10 Testing Provisioning Using BRM Network Simulator

This chapter describes how to use the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Network Simulator to test your Telco implementation.

Topics in this document:

See also:

About the Network Simulator

The Network Simulator simulates a network provisioning agent by receiving and processing XML provisioning payload files from the Provisioning DM.


To use this simulator, the Provisioning DM must be running.

The Network Simulator includes a Perl-based simulator and a Java-based simulator.

The Perl-based simulator (agent_sim.pl) captures Service Order XML provisioning payload files from the Provisioning DM as follows:

  • If the $PIN_HOME environment variable is set, the Perl-based simulator captures and saves the XML file in BRM_home/apps/telco/service_orders with the name SvcOrder_EventObject_id.xml.

  • If the $PIN_HOME environment variable is not set, the XML file is created in the directory where the simulator is launched.

The Java-based simulator:

  1. Processes the XML file according to command-line arguments.

  2. Updates the service order status by calling the PCM_OP_PROV_UPDATE_SVC_ORDER opcode.

Using the Perl-Based Network Simulator


Before running Network Simulator, enable provisioning.

To use the Network Simulator:

  1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).

  2. Uncomment the agent_return entry and set it to 1:

    - fm_tcf agent_return 1
  3. Be sure that the internal simulator is turned off by setting the simulate_agent entry to 0.

    - fm_tcf simulate_agent 0
  4. Save the file.

  5. Restart the CM.

  6. Start the Perl-based simulator:

    Perl agent_sim.pl & 
  7. Start the Provisioning DM:



    Always start the Perl-based simulator before you start the Provisioning DM.

  8. Create a provisioning event.

  9. To test provisioning by simulating the network, run the Java-based simulator RunSimulator. See "Running the Java-Based Simulator".

Running the Java-Based Simulator

You use the Java-based simulator command RunSimulator to process the XML provisioning payload file that was created with the Perl-based simulator.

If you include a parameter to change the state of a supplied service order, the status of associated service changes accordingly. For example, when a successful service order is returned, the service, charge offer, and supplementary service (feature) status is set to Active.

To run the Java-based simulator:

  • Run RunSimulator at the command prompt:

RunSimulator [-d] [-s status] [-f status_flags] [-t feature_status][-m status_msg] [-x xml_file]



Debug mode.


Status of service order.

Possible values: 0 (success; this is the default), 1 (failed)


Status flag of service order to be returned.


Supplementary service (feature) status to be returned.


Status message.


XML provisioning payload file.

Java-Based Simulator Sample Command

This is a sample command line for running the Java-based simulator in Network Simulator:

RunSimulator -x SvcOrder_EventObject_id.xml