3 Exporting Pricing Data in a Batch

This document describes exporting Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) pricing data for use by external applications.

See also:

About Exporting Pricing Data to External CRMs

You can export charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers from BRM to external customer relationship management (CRM) applications in a batch. You might do this for the following reasons:

  • Start a CRM integration by sending your existing pricing data to the external CRM.

  • Supplement real-time synchronization of pricing data with the external CRM.

You export charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers in a batch by using the "pin_export_price" utility. This utility retrieves the data from the BRM database and uses the Synchronization Queue Data Manager (DM) to publish the data to a Synchronization Queue DM database queue. The external CRM can retrieve the data from the database queue by using processes implemented using Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Application Integration Architecture.


For more information, see "Using BRM with Oracle Application Integration Architecture" in BRM Developer's Guide.

To synchronize data in real time, see "Understanding the Synchronization Queue Data Manager".

About pin_export_price

The pin_export_price utility is a standalone multithreaded application (MTA) that synchronizes charge offer, discount offer, and chargeshare offer data between BRM and an external CRM in a batch.

The pin_export_price utility performs the following operations:

  • Searches for /product, /discount, and /sponsorship objects that meet the criteria set in the utility's parameters.

  • Retrieves the data for those objects.

  • Generates the following notification events, which detail the /product, /discount, and /sponsorship objects that are being exported:

    • /event/notification/price/discounts/modify

    • /event/notification/price/products/modify

    • /event/notification/price/sponsorships/modify

The data is sent to the Payload Generator External Module (EM), which then sends the data in the form of business events to the Synchronization Queue DM. The Synchronization Queue DM sends the business events to the Synchronization Queue DM database queue.

For more information about:

Setting Up BRM to Export Pricing Data

To set up BRM to export pricing data in a batch, you must:

Using pin_export_price to Export Pricing Data

You can use the pin_export_price utility to export the following from BRM to the Synchronization Queue DM database queue:

For a list of pin_export_price parameters and the syntax for using them, see "pin_export_price".

Exporting All Pricing Data

To export all pricing data (charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers) in your system as a batch, go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_export_price directory and enter the following command:


Exporting Pricing Data Based on the Object Type

To export pricing data based on the object type, go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_export_price directory and enter one of these commands:

  • To export only /product objects:

    pin_export_price -p
  • To export only /discount objects:

    pin_export_price -d
  • To export only /sponsorship objects:

    pin_export_price -s

Exporting Pricing Data Based on the Modification Time

To export all or a subset of the pricing data based on the modification time, go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_export_price directory and enter the following command:

pin_export_price [-p | -d | -s] -t timestamp

where timestamp specifies to retrieve only pricing data that was modified on or after the specified timestamp. You specify the timestamp by using the ISO-8601 standard format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[+|-]TZD. If you do not specify TZD, the utility uses the server's local time zone as the default. If your server and database are in different time zones, you must specify the time zone.

For example, the following command exports all charge offers that were modified after 12:00 PM on April 15, 2007, in the UTC-9 time zone:

pin_export_price -p -t 2007-04-15T12:00:00-09:00

Exporting Pricing Data Based on the Service Type

To export /product or /discount objects based on the service type, go to the BRM_home/apps/pin_export_price directory and enter the following command:

pin_export_price {-p | -d} -S ServiceType1 [, ServiceType2 ...]

where ServiceTypeN specifies the service's storable class name, such as /service/telco/gsm/data. You can specify multiple service types by using a comma (,) as a delimiter.


You cannot export /sponsorship objects based on the service type. The utility fails if you use the -S ServiceTypeN parameter with the -s parameter.


The utility does not validate the name of the service type passed in with the -S parameter. If an invalid service type name is passed, the application does not return anything and does not report an error.

For example, the following command exports all charge offers that are associated with the /service/telco/gsm/telephony and /service/telco/gsm/data service types:

pin_export_price -p -S /service/telco/gsm/telephony, /service/telco/gsm/data