30 Filtering which Business Events Are Published

Learn how to filter business events for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Manager.

Topics in this document:

Filtering which Business Events Are Published

You can configure EAI Manager to filter which business events are published or not published based on business event attributes. You define the criteria a business event must meet, and only business events meeting the criteria are published.

You filter which business events are published and not published by creating a condition, which consists of the following:

About the Condition Attribute

The Condition attribute specifies the name of your condition. You can use any name, such as MyCondition. You specify the condition name in the <PublisherDefs> section of the payloadconfig.xml file using the following format:


You indicate whether to apply the condition to a specific business event or all business events in the publisher through the placement of the Condition attribute:

  • For a specific business event, you add the Condition attribute after the appropriate business event. For example, to apply the condition to BillInfoUpdate business events:

       <Publisher DB="" Format="FLIST"> 
          BillInfoUpdate Condition=MyCondition

    In this example, only the BillInfoUpdate business event will be filtered by MyCondition.

  • For all business events in the publisher, you add the Condition attribute, surrounded by quotes, to the <Publisher> tag. For example:

       <Publisher DB="" Condition="MyCondition" Format="FLIST"/> 

    In this example, the CustCreate, CustDelete, and BillInfoUpdate business events will be filtered by MyCondition.

About the Condition Definition

The condition definition defines the criteria that a business event must meet to be published. The condition definition must appear at the end of the payloadconfig.xml file in its own <ConditionDefs> section and follow this format:

         <BooleanExpression PinFld="FieldName" Value="FieldValue" Operator="OpValue"/>

Table 30-1 lists the elements in the <ConditionDefs> section.

Table 30-1 Elements in ConditionDefs

Element Syntax Description



Opens the condition definition. ConditionName must match the name you defined in the Condition attribute. See "About the Condition Attribute".



The Boolean operator to apply. Possible values are:

  • AndExpression is the Boolean AND.

  • OrExpression is the Boolean OR.

  • NotExpression is the Boolean NOT.


<BooleanExpression PinFld="PIN_FLD_FLAGS" Value="128" Operator="GT"/>

Contains the definition for the Boolean expression, including the field name, field value, and operator.

PinFld specifies the business event flist field name. You can also use OP_FLAGS, which is the flag with which the business event was generated.

Value specifies the value of the business event flist field.

Operator can be one of the following:

  • EQ is equal to.

  • NE is not equal to.

  • LT is less than.

  • GT is greater than.

  • LE is less than.

  • GE is greater than or equal to.

  • CHECK-BITS checks the specified bits for Integers.

  • CHECK-DB checks the database specified in the POID field.

  • CHECK-ID checks the ID of the POID field.

  • CHECK-TYPE checks the type of the POID field.

Note: The operators that can be used with each field depend on the field's data type:

– INT and ENUM data types support EQ, NE, GT, LT, GE, LE, and CHECK-BITS operators.

– POID data types support EQ, NE, CHECK-DB, CHECK-ID, and CHECK-TYPE operators.

– STR data types support EQ and NE operators.

– DECIMAL and TSTAMP data types support EQ, NE, GT, LT, GE, LE operators.