4 Synchronization Queue Data Manager Utilities

This document provides reference information for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Synchronization Queue Data Manager (DM) utilities.

Topics in this document:


Use this utility to export in a batch some or all charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers in your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) system to an external application.

This utility collects data about charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers according to the criteria specified by the command-line parameters. The utility then triggers notification events that send the pricing data to the Synchronization Queue Data Manager (DM) database queue via the Payload Generator External Module (EM) and Synchronization Queue DM. The data is available to the external application from the Synchronization Queue DM database queue.

For more information on exporting pricing data in a batch, see "Exporting Pricing Data in a Batch".


  • The pin_export_price utility needs the configuration file in BRM_home/apps/pin_export_price. This configuration file must be present in the directory from which you run the utility.

  • Because pin_export_price is based on the BRM multithreaded application (MTA) framework, the configuration file also requires some performance-related configuration entries. For more information, see "Configuring Your Multithreaded Application" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  • The Synchronization Queue DM (dm_aq) must be running to use pin_export_price. See "Installing and Configuring the Synchronization Queue DM".




pin_export_price [-p | -d | -s] [-S ServiceType1, ServiceType2,...] [-t timestamp] [-help] 



Collects data about charge offers (/product objects) only. If you do not specify -p, -d, or -s, the utility collects data about charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers.


Collects data about discount offers (/discount objects) only. If you do not specify -p, -d, or -s, the utility collects data about charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers.


Collects data about chargeshare offers (/sponsorship objects) only. If you do not specify -p, -d, or -s, the utility collects data about charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers.

-S ServiceType1, ServiceType2,...

Collects data about charge offers and discount offers for the specified service types. In place of ServiceType1 and ServiceType2, use the full name of a service type, such as /service/telco/gsm/telephony. Delimit multiple service types by using a comma (,). Wildcards are not supported in service type names.

For example:

-S /service/telco/gsm/telephony, /service/telco/gsm/data 


This option can be used with the -d or -p parameter only; the utility fails if it is used with the -s parameter.


The utility does not validate the name of the service type passed in with the parameter. If an invalid service type is passed, the utility does not return anything and does not report an error.

-t timestamp

Collects data about the charge offers, discount offers, and chargeshare offers modified on or after the specified timestamp. You specify the timestamp by using the ISO-8601 standard. The following formats in Table 4-1 are supported:

Table 4-1 Supported Timestamp Formats

Format Time zone


Local time of system used to run pin_export_price.


Local time of system used to run pin_export_price.


Local time of system used to run pin_export_price.






TZD is the time zone relative to UTC. You can use a negative or positive offset from 00:00 to 12:00; for example, -05:00 or +10:00.


TZD is the time zone relative to UTC. You can use a negative or positive offset from 00:00 to 12:00; for example, -05:00 or +10:00.

For example:

-t 2005-07-16T19:20:30+01:00 

Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


To check the results of running this utility, look in the pin_export_price.pinlog log file for error messages. You specify the directory in which the log file is created in the utility's configuration file (pin.conf).


Use this utility to create, drop, and monitor Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Synchronization Queue Data Manager (DM) queues in your Oracle database.

The Synchronization Queue DM sends BRM business events to these queues so that BRM pricing data can be synchronized with data on external systems. For information, see "Understanding the Synchronization Queue Data Manager".



Syntax for Creating a Queue

Creates a Synchronization Queue DM queue, queue table, and database package in your database. The database package contains stored procedures for queuing, dequeuing, and purging business events.

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl create [-l username/password@databaseAlias]
                                 [-q queue_name -t queue_table] 
                                 [-s storage_clause]
                                 [-r retention_time]

Parameters for Creating a Queue

-l username/password@databaseAlias

Specifies how to connect to the database. For example:

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl create -l pin/password@pindb.example.com

If you omit this parameter, the utility prompts you for this information.

-q queue_name -t queue_table

Specifies the queue name and queue table name.

If you omit these parameters, the utility automatically creates a queue named AQ_QUEUE and a queue table named AQ_SYNC.

-s storage_clause

Specifies the storage settings for the queue table.

If you omit this parameter, the storage settings are set by the storage_clause parameter in the BRM_home/apps/pin_aq/create_sync_queue.conf file. For information, see "Configuring the Queue Location".

For example:

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl create -s "tablespace PIN00 initrans 5 storage (initial 200k next 200k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0 )"
-r retention_time

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, until processed events are removed from the database queue.

If you omit this parameter, the retention time is set by the retention_time parameter in the BRM_home/apps/pin_aq/create_sync_queue.conf file. For information, see "Configuring How Often Processed Events are Removed from the Queue".

Syntax for Dropping a Queue

Drops the specified queue and its associated queue table from your database.


This command also drops the Synchronization Queue DM database package, which contains stored procedures for queuing, dequeuing, and purging events.

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl drop [-q queue_name] [-l username/password@databaseAlias]

Parameters for Dropping a Queue

-q queue_name

Specifies the name of the queue to drop.

If you omit this option, the utility drops the default queue, PORTAL_SYNC_QUEUE.

-l username/password@databaseAlias

Specifies how to connect to the database.

If you omit this option, the utility prompts you for this information.

Syntax for Generating a Report

Generates a report that displays the state of each event in the Synchronization Queue DM queue.

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl report -r summary|detail [-q queue_name] [-l username/password@databaseAlias]

Parameters for Generating a Report

-r summary | detail

Generates the specified type of report.

-r summary generates a report that summarizes the number of events in each state. Events can be in the following states:

Table 4-2 Event States

State Description


The event has not been dequeued or processed by the external system.


The event was dequeued and processed by the external system.

-r detail generates a report that details the ID, event state, queuing time, and dequeuing time for each event.

-q queue_name

Specifies the queue name.

If you omit this parameter, the utility generates a report for the default queue, PORTAL_SYNC_QUEUE.

-l username/password@databaseAlias

Specifies how to connect to the database.

If you omit this parameter, the utility prompts you for this information.

Syntax for Testing a Queue

Tests the specified queue by attempting to queue and dequeue 20 test events. You run this command to test if a newly created queue functions properly.


You need to test a queue only after it is first created.

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl test [-q queue_name] [-l username/password@databaseAlias]

Parameters for Testing a Queue

-q queue_name

Specifies the queue name.

If you omit this parameter, the utility tests the default queue, PORTAL_SYNC_QUEUE, and default queue table, PORTAL_SYNC.

-l username/password@databaseAlias

Specifies how to connect to the database.

If you omit this parameter, the utility prompts you for this information.

Syntax for Listing Queues

Lists all queues in the current user's database.

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl list [-l username/password@databaseAlias]

Parameters for Listing Queues

-l username/password@databaseAlias

Specifies how to connect to the database.

If you omit this parameter, the utility prompts you for this information.

Syntax for Getting Help

Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.

pin_portal_sync_oracle.pl help


The pin_portal_sync_oracle utility notifies you when it runs successfully. Otherwise, look in the default.pinlog file for errors. This file is either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in the utility configuration file.