16 Upgrading Your BRM Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to upgrade your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) cloud native environment to the latest release.

Topics in this document:

In this document, the BRM release running on your production system is called the existing release. The release you are upgrading to is called the new release. For example, if you upgrade from BRM 12.0.0.x.0 to BRM 15.0.x.0.0, 12.0.0.x.0 is the existing release and 15.0.x.0.0 is the new one.

Tasks for the BRM Cloud Native Upgrade

This section provides a list of tasks required to upgrade your BRM cloud native deployment to the latest release, patch set, or interim patch release. All patch sets and interim patches are cumulative, so they include the fixes from previous patch sets and interim patches. You can perform a direct upgrade from one patch set to another. For example, you can perform a direct upgrade of BRM cloud native from 12.0.0.x.0 to 15.0.x.0.0.

To upgrade your BRM cloud native deployment, complete these tasks in the specified order:

  1. If you are upgrading from to or later, migrate your BRM cloud native Helm charts to the v3.x format by using the helm2to3 utility. The Helm charts in BRM cloud native use Helm v2.x, and later patch set releases use Helm v3.x. Helm v3.x doesn't readily understand the releases created by Helm v2.x.

    For more information, see "Migrating Helm v2 to v3" in the Helm documentation. The documentation contains references to the migration plugin and to a blog with a comprehensive walk-through of steps using a sample chart.

  2. Upgrade your BRM cloud native database schema. See "Upgrading Your Database Schema".

  3. Upgrade your BRM cloud native services. See "Upgrading Your BRM Cloud Native Services".

  4. Upgrade your Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) cloud native services. See "Upgrading Your ECE Cloud Native Services".

  5. Upgrade your client application services in any order:

Upgrading Your Database Schema

To upgrade your BRM cloud native database schema to the 15.0.x.0.0 release:

  1. Download Oracle Communications Cloud Native Database Initializer Helm Chart 15.0.x.0.0 from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website. See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and load the BRM cloud native component images in one of these ways:

  3. Extract the BRM database initializer Helm chart from the archive. For example:

    tar xvzf oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    where x is 0 for the release, 1 for BRM release, and so on. If you are extracting an interim patch, the file name will also have the interim patch number appended to it, such as oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0-12345678.tgz.

  4. Copy the /oms/wallet/client files (ewallet.p12 and cwallet.sso) from the BRM 12.0.0.x.0 version of the dm-oracle pod to the BRM 15.0.x.0.0 oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart/existing_wallet/ directory.


    This step is only required if you are upgrading from 12.0.0.x.0 to 15.0.x.0.0. Skip this step if you are upgrading from to 15.0.x.0.0.

  5. Create an override-init-db.yaml file for oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart.

  6. In the override-init-db.yaml file, do the following:

    • Set the ocbrm.is_upgrade key to true.

    • Set the existing_rootkey_wallet key to true.

    • Set the other keys in Table 6-1 as needed.


      The BRM root password, wallet passwords, and database details should be the same as in your existing release.

  7. Validate the chart's content by using the helm lint command.

    • For Helm 3.6.0 and later releases, enter this command from the helmcharts directory:

      helm lint --strict oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart --values oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart/values.yaml --values override-init-db.yaml
    • For previous Helm releases, enter this command from the helmcharts directory:

      helm lint --strict oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart

    You'll see this if the command completes successfully:

    1 chart(s) listed, no failures
  8. Upgrade the database schema by entering this command from the helmcharts directory. Ensure that you run the Helm chart with a new release name and namespace.

    helm install newRelease oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart --namespace newNameSpace --values override-init-db.yaml


    • newRelease is the release name for your new release. This release name must be different from that of your existing release.

    • newNameSpace is the namespace in which to create BRM Kubernetes objects for the new release. This namespace must be different from that of your existing release.

Your BRM cloud native database schema is upgraded to the new release.

To determine if the upgrade was successful, enter the following:

kubectl -n newNameSpace get pods

If successful, you will see something similar to this:

upgrade-wc6sx  0/1    Completed  0         22h

Upgrading Your BRM Cloud Native Services


The steps for upgrading your BRM cloud native services are the same for existing and new schemas.

When you upgrade your BRM cloud native services, it upgrades all BRM core services in your BRM cloud native environment.

To upgrade your BRM cloud native services to the 15.0.x.0.0 release:

  1. Download and install Oracle Communications Cloud Native Helm Chart 15.0.x.0.0 from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website. See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and load the BRM cloud native images in one of these ways:

  3. Extract the BRM Helm chart from the archive:

    tar xvzf oc-cn-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    where x is 0 for the release, 1 for BRM release, 2 for BRM release, and so on. If you are extracting an interim patch, the file name will also have the interim patch number appended to it, such as oc-cn-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0-12345678.tgz.

  4. Create an upgrade-brm.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart and set the following keys:

    • Set the ocbrm.is_upgrade key to true.

    • Set the ocbrm.existing_rootkey_wallet key to false.

    • Set the other keys in Table 7-4 as needed.

  5. Run the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart using the same release name and namespace that you used for your existing release:

    helm upgrade existingBrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-brm.yaml -n existingBrmNamespace 


    • existingBrmReleaseName is the release name assigned to your existing oc-cn-helm-chart installation.

    • existingOverrideValues is the file name and path to the override-values.yaml file for your existing BRM installation.

    • existingBrmNamespace is the same namespace as for your existing BRM deployment.

  6. If you are upgrading a multischema system, do the following:

    1. Add the following lines to the oc-cn-helm-chart/brmapps_scripts/loadme.sh script:

      cd /oms/setup/scripts; perl pin_multidb.pl -i
      cd /oms/setup/scripts; perl pin_multidb.pl -f
      cd /oms/setup/scripts; perl pin_amt_install.pl
      exit 0;
    2. Enable the brm-apps job by setting these keys in your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart:

      • ocbrm.brm_apps.job.isEnabled: Set this to true

      • ocbrm.brm_apps.job.isMultiSchema: Set this to false

    3. Run the helm upgrade command to update the BRM Helm release:

      helm upgrade BrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace

Your BRM core services have been upgraded to the latest release.


The first time you run pin_virtual_time after upgrading the BRM core services to the 15.0.x.0.0 release, it generates a new 64-bit pin_virtual_time_file utility. You must restart the CM after the 64-bit pin_virtual_time_file is created. To do so:

  1. In the override-values.yaml for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the following keys:

    • ocbrm.config_jobs.restart_count: Increment the existing value by 1.

    • ocbrm.config_jobs.run_apps: Set this to true.

  2. Run the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart using the same release name and namespace that you used for your existing release:

    helm upgrade existingBrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-brm.yaml -n existingBrmNamespace

Upgrading Your ECE Cloud Native Services

To upgrade your ECE cloud native services to the 15.0.x.0.0 release:

  1. Download the ECE cloud native Helm chart. See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Extract the ECE Helm chart from the archive into a separate staging area. For example:

    tar xvzf oc-cn-ece-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz StagingArea
  3. In your staging area, create a diff between the new values.yaml file and your existing oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/values.yaml file. For example, if you are upgrading from to 15.0.x.0.0, do a diff between the and 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the values.yaml file.

  4. Using the diff, make a list of the keys that were added, changed, and removed in the new release.

  5. Open your existing release's override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-ece-helm-chart. This file contains all of the customizations that you made in previous releases.

  6. Do the following:

    • Add and configure any new keys that you want to use.

    • Delete the keys that were removed.

    • If a key's default value changed, determine whether you want to modify the key's value.

  7. Ensure that you have at least three ecs and ecs1 pod replicas configured in the file:

    • charging.ecs1.replicas: Set this to a value of 3 or greater.

    • charging.ecs.replicas: Set this to a value of 3 or greater.

  8. If your current ECE cloud native deployment does not support cdrstore tablespaces and you are upgrading to a version that requires them, do one of the following:

    • Continue without separate tablespaces for cdrstore. To do so, in your override-values.yaml file, set the cdrstoretablespace and cdrstoreindexspace keys to an empty value:

      cdrstoretablespace: ""
      cdrstoreindexspace: ""
    • Use separate tablespaces for cdrstore. To do so, in override-values.yaml file, set the cdrstoretablespace and cdrstoreindexspace keys to the tablespace names.

      Also, grant quota on the new tablespaces to the ECE schema user. Connect to your database as the system user using SQL*Plus, and enter these commands:

      SQL> ALTER USER EceSchemaUser quota unlimited on ECECDRTABLESPACE;
      SQL> ALTER USER EceSchemaUser quota unlimited on ECECDRINDEXSPACE;
  9. Save and close your override-values.yaml file to your staging area.

  10. Delete all existing ECE template files from your staging area's oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/templates directory.

  11. Copy the new ECE template files to your staging area's oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/templates directory.

  12. Upgrade your ECE cloud native services by running these commands:

    cd StagingArea/oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/
    sh upgradeECE_15.0.x.0.0.sh -o OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace -r EceReleaseName -s y


    • OverrideValuesFile is the path to a YAML file that overrides the default configurations in the oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/values.yaml file.

    • BrmNameSpace is the namespace in which BRM Kubernetes objects reside for the BRM Helm chart.

    • EceReleaseName is the release name for oc-cn-ece-helm-chart and is used to track this installation instance. It must be different from the one used for the BRM Helm chart.

Upgrading ECE Cloud Native to the Latest Interim Patch

To upgrade your ECE cloud native services from 15.0 to the latest 15.0 interim patch:

  1. Delete any existing ECE Kubernetes jobs:

    kubectl -n BrmNameSpace get job
    kubectl -n BrmNameSpace delete job JobName

    where BrmNameSpace is the namespace in which BRM Kubernetes objects reside for the BRM Helm chart, and JobName is the name of the Kubernetes job.

  2. Download the latest 15.0 interim patch release from the My Oracle Support website (https://support.oracle.com).

  3. Extract the interim patch's ECE Helm chart from the archive into a separate staging area. For example:

    tar xvzf oc-cn-ece-helm-chart- StagingArea

    where xyz is the interim patch number.

  4. In your staging area, create a diff between the 15.0 interim patch values.yaml file and your existing 15.0 oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/values.yaml file.

  5. Using the diff, make a list of the keys that were added, changed, and removed in the 15.0 interim patch release.

  6. Open your 15.0 override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-ece-helm-chart.

  7. Do the following:

    • Add and configure any new keys that you want to use.

    • Delete the keys that were removed.

    • If a key's default value changed, determine whether you want to override the key's value.

  8. Ensure that you have at least three ecs and ecs1 pod replicas configured in the file:

    • charging.ecs1.replicas: Set this to a value of 3 or greater.

    • charging.ecs.replicas: Set this to a value of 3 or greater.

  9. Save and close your override-values.yaml file.

  10. Upgrade your ECE cloud native services to the latest 15.0 interim patch release by running these commands:

    cd StagingArea/oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/
    sh upgradeECE_15. -o OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace -r EceReleaseName


    • OverrideValuesFile is the path to a YAML file that overrides the default configurations in the oc-cn-ece-helm-chart/values.yaml file.

    • EceReleaseName is the release name for oc-cn-ece-helm-chart and is used to track this installation instance. It must be different from the one used for the BRM Helm chart.

Customizing BRM Cloud Native Services

Learn how to customize the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) server and clients in a cloud native environment to meet your business needs.

The Podman build commands in this chapter reference Dockerfile and related scripts as is from the oc-cn-docker-files-15.0.x.0.0.tgz package. Ensure you use your own version of Dockerfile and related scripts before running the build command.


The Dockerfiles and related scripts are provided for reference only. You can refer to them to build or extend your own images. Support is restricted to core product issues only and no support will be provided for custom Dockerfiles and scripts.

Upgrading Your PDC Cloud Native Services


  • When you upgrade your PDC cloud native services, it also upgrades your PDC database.

  • If you choose to reuse an existing PDC schema, you must choose the same rating engine as the existing PDC installation. That is, if your existing PDC installation uses Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating, you cannot switch to the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines. Likewise, if your existing PDC installation uses the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines for usage rating, you cannot switch to ECE. If you attempt to switch rating engines, the PDC upgrade fails and generates an error message.

To upgrade your PDC cloud native services and the PDC database to the latest 15.0.x release:

  1. Download and extract BRM cloud native Helm charts. See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and push the Pricing Design Center component images into your repository in one of these ways:

  3. In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the following keys:

    • ocpdc.isEnabled: Set this to false

    • ocpdc.configEnv.deployAndUpgradeSite2: Set this to false

    • ocpdc.configEnv.upgrade: Set this to true

  4. Run the helm upgrade command to update your BRM Helm release:

    helm upgrade BrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace


    • BrmReleaseName is the release name assigned to your existing oc-cn-helm-chart installation.

    • OverrideValuesFile is the file name and path of your override-values.yaml file.

    • BrmNameSpace is the namespace for your existing BRM deployment.


    Ensure that all PDC pods, services, and volume mounts have been deleted.

  5. (For upgrades to Patch Set 8 and later) Create a domain creation job by adding PDC-specific keys to your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart. See "Adding PDC Keys for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart".

  6. Copy the key values from your existing values.yaml Helm chart to your new values.yaml Helm chart. For more information about these keys, see "Adding PDC Keys for oc-cn-helm-chart".

  7. Delete all existing PDC YAML files from your local oc-cn-helm-charts/templates directory.

  8. Copy the new PDC YAML files to your local oc-cn-helm-charts/templates directory.

  9. In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the following keys:

    • ocbrm.pdc_deployed: Set this to false

    • ocpdc.isEnabled: Set this to true

    • ocpdc.configEnv.upgrade: Set this to true

    • ocpdc.configEnv.deployAndUpgradeSite2: Set this to false

    • ocpdc.configEnv.rcuPrefix: This value must match the one set in your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart (see step 5)

  10. Run the helm upgrade command to update your BRM Helm release:

    helm upgrade BrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace

Upgrading BRM REST Services Manager

To upgrade your BRM REST Services Manager cloud native services to the 15.0.x.0.0 release:

  1. Download and extract the BRM cloud native Helm charts. See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and push the BRM REST Services Manager component image to your repository in one of these ways:

  3. Disable the brm-rest-services-manager service in your BRM cloud native environment.

    1. Create an upgrade-brm-rsm.yaml file. This file will be used by oc-cn-helm-chart.

    2. In your upgrade-brm-rsm.yaml file, set the ocrsm.rsm.isEnabled key to false.

    3. Stop the brm-rest-services-manager pod by running the Helm upgrade command for the oc-cn-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingBrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-brm-rsm.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace


      • existingBrmReleaseName is the BRM release name for your existing release.

      • existingOverrideValues is the file name and path to the override-values.yaml file for your existing brm-rest-services-manager installation.

      • existingBrmNamespace is the BRM namespace for your existing release.

  4. Wait for the brm-rest-services-manager pod to stop.

  5. In your upgrade-brm-rsm.yaml file, set the these keys:

    • ocrsm.rsm.isEnabled: Set this to true.

    • ocrsm.rsm.deployment.imageTag: Set this to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 or 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

  6. Copy the SSL Certificate for BRM REST Services Manager.

    1. Create a directory named rsm_keystore under the newly extracted oc-cn-helm-chart/rsm directory.

    2. Copy the files created in the step "Generating an SSL Certificate for BRM REST Services Manager" to the newly created oc-cn-helm-chart/rsm directory.

    3. Start your brm-rest-services-manager services by running the Helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingBRMReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-brm-rsm.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace

Upgrading Your Business Operations Center Cloud Native Services

The instructions to upgrade your Business Operations Center services differ depending on the patch set you are upgrading to or from.


When you upgrade your Business Operations Center cloud native service, you can also upgrade your Business Operations Center database schema.

Upgrading Your Business Operations Center Cloud Native Service from or Earlier to 15.0.x.0.0

To upgrade your Business Operations Center cloud native service and database schema from or earlier to 15.0.x.0.0:

  1. Download and extract the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the BRM cloud native Helm chart (oc-cn-helm-chart) and the cloud native operator job chart (oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart).

    See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and push the Business Operations Center component image (boc) to your repository in one of these ways:

  3. Disable all Business Operations Center 12.0.0.x.0 services in your BRM cloud native environment.

    1. Create an upgrade-boc.yaml file and then set the ocboc.boc.isEnabled key to false.

      The upgrade-boc.yaml file will be used with both oc-cn-helm-chart and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart.

    2. Stop the WebLogic domain by running the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingBrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-boc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace


      • existingBrmReleaseName is the BRM release name for your existing release.

      • existingOverrideValues is the override-values.yaml file for your 12.0.0.x.0 release.

      • existingBrmNamespace is the BRM namespace for your existing release.

    3. Remove the WebLogic domain by running the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingOpJobReleaseName oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-boc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNameSpace

      where existingOpJobReleaseName is the oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart release name for the existing release.

  4. Clean up the data in your Business Operations Center 12.0.0.x.0 persistent volumes (PVs).

    1. Clean up the domain home from the PV for Business Operations Center 12.0.0.x.0:

      rm -rf Domain_home/domains/domainUID


      • Domain_home is the location specified in the ocboc.boc.wop.domainVolHostPath key.

      • domainUID is the domain name specified in the ocboc.boc.wop.domainUID key. The default is boc-domain.

      See Table 9-1 for more information.

    2. Clean up the application home from the PV for Business Operations Center:

      rm -rf Application_home/BOC

      where Application_home is the path specified in the ocboc.boc.wop.appVolHostPath key.

  5. Compare your existing 12.0.0.x.0 versions of the oc-cn-helm-chart/values.yaml and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart/values.yaml files with the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of those files.

    • Create a diff between the 15.0.x.0.0 values.yaml file and your existing 12.0.0.x.0 values.yaml file.
    • Using the diff, make a list of the keys that were added, changed, and removed in the new release.

    • Open your existing 12.0.0.x.0 release's override-values.yaml file. This file contains all of the customizations that you made in previous releases.

    • Do the following:

      • Add and configure any new keys that you want to use.

      • Delete the keys that were removed.

      • If a key's default value changed, determine whether you want to modify the key's value.

    • Close and save the files as updatedExistingOverrideValues.

  6. Deploy Business Operations Center 15.0.x.0.0 with the latest changes and upgrade the Business Operations Center database schema.

    1. In your upgrade-boc.yaml file, set these Business Operations Center keys:

      • ocboc.boc.isEnabled: Set this to true.

      • ocboc.boc.deployment.imageTag: Set this to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 for patch sets and 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

    2. Run the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingOpJobReleaseName oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-boc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNameSpace

      Wait for the jobs to complete their tasks.

  7. Start your Business Operations Center 15.0.x.0.0 services by running the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

    helm upgrade existingBRMReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-boc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace
Upgrading Your Business Operations Center Cloud Native Service from to 15.0.x.0.0

To upgrade your Business Operations Center cloud native service and database schema from to 15.0.x.0.0:

  1. Download and extract the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the BRM cloud native Helm chart (oc-cn-helm-chart) and the cloud native operator job chart (oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart).

    See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and push the Business Operations Center 15.0.x.0.0 image (boc) to your repository in one of these ways:

  3. Compare your existing versions of the oc-cn-helm-chart/values.yaml and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart/values.yaml files with the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of those files.

    • Create a diff between the 15.0.x.0.0 values.yaml file and your existing values.yaml file.
    • Using the diff, make a list of the keys that were added, changed, and removed in the new release.

    • Open your existing release's override-values.yaml file. This file contains all of the customizations that you made in previous releases.

    • Do the following:

      • Add and configure any new keys that you want to use.

      • Delete the keys that were removed.

      • If a key's default value changed, determine whether you want to modify the key's value.

    • Close and save the files as updatedExistingOverrideValues.

  4. Deploy Business Operations Center 15.0.x.0.0 with the latest changes and upgrade the Business Operations Center database schema.15

    1. In your upgrade-boc.yaml file, set the ocboc.boc.deployment.app.imageTag key to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 or 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

      The upgrade-boc.yaml file will be used with both oc-cn-helm-chart and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart.

    2. Run the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingOpJobReleaseName oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-boc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNameSpace

      Wait for the jobs to complete their tasks.

  5. Start your Business Operations Center 15.0.x.0.0 services by running the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

    helm upgrade existingBRMReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-boc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace

Upgrading Your Pipeline Configuration Center Service

To upgrade your Pipeline Configuration Center (PCC) service to the latest release:

  1. Download and extract the BRM cloud native Helm chart (oc-cn-helm-chart).

    See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and push the PCC component image (oracle/pcc:15.0.x.0.0) to your repository in one of these ways:

  3. Disable the PCC service in your BRM cloud native environment:

    1. Create an upgrade-pcc.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart.

    2. In your upgrade-pcc.yaml file, set the ocpcc.pcc.isEnabled key to false.

    3. Stop the running pcc pod by running the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingBrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-pcc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace


      • existingBrmReleaseName is the BRM release name for your existing release.
      • existingOverrideValues is the file name and path to the override-values.yaml file for your existing BRM installation.
      • existingBrmNamespace is the BRM namespace for your existing release.
  4. Wait for the pcc pod to stop.

  5. In your upgrade-pcc.yaml file, set the following keys:

    • ocpcc.pcc.isEnabled: Set this to true.

    • ocpcc.pcc.deployment.imageTag: Set this to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 or 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

  6. Copy the SSL Certificate for PCC:

    1. Create a keystore_pcc directory under oc-cn-helm-chart/pcc.

    2. Copy the default PKCS12 certificate and KeyStore files to the oc-cn-helm-chart/pcc directory.

      During deployment, Helm uses the KeyStore files to create a Secret, which will be mounted as a volume inside the pcc pod.

    3. If your KeyStore files have file names different from what is specified in the values.yaml file, update the keyStoreType, keyStoreIdentityFileName, and keyStoreTrustFileName keys in your override-values.yaml file.

  7. Start your pcc pod by running the helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

    helm upgrade existingBRMReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-pcc.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace

Upgrading Your Billing Care and Billing Care REST API Cloud Native Services

The instructions to use to upgrade your Billing Care and Billing Care REST API services are different, depending on the patch set you are upgrading from.

Upgrading Your Billing Care and Billing Care REST API Cloud Native Services from or Earlier to 15.0.x.0.0

To upgrade Billing Care and Billing Care REST API from or earlier to 15.0.x.0.0:

  1. Download and extract the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the BRM cloud native Helm chart (oc-cn-helm-chart) and the cloud native operator job chart (oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart).

    See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and push the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the Billing Care image (billingcare) and the Billing Care REST API image (bcws) to your repository in one of these ways:

  3. Disable all Billing Care and Billing Care REST API services in your BRM 12.0.0.x.0 cloud native environment.

    1. Create an upgrade-billing.yaml file.

      This file will be used with both oc-cn-helm-chart and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart.

    2. In your upgrade-billing.yaml file, set these keys:

      • ocbc.bc.isEnabled: Set this to false.

      • ocbc.bcws.isEnabled: Set this to false.

    3. Stop the WebLogic domain by running the Helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingBrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-billing.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace


      • existingBrmReleaseName is the BRM release name for your existing release.

      • existingOverrideValues is the file name and path to the override-values.yaml file for your existing Billing Care installation.

      • existingBrmNamespace is the BRM namespace for your existing release.

    4. Remove the WebLogic domain by running the Helm upgrade command for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart:

      helm upgrade existingOpJobReleaseName oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart --values existingOverrideValues --values upgrade-billing.yaml --namespace existingBrmNameSpace

      where existingOpJobReleaseName is the oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart release name for the existing release.

  4. Clean up the data in the 12.0.0.x.0 versions of the Billing Care and Billing Care REST API persistent volumes (PVs).

    1. Clean up the domain home from the PV for Billing Care and Billing Care REST API:

      rm -rf Domain_home/domains/domainUID


      • Domain_home is the location specified in the ocbc.bc.wop.domainVolHostPath and ocbc.bcws.wop.domainVolHostPath keys.

      • domainUID is the domain name specified in the ocbc.bc.wop.domainUID and ocbc.bcws.wop.domainUID keys. The defaults are billingcare-domain and bcws-domain.

      See Table 9-3 and Table 9-5.

    2. Clean up the application home from the PV for Billing Care and Billing Care REST API:

      rm -rf Application_home/billingcare

      where Application_home is the path specified in the ocbc.bc.wop.appVolHostPath and ocbc.bcws.wop.appVolHostPath keys.

  5. Compare your existing 12.0.0.x.0 versions of the oc-cn-helm-chart/values.yaml and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart/values.yaml files with the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of those files.

    • Create a diff between the 15.0.x.0.0 values.yaml file and your existing 12.0.0.x.0 values.yaml file.
    • Using the diff, make a list of the keys that were added, changed, and removed in the new release.

    • Open your existing 12.0.0.x.0 release's override-values.yaml file. This file contains all of the customizations that you made in previous releases.

    • Do the following:

      • Add and configure any new keys that you want to use.

      • Delete the keys that were removed.

      • If a key's default value changed, determine whether you want to modify the key's value.

    • Close and save the files as updatedExistingOverrideValues.

  6. In your upgrade-billing.yaml file, set these Billing Care and Billing Care REST API keys:

    • ocbc.bc.isEnabled: Set this to true.

    • ocbc.bcws.isEnabled: Set this to true.

    • ocbc.bc.deployment.imageTag: Set this to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 or 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

    • ocbc.bcws.deployment.imageTag: Set this to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 or 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

  7. Deploy the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the Billing Care and Billing Care REST API with the latest changes by running the Helm upgrade command for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart:

    helm upgrade existingOpJobReleaseName oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-billing.yaml --namespace existingBrmNameSpace

    Wait for the jobs to complete their tasks.

  8. Start your 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the Billing Care and Billing Care REST API services by running the Helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

    helm upgrade existingBRMReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-billing.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace
Upgrading Your Billing Care and Billing Care REST API Cloud Native Services from to 15.0.x.0.0

To upgrade Billing Care and Billing Care REST API cloud native from the release to 15.0.x.0.0:

  1. Download and extract the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the BRM cloud native Helm chart (oc-cn-helm-chart) and the cloud native operator job chart (oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart).

    See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Download and push the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the Billing Care image (billingcare) and the Billing Care REST API image (bcws) to your repository in one of these ways:

  3. Compare your existing versions of the oc-cn-helm-chart/values.yaml and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart/values.yaml files with the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of those files.

    • Create a diff between the 15.0.x.0.0 values.yaml file and your existing values.yaml file.
    • Using the diff, make a list of the keys that were added, changed, and removed in the new release.

    • Open your existing release's override-values.yaml file. This file contains all of the customizations that you made in previous releases.

    • Do the following:

      • Add and configure any new keys that you want to use.

      • Delete the keys that were removed.

      • If a key's default value changed, determine whether you want to modify the key's value.

    • Close and save the files as updatedExistingOverrideValues.

  4. Create an upgrade-billing.yaml file and set these Billing Care and Billing Care REST API keys:

    • ocbc.bc.deployment.app.imageTag: Set this to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 for patch sets and 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

    • ocbc.bcws.deployment.app.imageTag: Set this to the new release number in the format 15.0.x.0.0 for patch sets and 15.0.x.0.0-nnnnnnnn for interim patches.

    The upgrade-billing.yaml file will be used with both oc-cn-helm-chart and oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart.

  5. Deploy the 15.0.x.0.0 versions of Billing Care and Billing Care REST API with the latest changes by running the Helm upgrade command for oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart:

    helm upgrade existingOpJobReleaseName oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-billing.yaml --namespace existingBrmNameSpace

    Wait for the jobs to complete their tasks.

  6. Start your 15.0.x.0.0 versions of the Billing Care and Billing Care REST API services by running the Helm upgrade command for oc-cn-helm-chart:

    helm upgrade existingBRMReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values updatedExistingOverrideValues --values upgrade-billing.yaml --namespace existingBrmNamespace