80 List of Pipeline Manager Modules, iScripts, and iRules

This chapter lists the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Pipeline Manager modules.

For information about placement of modules in a pipeline, see "Function Module Dependencies".

Pipeline Manager Modules

Table 80-1 lists the Pipeline Manager modules with descriptions.

Table 80-1 Pipeline Manager Modules

Module Description


Controls and monitors the pipeline framework.

Database Connect (DBC)

Provides database connections for other modules.


Provides customer data from the BRM database.


Provides data to a real-time discounting pipeline.

See "Configuring a Real-Time Discounting Pipeline".


Maintains balance information in the Pipeline Manager memory.

See "Configuring Discounting Modules and Components".


Retrieves current balance information from the BRM database and supplies the data to the real-time discounting pipeline.

See "Configuring a Real-Time Discounting Pipeline".


Provides special day calendar data for the FCT_MainRating module.


Converts currency symbols to numeric values.


Provides special day rate data for the FCT_Dayrate module.


Provides data for the FCT_Discount module and the FCT_DiscountAnalysis module.

See "Configuring Discounting Modules and Components".


Provides currency exchange rate data for the FCT_ExchangeRate module.


Provides network configuration data for the FCT_CarrierIcRating module.


Returns the item POID for an item tag to the FCT_ItemAssign and FCT_Billing Record modules.


Listens to business events from BRM and provides data to the DAT_AccountBatch and DAT_Discount modules.


Provides model selector rules to other modules.

See "Configuring Pipeline Rating" and "Configuring Discounting Modules and Components".


Provides data for mapping network source and destinations to new values for the FCT_NOSP module.

See Identifying the Network Operator/Service Provider.


Provides number portability data to the FCT_NumberPortability module.

See "Setting Up Number Portability".


Provides data for mapping phone number prefixes to descriptions, used by the FCT_PrefixDesc module.

See "Creating Call Destination Descriptions".


Provides price model data for the FCT_MainRating module.

See "About Pipeline Rating".


Provides charge data for the FCT_MainRating module.

See "Configuring Pipeline Rating".


Used by standard recycling and Suspense Manager EDR to recycle EDRS.

See "Configuring Standard Recycling".


Provides aggregation scenario data for the FCT_AggreGate module.

See "Setting Up Pipeline Aggregation".


Provides time model, time zone, and day code data for the FCT_Mainrating module.


Provides usage scenario (USC) mapping data. It retrieves USC mapping data from the Pipeline Manager database or an ASCII file for the FCT_USC_Map module.


Provides zone data for the FCT_MainRating module.

EDR Factory

Generates and allocates memory to EDR Containers.

Event Handler

Starts external programs.


Handles pipeline input from a database. See "Configuring EDR Input Processing".

Configure this module as a submodule of the INP_GenericStream module. See INP_GenericStream.


Performs file handling for pipeline input from files. See "Configuring EDR Input Processing".

Configure this module as a submodule of the INP_GenericStream module. See INP_GenericStream.


Handles files for the OUT_Generic_Stream and OUT_Reject modules.

See "Configuring EDR Output Processing".

Pipeline Dispatcher

Parses CDR files from a single input directory to multiple pipelines.


Adds customer data to an EDR.


For a multischema system, finds the database schema for the customer and routes the EDRs to the appropriate pipeline.

See "Using Pipeline Manager with Multiple Database Schemas".


Performs aggregation of data in EDR containers.

See "Setting Up Pipeline Aggregation".


Before zoning: Maps the access point name (APN) to a physical PDP address.

After zoning: Enhances zone values to support enhanced zoning functionality.


Reads the discount packets added by DAT_Discount, adds the discounting sub-balance impact to the EDR, and updates the in-memory balance.


Consolidates balance impact data into an associated BRM billing record and one or more balance impact packets. This data is loaded into the BRM database by RE Loader.

See "About Consolidation for BRM Billing".


Assembles EDRs that have been split into multiple EDRs.

See "Assembling EDRs".


Adds roaming data to EDRs for rating by the FCT_PreRating and FCT_MainRating modules.


The FCT_CiberOcc module creates a CIBER record for other charges and credits (OCC record), type 50 or 52.


Maps multiple numbers to a single number for billing.

See "Mapping Multiple Phone Numbers to a Single Number".


Performs credit limit checking to determine whether the event owner has enough resources for the requested service.


Supplies the charge for the FCT_MainRating module.

See "About Customer Rating".


Calculates charges for special day rates, for example, a discount for calls made on January 1.


Discards or skips EDRs based on configurable EDR properties.

  • Skipping an EDR removes it from the pipeline.

  • Discarding an EDR sends it to a different output stream.

In both the cases the state of the EDR becomes invalid.

See "Discarding and Skipping EDRs".


Performs discounting functions.

See "Configuring Discounting Modules and Components".


Performs discounting analysis functions.

See "Configuring Discounting Modules and Components".


Identifies dropped calls and continuation calls.


Checks for duplicate EDRs. See "Handling Duplicate EDRs".


Specifies different output streams for EDRs based on rules. For example:

  • You can split EDRs for different service types to different output streams.

  • You can split EDRs from roaming outcollects and incollects into different streams.

See "Using Rules to Send EDRs to Different Output Streams".


Converts the currency used for rating to the home (system) currency, and the customer's billing currency.


Determines whether an EDR is eligible for the system charge offers and system discounts contained in a filter set, and if it is, adds those system charge offers and discounts to a customer's list of purchased charge offers.

See "About Using Filter Sets to Apply System Products and Discounts".


Rates all EDRs with a default set of charges.

See "About Global Rating".


Evaluates iRules. Those rules can be used for mapping functions for EDR data fields, splitting EDR containers to different output streams, and so forth.


Runs iScripts. The scripts are run in the order specified in the registry.


Retrieves an item POID for an item tag from the DAT_ItemAssign module and populates the EDR container with the item POID.

See DAT_ItemAssign.


Performs the main Pipeline Manager rating functionality.

See "About Main Rating".


Performs zoning for multi-segment zoning.


Maps network source and destination to new values.

See "Identifying the Network Operator/Service Provider".


Specifies the new network operator for an existing phone number.

See "Setting Up Number Portability".


Maps phone number prefixes to destination descriptions.

See "Creating Call Destination Descriptions".


Calculates zones and creates impact categories.


Used for pipeline-only implementations. Gets the file of rejected EDRs from the reject stream output directory. The module puts the reject EDR file into the pipeline input directory for recycling. It uses the same input folder as the incoming CDR files.

See "Recycling EDRs in Pipeline-Only Systems".


When used as part of BRM standard recycling, this module adds suspense-related information to EDRs.

When used with Suspense Manager, this module also configures the queryable fields for EDRs suspended in a specific pipeline.


Adjusts the charge for an EDR after rating has been performed.

See "About Rate Adjustment" in BRM Setting Up Pricing and Rating.


Used for pipeline-only implementations. Runs at the end of the pipeline It does either of the following:

  • When the FCT_PreRecycle module runs in test mode, the FCT_Recycle module creates a report about the processing, but does not send the EDRs to an output file.

  • When the FCT_PreRecycle module runs in recycle mode, the FCT_Recycle module sends the results to an output file, and attaches a sequence number to the output file.

See "Recycling EDRs in Pipeline-Only Systems".


The FCT_Reject module analyzes the errors in an EDR and, if necessary, moves the EDR to a reject file.

See "About Standard Recycling".


Performs rounding for rating and discounting.


Performs rate service class (RSC) mapping.

See "About Rate-Service Class Mapping".


Finds the segment using the source network information instead of using the customer information.


Maps external service codes to internal service codes.


Flags social numbers for special processing.

See "Setting Up Social Numbers".


When used as part of BRM standard recycling, routes failed EDRs to appropriate output streams depending on their processing status (normal, recycling, or test recycling) and suspense status (succeeded or suspended).

When used with Suspense Manager, also adds the suspense reason and subreason codes to EDRs.


Sends EDRs to the billing-trigger output stream to trigger immediate billing for the associated accounts. It also sets a billing-trigger error code used to route the EDRs to the suspense output stream, and the Trigger_Billing recycle key used to retrieve the suspended EDRs for recycling.


Converts the unit of measurement (UoM) of an incoming EDR to a UoM needed for rating a particular service.


The FCT_UsageClassMap module maps external codes for secondary services, such as call forwarding, to internal usage classes.


The FCT_USC_Map module performs usage scenario mapping.


The FCT_Zone module computes zones when you use Pipeline Manager only for zoning.


Provides the input interface to the pipeline.

See "Configuring EDR Input Processing".


Converts data in an flist to the EDR container format.

See "Configuring a Real-Time Discounting Pipeline".


Used by standard recycling and Suspense Manager in the pre-recycling pipeline. It reads suspended usage records from the BRM database, restores original EDRs, applies edits to them, and pushes EDRs into the pre-recycling pipeline.


Sends EDRs to separate output streams based on service codes.

See "Sending EDRs to Pipeline Output Streams".


Flags all EDRs that satisfy the criteria for least cost rating.

see "About Least Cost Rating".


Used in the pre-recycling pipeline to send EDRs to different output streams depending on their original pipeline names. The EDRs are then routed to their original pipelines for recycling.


Flags all EDRs that satisfy the criteria for a promotional savings calculation.

See "About Least Cost Rating".


Assigns usage types to EDRs.


Prepares EDRs for rerating in the back-out pipeline.

Important: This is a deprecated module but remains in BRM for backward compatibility.


Used by the backout pipeline for back-out-only rerating. It determines if the EDRs are flagged for back-out-only rerating and sends the EDRs to different output streams based on the event types.


Performs record-level validations of CIBER records.


Adds charge data to the ASSOCIATED_CIBER_EXTENSION block of the EDR. If the EDR does not contain an ASSOCIATED_CIBER_EXTENSION block, this iScript adds one.


Sets a reason code in the CIBER extension block for records that are rejected.


Populates standard values to fields in output TAP file based on its corresponding value in the EDR container.


Retrieves the CAMEL flag information for a roaming partner. This iScript is used by roaming outcollect processing.


Performs one of the following:

  • Calculates and finds the lowest charge for an EDR.

  • Calculates the total savings when using an overlay promotion.

See "About Least Cost Rating" and "About Calculating the Promotional Savings".


Maps the DETAIL.SOURCE_NETWORK field to the PIN_FLD_ORIGIN_NETWORK field and the DETAIL.DESTINATION_NETWORK field to the PIN_FLD_DESTINATION_NETWORK field of the opcode input block for the corresponding event.

See "Setting Up Number Portability".


Collects the validation errors in the EDRs and creates error records in the Pipeline Manager database. This iScript is used during roaming incollect processing by the NRTRDE (Near Real-Time Roaming Data Exchange) processing pipeline.


Duplicates and routes EDRs to the corresponding roaming partner NRTRDE output streams based on the roaming partner's NRTRDE flag. This iScript is used by roaming outcollect processing.


Validates the information in the header record of the TD35 file based on the TD35 specifications. This iScript is used during roaming incollect processing by the NRTRDE processing pipeline.


Creates two output CDRs from a single input EDR.


Populates the RATE_TAG field with the value of the NRTRDE flag in the balance impact. This iScript is used by the outcollect settlement pipelines.


Analyzes friends and family extended rating attributes (ERAs) during pipeline rating.


Analyzes ERAs during pipeline rating to determine whether the ERA profiles specified in the ProfileName registry entry match the EDR field value.


Adds all the retail and wholesale charges and puts them in DETAIL.RETAIL_CHARGED_AMOUNT_VALUE and DETAIL.WHOLESALE_CHARGED_AMOUNT_VALUE fields.

See "Billing Consolidation with CIBER Roaming and Revenue Assurance".


Populates and validates the batch related fields for the EDR container.


Sets the EDR status to Success, Suspense, Duplicate, Discard, or Skipped for each EDR.


Sets the Output Stream to TelOut, SMSOut, GPRSOut, RejectOut, or DuplicateOut for each EDR.


Collects the previous and current charged and discount amount for a configured Balance Element ID.


Sets the Revenue Stream to Retail, Wholesale, Roaming, or Unknown for each EDR.


Finds the service type and updates the DETAIL.INTERN_SERVICE_CODE EDR field with the customized service code value for each EDR.


Validates that the fields present in the detail record of the EDR container contain valid data.


Splits mobile originating and terminating EDRs when the CDR contains more than one basic service. ISC_TapSplitting creates a new EDR for each additional basic service.

See "Generating Multiple TAP MOC and MTC Records".


Applies a flat tax to pipeline-rated events.


Logs error messages.

Memory Monitor

Monitors Pipeline Manager system memory during startup and while it is processing files.


The NET_EM module hosts a BRM External Module (EM). This allows the NET_EM module to use the BRM API opcodes to transfer data between real-time rating and Pipeline Manager.

See "Configuring a Real-Time Discounting Pipeline".


Sends output to the database.

See "Sending Output to a Database".


Removes EDRs that are not needed by Pipeline Manager.

See "Configuring Output of Discarded EDRs".

All registry entries and error messages are handled by the Output Collection module. See Output Collection.

For more information, see "Discarding and Skipping EDRs".


Handles the output stream for rated EDRs.

See "Configuring EDR Output Processing".

When you configure the OUT_GenericStream module, you configure the EXT_OutFileManager module to specify file management options. See EXT_OutFileManager.


The OUT_Realtime module converts data in the pipeline EDR output to flist format.

See "Configuring a Real-Time Discounting Pipeline".


Writes rejected EDRs to an output stream. The written record is exactly the same as the original input record.

See "Configuring Output for Rejected or Duplicate EDRs".

All registry entries and error messages are handled by the Output Collection module. See Output Collection.

For more information, see the following documents:


Checks for duplicate CDR input files and adds tracking numbers to output streams.

Input Controller

Manages incoming input streams for its associated pipeline.

See "Configuring EDR Input Processing".

Output Controller

Manages the output streams for its associated pipeline.

See "Configuring EDR Output Processing".

Output Collection

Handles output streams.

See "Configuring EDR Output Processing".

Pipeline Controller

Manages all processes in its associated pipeline.

See Pipeline Controller.

Transaction Manager

Coordinates the state of all transactional modules and components in a pipeline.

Transaction ID Controller

Generates transaction IDs for all pipelines.

Transaction ID Database Generator

Stores transaction IDs in a Pipeline Manager database table.

Transaction ID File Generator

Stores transaction IDs in a file.