5 Searching for and Sorting Jobs

You can search for jobs in the Jobs page of Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Business Operations Center. You can also search for and sort jobs on the Job History page.

To search for and sort business operations jobs, see the following topics:

Searching for Any Type of Job

To search for any type of job:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. In the Categories column, click the type of job that you want to find.

  3. Click the Filter icon:

    Shows the Filter icon
  4. Select to filter the job by status type or the frequency at which the job runs, and then click Update.

All jobs matching the search criteria appear.

Searching for and Sorting Completed Jobs

You can search for and sort completed jobs from the Job History page.

To search for and sort completed jobs:

  1. Click the History icon.

    The Job History page appears.

  2. Search for completed jobs by applying filters such as time period, status, category, job name, job ID, tag, or schema number.


    The option to search by schema number appears only if you have a multischema BRM system.

  3. From the Sort By list at the top right, select the sorting condition such as Started, Finished, Status, and Category.

Searching for Jobs in the Timeline

To search for jobs in the timeline:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. Click the Job Timeline icon:

    Shows the Job Timeline icon

    The timeline appears.

  3. In the Filter by category, job name, job id, tag, schema field, enter the search criteria.

    All jobs matching the search criteria appear in the timeline.


    The option to search by schema number appears only if you have a multischema BRM system.

  4. (Optional) Select My jobs only to view only the jobs that you created.