6 Viewing Jobs

You can view the results of running jobs in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Business Operations Center. You can also view jobs in a timeline and view details about accounts associated with failed jobs.

To view jobs, see the following topics:

Viewing Job Details

All jobs, except deleted jobs, are listed in the Jobs and Home pages.

To view job details:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. In the Categories column, click the type of job you want to view.

    All active jobs in the selected category appear.

  3. (Optional) To view completed and deactivated jobs, apply filters:

    1. Click the Filter icon:

      Shows the Filter icon
    2. Under Job Status, select Completed and Inactive.

    3. Click Update.

      All completed and deactivated jobs appear.

  4. Click a job.

    Details about the job appear on the right.

Viewing All Jobs Scheduled to Run Today and Tomorrow

To view the details of jobs scheduled to run between now and 11:59 p.m. tomorrow:

  1. Click the Home icon.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click the Scheduled tab on the right.

    The list of jobs scheduled to run between now and 11:59 p.m. tomorrow appears.

  3. Click a job's name.

    The Job History page appears.

    For more information, see "Viewing Job Results".

Viewing Job Results

You can view job results from the Job History and Home pages.

To view job results from the Job History page:

  1. Click the History icon.

    The Job History page with the results of the jobs run in the last 24 hours appears.

  2. (Optional) Select the time period.

  3. (Optional) Click the Filter by category, job name, job id, tag, schema field, select one or more filter criteria, and then click the Search icon.


    The option to search by schema number appears only if you have a multischema BRM system.

  4. (Optional) Select the status of the jobs.

  5. (Optional) From the Sort By list, sort the search results by job start date, job end date, status, or category.


You can view job details from the Job History page by clicking the job name displayed at the top of each row.

Viewing All Jobs Completed Yesterday and Today

To view the details of the jobs completed between 12:00 a.m. yesterday and now:

  1. Click the Home icon.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click the Completed tab.

    The list of jobs completed between 12:00 a.m. yesterday and now appears.

Viewing Information about Failed Jobs

You can view information about failed jobs from the Home and Job History pages.

Viewing Details of Failed Jobs

To view details of a failed job:

  1. Click the History icon.

    The Job History page with the results of the jobs run in the last 24 hours appears.

  2. (Optional) Select the time period.

  3. (Optional) Select the status of the jobs as Failed.

  4. Click the View failure report link for any job with a Failed status.

    The Review Failure Details dialog box appears.


    The View failure report link appears only in the following situations:

    • The job failed due to issues in the account associated with the job.

    • The job is a billing, invoicing, payment collection, general ledger, custom, or refund job.

  5. (Optional) In the Account Number column, click the account number for which you want to view details.

    A page with the details of that account appears.

    You can also export the details of the account associated with the failed jobs.

For more information, see "Rerunning Failed Jobs" and "Exporting Failure Reports".

Viewing All Jobs That Did Not Run or That Failed in the Last 24 Hours

To view the jobs that did not run or that have failed in the last 24 hours:

  1. Click the Home icon.

    The Home page appears.

  2. In the Unresolved section, the number of jobs that failed in the last 24 hours appears.

    In the Attention section, the number of jobs that did not run due to blackout or server issues in the last 24 hours appears.

Viewing the Timeline from the Job Details Page

The job timeline displays completed and upcoming jobs in a scrolling, calendar-like view.

To view the timeline from within a job's details page:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. Click the job you want to view in the timeline. See "Viewing Job Details".

    Details about the job appear on the right.

  3. In the job details, click the View in timeline link at the top right.

    The timeline appears, and the selected job and its occurrences are highlighted. The timeline is read-only.

You can also view a job in the timeline while creating the job. See "Running Billing".

Viewing a Job's Details from the Job Timeline

To view a job's details from the job timeline:

  1. Click the Jobs icon.

    The Jobs page appears.

  2. Click the Job Timeline icon:

    Shows the Job Timeline icon

    The job timeline appears with all scheduled jobs.

  3. (Optional) Right-click a job and then select View.

    The details of the job appear.