.


Table 32-53 describes the fields in the tierBasis tag.

Table 32-53 tierBasis

Field Name Description
chargeTierExpression Expression for the charge tier.


Table 32-54 describes the fields in the chargeTierExpression tag.

Table 32-54 chargeTierExpression

Field Name Description
useTierComponent Defines which of the tiers would qualify for impact. Conventionally, it maps to Threshold/Tiered discount. Either we directly fall under a quantityRange bucket or split it across quantity ranges.
preRated A Boolean flag to indicate that the charge is prerated.


Table 32-55 describes the fields in the lowerBound tag.

Table 32-55 lowerBound

Field Name Description
numberTBExpression The number expression for charge tier bound.


Table 32-56 describes the fields in the numberTBExpression tag.

Table 32-56 numberTBExpression

Field Name Description
Numeric value for Tier Bound.
  • Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY for -Inf


Table 32-57 describes the fields in the tierRange tag.

Table 32-57 tierRange

Field Name Description
upperBound Maximum value of the range. Expressions are supported.
percentAlteration Defines percentage discount value.


Table 32-58 describes the fields in the upperBound tag.

Table 32-58 upperBound

Field Name Description
numberTBExpression The number expression for charge tier bound.


Table 32-59 describes the fields in the numberTBExpression tag.

Table 32-59 numberTBExpression

Field Name Description
Numeric value for tier bound:
  • Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY for -Inf


Table 32-60 describes the fields in the percentAlteration tag.

Table 32-60 percentAlteration

Field Name Description
price The amount that is discounted.
unitOfMeasure The type of unit, such as Minute or Byte, to which the discount applies.
balanceElementNumCode The currency or noncurrency balance element to debit or credit.
alterationAppliesTo The balance to apply the discount to:
  • User Balance: The balance of the account or service that generates the event.
  • Sharer Balance: The balance of the account or service that owns the discount.
alterationBasedOn Defines on how much the discount should get applied. It is defined at the pricing level.
Type of impact. Valid values are:
priceValidity To define the validity period for the credited amount in the balance impact.


Table 32-61 describes the fields in the alterationBasedOn tag.

Table 32-61 alterationBasedOn

Field Name Description
chargeBasisExpression Defines an expression for various fields such as QuantityRange, DiscountTrigger, tierBasis (DRUM), and BalanceImpact (Pricing).


Table 32-62 describes the fields in the chargeBasisExpression tag.

Table 32-62 chargeBasisExpression

Field Name Description
useTierComponent Defines which tiers qualify for impact. Conventionally, it maps to Threshold/Tiered discount. Either we directly fall under a quantityRange bucket or split it across quantity ranges.
preRated A Boolean flag for indicating whether the charge is prerated.


Table 32-63 describes the fields in the priceValidity tag.

Table 32-63 priceValidity

Field Name Description
startValidityMode Defines the start validity mode:
endValidityMode Defines the end validity mode:

Defines the validity range in the following format: YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS or YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.


To make the amount valid in any number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds from the event occurrence.

For example, if you specify two accounting cycles, the amount will be valid after two accounting cycles from when the event occurs.


The amount validity ends relative to the validity start time.

Enter the number of accounting cycles, billing cycles, months, days, calendar days, hours, minutes, or seconds from the validity start time when the validity ends.


This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure bundles with the XML pricing interface.

Bundles group together charge offers and discount offers belonging to the same service. See "Creating Bundles".


This is the main tag for configuring a bundle in PDC. Table 32-64 describes the fields in the bundledProductOffering tag.

Table 32-64 bundledProductOffering

Field Name Description
name Unique name of the bundle. It is VARCHAR2(255).
description Description of the bundle. It is VARCHAR2(255).
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It is unique for all bundles, charge offers, discount offers, and configurations in PDC, and cannot be the same for any other pricing or configuration entity.

The pricing profile determines which features are supported for the charge.

PDC determines the pricingProfileName after the charge category and charge type are selected.

Possible values are:

  • Convergent Usage
  • Product Offering
  • Standard ChargeSharing
  • Standard Discount
  • Subscription ChargeSharing
  • Subscription Discount
  • Subscription
priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.

(Optional) Set the purchase start and end dates to specify when the bundle can be purchased in the following format:


The default is 0/inf.

For the start date, you can enter Immediately, or enter a specific start date and time.

For the end date, you can enter inf (never) or a specific end date and time.

The purchase period excludes the end date. For example, a bundle with a start date of May 1 and an end date of May 10 is available from May 1 through May 9.

productSpecName The service type to which the charge offer applies.


The type of configuration attribute specification: PRODUCT or CUSTOMER.


(Optional) Boolean flag for immediately generating a bill for any purchase fees when the customer purchases the bundle.

This does not generate a bill for any other charges, such as recurring, usage, or cancellation fees.

customization (Optional) Whether a CSR can change a customer's default price and effective time period of a charge or discount offer:
  • PROHIBITED: Prevents CSRs from changing the price and the effective period of a bundle.
  • REQUIRED: Forces CSRs to change the price and the effective period of a bundle.
  • OPTIONAL: Gives CSRs the option to change the price and the effective period of a bundle. This is the default.


(Optional) Boolean flag for activating all charge offers within a bundle on first usage:

  • true: All charge offers in a bundle are activated when the first charge offer is activated.

  • false: When one charge offer in a bundle is activated on first usage, the other charge offers in the bundle are not activated. This is the default.

See "Activating Offers in Bundles" for information and examples.


(Optional) Boolean flag to synchronize the start date of all balance elements to the date of first usage when one of them is activated for the first time.

This setting applies only to those balance elements that are configured to start on first usage, and only to those first-usage balance elements that are granted by the offers in the bundle.

bundledProductOfferingItem Details about a charge offer or discount offer inside the bundle. For example it can include the purchaseStart, purchaseEnd, usageStart, usageEnd, cycleStart, and cycleEnd fields. See "bundledProductOfferingItem".


This is the main tag for configuring the item associated with the charge offer or discount offer in PDC. Table 32-65 describes the fields in the bundledProductOfferingItem tag.

Table 32-65 bundledProductOfferingItem

Field Name Description


(Optional) Adding this field specifies that the charge offer can be purchased as an add-on product after the bundle has been purchased. The validity mode for the add-on charge offer can be one of the following:

  • BASE_OFFER: Aligns the validity dates with the base charge offer. When set to BASE_OFFER, you must also include the baseChargeOfferingName field.

  • BASE_OFFER_EXPIRY_FIRST: Aligns the validity dates with the active base charge offer that expires first.

  • BASE_OFFER_EXPIRY_LAST: Aligns the validity dates with the active base charge offer that expires last.

  • BASE_OR_ADD_ON_OFFER_EXPIRY_FIRST: Aligns the validity dates with the active charge offer that expires first.

  • BASE_OR_ADD_ON_OFFER_EXPIRY_LAST: Aligns the validity dates with the active charge offer that expires last.

See "Configuring Add-On Charge Offers In Bundles" for information and examples.


The name of the base charge offer on which to set the validity dates for an add-on offer.

Note: Include this field only when addOnOfferingValidityMode is set to BASE_OFFER.

chargeOfferingName Displays the name of the charge offer or discount offer. This field is not editable.


(Optional) The adjustments to apply to the offer's recurring charges. The default is 0.


(Optional) The length of the grace period during which an additional offer can be purchased as an extension of an existing subscription. The default is 0.

Note: This field applies only if purchaseMode is set to EXTEND or OVERWRITE.

See "Purchasing the Same Offer in a Bundle Multiple Times" for information and examples.


(Optional) The unit of the grace period in gracePeriodOffset. The valid values are SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, and DAY. The default is DAY.

Note: This field applies only if purchaseMode is set to EXTEND or OVERWRITE.

See "Purchasing the Same Offer in a Bundle Multiple Times" for information and examples.


The number of days in a month to use for calculating a prorated cycle charge or discount in an offer:

  • PRORATE_30_DAYS: Prorated charge or discount is based on a 30-day month.

  • PRORATE_DAYS_IN_MONTH: Prorated charge or discount is based on the actual number of days in the month, such as 30 for June or 31 for May.

  • Not Set or missing: Prorated according to the system-wide setting in the CM pin.conf file. See "Examples of 30-Day-Based Proration" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

See "Setting Proration for Offers in a Bundle" for more information.


(Optional) The adjustment to apply to the offer's purchase and cancel charges. The default is 0.


(Optional) What happens if customers purchase the same charge offer or discount offer more than once. Possible values are:

  • NEW_INSTANCE: The additional offer is purchased as a new, unrelated subscription. This is the default.

  • LONGEST_DATE: The additional offer is purchased as an extension to the existing subscription if it is purchased within the grace period.

  • EXTEND: The additional offer is purchased as an extension to the existing subscription if it is purchased with the grace period.

  • OVERWRITE: The additional offer replaces the existing subscription.

See "Purchasing the Same Offer in a Bundle Multiple Times" for information and examples.


(Optional) The quantity of charge offers or discount offers included in the bundle. The default is 1.

For example, if a bundle for a cable service includes a charge offer that provides one set-top box and you want to include three set-top boxes with the cable service, enter 3 for the charge offer in that bundle.


(Optional) How to align recurring charge offers if a customer suspends and then reactivates a bundle:

  • true: Aligns the recurring charge offer as follows:

    • When cycleFeeFlag is set to 0, the cycle aligns with the billing date.

    • When cycleFeeFlag is set to 1 and purchaseCycleDOM is not set, the cycle aligns with the reactivation date.

    • When cycleFeeFlag is set to 1 and purchaseCycleDOM is set, the cycle aligns with either purchaseCycleDOM or the reactivation date, whichever is later.

  • false: Aligns the recurring charge offer according to the setting in purchaseCycleDOM. This is the default.

See "Setting Charge Offer Cycle Alignment for Reactivated Bundles" for information and examples.


(Optional) The initial status of the product offering: 1 (active) or 0 (inactive). The default is 1.


(Optional) A customer-defined reason code if a product offering's status is inactive.


(Optional) The adjustments to apply to an offer's usage charge. The default is 0.

Subscription Terms

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure subscription terms with the XML pricing interface.

Subscription terms specify a contract's commitment period, such as 1 month, 1 year, or 2 years, and capture details about the term, such as the early termination penalty, auto contract renewal, and so on. For more information, see "Creating Subscription Terms".


Table 32-66 describes the fields in the terms tag.

Table 32-66 terms

Field Name Description
name Unique name of the term to create.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.

The pricing profile determines which features are supported for the term.

Possible values are:

  • Convergent Usage
  • Product Offering
  • Standard ChargeSharing
  • Standard Discount
  • Subscription ChargeSharing
  • Subscription Discount
  • Subscription
priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
termLength The length of the commitment period.

For example, for a 6-month commitment period, you would enter 6.

termUnit The unit of the commitment period: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR.

For example, for a 6-month commitment period, you would enter MONTH.

earlyTerminationOption Whether to allow early cancellation of the contract and whether to apply an early termination fee. Possible values are:
  • ALLOWED_NO_PENALTY: Contracts can be canceled early, and customers will not be charged an early termination fee.
  • ALLOWED_WITH_PENALTY: Contracts can be canceled early, but customers will be charged an early termination fee for doing so.
  • NOT_ALLOWED: Contracts cannot be canceled early.
terminationGraceLength The length of the grace period, during which the early termination fee is waived.

For example, for a 10-day grace period, you would enter 10.

terminationGraceUnit The unit of the grace period: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR.

For example, for a 10-day grace period, you would enter DAY.


Select the revenue general ledger ID to associate with the early termination fee.

If you do not select a general ledger ID, the early termination fee is distributed across the deliverables in the contract.

penaltyAmount Amount for the penalty.

The balance element numeric code for the penalty amount.


The type of early termination fee to apply:

  • FULL_CHARGE: The fee is the full penalty amount.

  • USED_CONTRACT_UNITS: The fee is reduced in equal amounts over the contract's term.

  • CONTRACT_BALANCE: The fee is the balance remaining in the customer's contract.

autoRenew Boolean flag specifying whether to automatically renew the contract: true or false. The default is false.

Time Model

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure time models with the XML pricing interface.

A time model is a set of time periods that are used to set up different prices in a charge. Each time period consists of one or more time segments. A time segment can be represented using days of the week, days of the month, time of day, months of the year, or special days defined in a calendar. For more information, see "Charging Based on Date and Time".


This is the main tag for configuring a time model in PDC. Table 32-67 describes the fields in the timeModel tag.

Table 32-67 timeModel

Field Name Description
name Unique name for the time model.

The pricing profile determines which features are supported for the time model.

Possible values are:

  • Convergent Usage
  • Product Offering
  • Standard ChargeSharing
  • Standard Discount
  • Subscription ChargeSharing
  • Subscription Discount
  • Subscription
description Description for the time model.
priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
usesSpecialDayCalendar It is an optional field. Specifies a special day calendar in this time model.

If included, the time model must include at least one time period with a special day calendar. Otherwise, the time model validation will fail.

validityPeriod Contains the time period details along with the time segment details.
validFrom The start date.


Table 32-68 describes the fields in the timePeriod tag.

Table 32-68 timePeriod

Field Name Description
tagName Each time period within a time model should have a unique name.


Table 32-69 describes the fields in the timeSegment tag.

Table 32-69 timeSegment

Field Name Description
timeSpecification Displays the time segments for the time periods. A time segment defines the specific times in the time period. A time segment can include:
  • Days of the week
  • Time of day
  • Months of the year
  • Days of the month
  • Special days in a calendar

The days of the week for the time segment.

To specify all days of the week, enter Any Day of the Week.

To include specific days, enter one or more days.

It has nested day tags.


The time interval for the time segment.

To set the time interval to 24 hours of the day, enter All Day.

To set a specific time, enter a start and end time.


The months of the year for the time segment.

To specify all months, enter Any Month of the Year.

To include specific months, enter one or more months.

It has nested month tags.


The days of the month for the time segment.

To specify all days of the month, enter Any Day of the Month.

To include specific days, enter one or more days.


Select to use special days defined in the special day calendar.

You cannot have both normal days and special days included in the time period. They are mutually exclusive.

Charge Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure charge selectors with the XML pricing interface.

A charge selector is used to charge different fees for the same event based on the value of one or more attributes, such as subscriber (account), service, event, and custom rules (if applicable). For more information, see "About Selectors".


Table 32-70 describes the fields in the chargeSelector tag.

Table 32-70 chargeSelector

Field Name Description
name Name of the charge selector. The name must be unique across all USC, APN, and charge selectors.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
description Description for the charge selector.
eventName The event type to which the charge selector applies.

The pricing profile for the charge selector.

Only charges associated with the selected profile can be used as the result of each charge selector rule.

priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
stereoType Type of object: CHARGE_RATE_PLAN_SELECTOR.
productSpecName The service to which the charge selector applies.

The event type to which the charge selector applies.

Enter a fold event type if you are creating the charge selector for a fold charge.

customerSpecName Tag used for "Account" as a service.
rumName Name of the RUM.

The RUMs to which the charge selector applies.

RUMs specify the units used to measure an event and how to calculate the measurement.


Use the ruleAttributes tag to select the subscriber, service, and event fields to use in the charge selector rules. Table 32-71 describes the fields in ruleAttributes tag.

Table 32-71 ruleAttributes

Field Name Description
selectorOptions Possible values:
  • Zoning Not Used
  • Use Value Map
  • Use Zone Model

Key-value pairs.

For example:



Use the rules tag to define charge selector rules. To create rules for a charge selector, you must first specify the subscriber, service, or event attributes to use in the rules. Table 32-72 describes the fields in the rules tag.

Table 32-72 rules

Field Name Description
validityPeriod It indicates when the rules in the charge selector are valid. The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.
priority The priority, starting with 1. The rules are evaluated in order of priority.
name Unique name for the rule.
fieldName An operator and value. The operator can be:
  • Equals or Not Equals
  • Matches or Not Matches
  • In or Not In

It has these fields: operation, seperator, fieldName, fieldValue, and fieldKind.

For example:

impactCategory Enter the impact category to use for determining the charge.
chargeRatePlanName The item to find, configure, or modify the charge used when the rule is true.
  • Search to add an existing charge
  • Create to configure a new charge
  • Edit to modify the current charge

The charge must contain a price selector that associates the results impact category with a pricing instance.

balanceElementNumCode Numeric code for the balance element.
glid The required GL information for a given balance impact.
result It has resultName, chargeSelector name, and resultData with key-value pairs.

Generic Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure generic selectors with the XML pricing interface.

A generic selector is a set of rules that map service and event attributes and expressions to a result. You use a generic selector in a charge to apply prices based on the rule results. For more information, see "About Selectors".


Table 32-73 describes the fields in the genericSelector tag.

Table 32-73 genericSelector

Field Name Description
name Name for the generic selector.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
description Description for the generic selector.
productSpecName (Optional) If you plan to use service attributes to create generic selector rules, enter the desired service.
eventSpecName (Optional) If you plan to use event attributes to create generic selector rules, enter the desired event.

Pricing profile for the generic selector.

Only charges associated with the selected profile can be used as the result of each generic selector rule.

priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
stereoType Type of object: GENERIC_SELECTOR.


Table 32-74 describes the fields in the ruleAttributes tag.

Table 32-74 ruleAttributes

Field Name Description
field Displays the fields that you have selected to define generic selector rules. The same fields are used for all the rules in the generic selector. You can override the default values and set specific values in the rule to limit the fields that you want used in a rule.
valueType Select the type of value that the field contains.
  • Single Value: The field contains a single value.
  • Value of Another Field: The field contains the value of another field. If you select this option, in the Default column, select the other field.

Displays the relationship between the rule's default field value and the value in the subscriber, service, or event field.

The equal sign appears next to the field names when you define the rules. The value of the field in the subscriber, service, or event must match the value of the field in the rule.


Enter a default value for the field. An asterisk (*) specifies the field can contain any value.

If the field is limited to predefined values, a list of values appears. Select a value from the list.


Table 32-75 describes the fields in the rules tag.

Table 32-75 rules

Field Name Description
validityPeriod It indicates when the rules in the generic selector are valid. The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.
name Name for the rule.
priority The priority order, starting with 1. The rules are evaluated in order of priority.
fieldName Enter an operator and enter a value. Operator can be:
  • Equals or Not Equals
  • Matches or Not Matches
  • In or Not In

For example:


The result is used in a charge to guide to a price. Provide a string value to map to this rule.

For example:
  • If the general selector rule determines that this is a Closed User Group (CUG) call, you could name the result ClosedUserGroup.
  • If the general selector rule determines that this is a call to friends and family, you could name the result Friends&Family.
  • If the general selector rule determines that this is a call with low QoS, you could name the result LowQoS.

Price Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure price selectors with the XML pricing interface.

A price selector associates event, service, and account attributes with prices. You use a price selector in a charge to apply prices based on price selector rules. For more information, see "About Selectors".


Table 32-76 describes the fields in the priceSelector tag.

Table 32-76 priceSelector

Field Name Description
name Unique name for the price selector.
description Description for the price selector.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
productSpecName (Optional) The service for which you want to create the price selector.
eventSpecName (Optional) The event for which you want to create the price selector rules.
customerSpecName Tag used for "Account" as a service.

The pricing profile for the generic selector.

Only charges associated with the selected profile can be used as the result of each generic selector rule.

priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
stereoType Type of object: PRICE_MODEL_SELECTOR.


Table 32-77 describes the fields in the ruleAttributes tag.

Table 32-77 ruleAttributes

Field Name Description
field Displays the fields that you have selected to define price selector rules. The same fields are used for all rules in the price selector. You can override the default values and set specific values in the rule to limit the fields that you want used in a rule.
valueType The type of value that the field contains:
  • Single Value: The field contains a single value.
  • Value of Another Field: The field contains the value of another field. If you enter this option, enter the name of the field in the default field.

Displays the relationship between the rule's default field value and the value in the subscriber, service, or event field.

The value of the field in the subscriber, service, or event must match the value of the field in the rule.


Enter a default value for the field. An asterisk (*) specifies the field can contain any value.

If the field is limited to predefined values, a list of values appears.


Table 32-78 describes the fields in the rules tag.

Table 32-78 rules

Field Name Description
validityPeriod The rules in the price selector are valid. The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.
name Provide a name for the rule.
priority The priority order, starting with priority 1. The rules are evaluated in order of priority.
price The existing pricing instance to associate with the rule.
fieldName Select an operator and enter a value. Operator can be:
  • Equals or Not Equals
  • Matches or Not Matches
  • In or Not In

For example:


Discount Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure discount selectors with the XML pricing interface.

A discount selector consists of rules that associate account, service, and event attributes and custom rules with discounts. You use a discount selector to determine which discount to apply to an event. For more information, see "About Selectors".


Table 32-79 describes the fields in the discountSelector tag.

Table 32-79 discountSelector

Field Name Description
name Unique name for the discount selector.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
description Description for the discount selector.
productSpecName (Optional) Service for which you want to create the discount selector.
eventSpecName (Optional) Event for which you want to create the discount selector.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the discount selector.
priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
stereoType Type of object: DISCOUNT_SELECTOR.


Table 32-80 describes the fields in the ruleAttributes tag.

Table 32-80 ruleAttributes

Field Name Description
field Displays the fields in your discount selector rules. The same fields are used for all rules in the discount selector. You can override the default values and set specific values in the rule to limit the fields that you want used in a rule.
valueType Type of value that the field contains:
  • Single Value: The field contains a single value.
  • Value of Another Field: The field contains the value of another field. If you enter this option, enter a field name in the default field.

Displays the relationship between the rule's default field value and the value in the subscriber, service, event, custom rule, or profile field: Equals, Matches, or Maps.


Enter a default value for the field. An asterisk (*) specifies that the field can contain any value.

If the operator is Equals or Maps to, an asterisk (*) specifies the field can contain any value. If the operator is Matches, a dot followed by an asterisk (.*) specifies the field can contain any value.

If the field is limited to predefined values, a list of values appear. Select a value from the list.

If Value of Another Field is selected for Value Type, the Select Field dialog box appears. In the Select Field dialog box, select the field you want.


Table 32-81 describes the fields in the rules tag.

Table 32-81 rules

Field Name Description
validityPeriod When the rules in the discount selector are valid. The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.
name The name for the rule.
priority The priority order of the rule, starting with priority 1.
discount An existing discount to associate with the rule.
fieldToValueExpression An operator and a value. The operator can be:
  • Equals or Not Equals
  • Matches or Not Matches
  • In or Not In

For example:


USC Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure USC selectors in the XML pricing interface.

A Usage Scenario (USC) selector contains rules that map existing impact categories to new impact categories based on usage attributes and custom rules. For more information, see "About Selectors".


Table 32-82 describes the fields in the USCSelector tag.

Table 32-82 USCSelector

Field Name Description
name Unique name for the USC selector. The name must be unique across USC, APN, and charge selectors.
description Description for the USC selector.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the USC selector.
priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
stereoType Type of object: USC_MAP.


This section is used to create rules to map existing impact categories to new impact categories. Table 32-83 describes the fields in the rulesAndConditions tag.

Table 32-83 rulesAndConditions

Field Name Description

(Optional) The start and end dates to specify a time period during which the rules in the USC selector are valid.

The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.

For example, if starts from Immediately, validFrom value is 0.

priority The priority in numerical order, starting with 1. The rules are evaluated in order of priority. The priority numbers of all rules affected by the move are changed.
name Name for the USC selector rule.
Zone model to use for this USC selector rule:
  • key: ZONE_MODEL
  • value: Corresponding value of the zone model.

The new impact category to use for determining the price for the event.

The inner tag resultName has the impact category name.


The operator and the existing zone impact categories that you want to map to the new impact category in this USC selector rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all zone impact categories.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE for usage charging.

For example:


The operator and the existing usage class values to use for evaluating the rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all usage classes.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE for usage charging.

For example:


The operator and the existing usage type values to use for evaluating the rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all usage types.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE for usage charging.


The operator and the existing custom rule to use for evaluating the rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all custom rules.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE for usage charging.



The operator and the existing service class values to use for evaluating the rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all service classes.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE for usage charging.

For example:


The operator and the existing service code values to use for evaluating the rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all service classes.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE usage charging.

For example:


(Optional) Enter the maximum quantity of usage for the event, such as duration.

The quantity of usage for the event must be less than or equal to the quantity value.

newUsageType (Optional) The new usage type to assign to the event.

APN Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure Access Point Name (APN) selectors with the XML pricing interface.

An APN selector consists of rules that map APNs to new impact categories based on event attribute values. You use APN selectors to redefine the impact category for events that are associated with specific APNs. For more information, see "About Selectors".

APN Selectors

Table 32-84 describes the fields in the apnSelectors tag.

Table 32-84 APN Selectors

Field Name Description
name Unique name for the APN selector. The name must be unique across USC, APN, and charge selectors.
description Description for the APN selector.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the APN selector.
priceListName This is configured as Default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
stereoType Type of object: APN_MAP.


Use the rules tag to create rules to associate specific APNs with new impact categories. Table 32-85 describes the fields in the rules tag.

Table 32-85 rules

Field Name Description

(Optional) The start and end dates to specify a time period during which the rules in the USC selector are valid.

The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.

priority The priority in numerical order, starting with 1. The rules are evaluated in order of priority.
name Name for the APN selector rule.

Zone model to use for this USC selector rule.

  • key: ZONE_MODEL
  • value: Corresponding value of the zone model.

The operator and the existing APN name to use for evaluating the rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all APNs.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE for usage charging.

For example:


The operator and the existing service codes to use for evaluating the rule.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all service codes.

Note: You can use Not Matches only if you are using ECE for usage charging.

For example:


The operator and existing zone impact categories associated with the APNs.

The default value .* specifies that the rule applies for all zone impact categories.

For example:


The new impact category to associate with the APNs.

The inner tag resultName has the impact category name.


This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure packages with the XML pricing interface.

A package consists of one or more bundles that you make available to your customers for purchase. For more information, see "Creating Packages".


Table 32-86 describes the fields in the package tag.

Table 32-86 Package

Field Name Description
name Unique name given for a package.
description Description for the package.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the package.
priceListName This is configured as Default by default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.

(Optional) Boolean flag for billing customers immediately for a purchase, even if the customer's billing cycle has not ended.

When a customer purchases a package that is flagged for on-purchase billing, a bill is generated immediately for the purchase fees associated with the package.

This does not generate a bill for any other charges, such as recurring, usage, or cancellation fees.


(Optional) Boolean flag for activating all charge offers within a package on first usage:

  • true: All charge offers in a package are activated on first usage.

  • false: When one charge offer in a package is activated on first usage, the other charge offers in the package are not activated. This is the default.

See "Activating Offers in Packages" for information and examples.

customerSpecPackageItem Tag used for holding the bundle association attributes under "Account" in a package.
productSpecPackageItem Tag used for holding the bundle association attributes under "Service*" (such as TelcoGsmSms, TelcoGsmSms, and so on) in a package.

By default, balances for all services are tracked in the account balance group. To track balances for specific services in the package, you associate the services with their own balance groups.

For each balance group, you can specify credit limits, credit thresholds, and consumption rules for balance elements used by the services in that group.

See "Setting Loan Thresholds for Packages" for examples.

subscriptionTermsIID Internal ID for the subscription terms object.
subscriptionTermsName Name for the subscription terms object.
productSpecCharacteristic Key-value pair for defining special characteristics in a product.

Package List

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure package lists using the XML pricing interface.

A package list enables you to group related packages that you can sell to your customers. For more information, see "Creating Package Lists".

Package List

Table 32-87 describes the fields in the packageList tag.

Table 32-87 Package List

Field Name Description
name Name for the package list.
description Description for the package list.
internalId Unique ID internally generated by PDC while committing the pricing configuration. It cannot be the same as any other pricing or configuration entity.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the package list.
priceListName This is configured as Default by default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.

Type of packages you want to add to your package list.

The combination of the package list segment and type are case-sensitive and uniquely identify a package list when the package list is used in BRM.


The customer segment that the package list is offered to.

The combination of the package list segment and type are case-sensitive and uniquely identify a package list.

packageListStatus Whether you want the package list to be available for purchase as soon as it is added to the database:
  • Active: Indicates that customers can purchase packages in the list as soon as the list is added to your system.
  • Inactive: Indicates that the list is not visible to customers, and customers cannot purchase packages from the list.

Tax Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure tax selectors with the XML pricing interface.

A tax selector allows you to use attributes in /account, /service, /event, or /profile objects to set a tax rate. See "About Selectors" for more information.


Table 32-88 describes the fields in the taxSelector tag.

Table 32-88 taxSelector

Field Name Description
name Unique name of the tax selector.
description Description of the tax selector.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the tax selector.
priceListName This is configured as Default by default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
stereoType Set to TAX_SELECTOR.
productSpecName (Optional) The service for which you want to create the tax selector.
eventSpecName (Optional) The event for which you want to create the tax selector.
customerSpecName (Optional) Tag used for "Account" as a service.
validityPeriod Indicates when the rules in the tax selector are valid. The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.


Table 32-89 describes the fields in the validityPeriod tag.

Table 32-89 validityPeriod

Field Name Description
validFrom This contains the start date of the validity period, or 0 to indicate that it has no start date.
rule This contains the characteristics of the rule to be checked.


Table 32-89 describes the fields in the rule tag.

Table 32-90 rule

Field Name Description
name This contains the name of the rule.
result This contains one element, resultName, which contains the name of a tax code defined in the system.

Enter the information for the comparison, as shown below:


Tax Exemption Selector

This section describes the XML tags that you use to configure tax exemption selectors with the XML pricing interface.

A tax exemption selector allows you to use attributes in /account, /service, /event, or /profile objects to set a tax exemption rate. See "About Selectors" for more information.


Table 32-88 describes the fields in the taxExemptionSelector tag.

Table 32-91 taxExemptionSelector

Field Name Description
name Unique name of the tax exemption selector.
description Description of the tax exemption selector.
pricingProfileName Pricing profile to associate with the tax exemption selector.
priceListName This is configured as Default by default.
obsolete Boolean flag to obsolete the promoted (or active) objects.
productSpecName The service for which you want to create the tax exemption selector.
eventSpecName The event for which you want to create the tax exemption selector.
customerSpecName Tag used for "Account" as a service.
validityPeriod Indicates when the rules in the tax exemption selector are valid. The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.


Table 32-89 describes the fields in the validityPeriod tag.

Table 32-92 validityPeriod

Field Name Description
validFrom This contains the start date of the validity period, or 0 to indicate that it has no start date.
rule This contains the characteristics of the rule to be checked.


Table 32-89 describes the fields in the rule tag.

Table 32-93 rule

Field Name Description
name This contains the name of the rule.
result This contains one element, resultName, which contains the name of a tax exemption code defined in the system.

Enter the information for the comparison, as shown below:
