A About Payment Statuses

Learn about Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) payment attributes.

Topics in this document:

About Payment Status

BRM uses the PIN_FLD_STATUS field of a payment to validate payments before they are posted in BRM. By default, payments are received with a status of successful, failed, or invalid.

Successful payments are automatically posted to the account to which they belong. The payment amount is removed from the current balance on the account, and any remaining amount is allocated according to your business policies. Failed payments are payments that are declined for financial reasons, such as an overdrawn account or an expired credit card. Invalid payments are payments that cannot be posted correctly for the following reasons:

  • The account that the payment applies to is closed.

  • Both the account number and the bill number are incorrect and cannot be found in BRM.

  • The POID for the account number does not exist in BRM.

If the Payment Suspense Manager feature is enabled, payments can have a status of suspended.

Value ranges for the PIN_FLD_STATUS field:

  • Successful payments have a value >= PIN_PYMT_SUCCESS and < PIN_PYMT_SUSPENSE. The numeric range for successful payments is 0-14.

  • Suspended payments have a value >= PIN_PYMT_SUSPENSE and < PIN_PYMT_FAILED. This range includes payments that arrive in BRM as failed for financial reasons, but that also meet the criteria for suspending a payment. The numeric range for suspended payments is 15-29.

  • Failed payments have a value >= PIN_PYMT_FAILED and < PIN_PYMT_STATUS_MAX. The numeric range for financially failed payments is 30-44.

  • Payments with a status >= PIN_PYMT_STATUS_MAX are not supported by BRM.

If a payment is invalid, you must manually fix it before it can be posted in BRM, unless the Payment Suspense Manager feature is enabled. In such cases, invalid payments might be received as suspended.

Default Payment Status Codes

The following values described in Table A-1 are assigned by default:

Table A-1 Default BRM Status Codes and Descriptions

Value Default Code Description



The payment was automatically posted to the account to which it belongs. The payment amount is removed from the current balance on the account, and any remaining amount is allocated according to your business policies.

Status codes 1 through 14 are configurable. If you have the Payment Suspense Manager feature enabled, they can also be used for payments successfully recycled from suspense to a customer account.



The payment was successfully applied to a written-off account.

The write-off reversal feature must be enabled. See “Configuring Write-off and Write-off Reversals" in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable.



The payment:

  • Arrived in BRM as invalid but meets the criteria for suspending a payment. The payment is saved to the payment suspense account.

  • Arrived in BRM as valid but was manually suspended before or after it posted to the customer account.

This status code is not used for recycled payments.

The Payment Suspense Manager feature must be enabled. See "Managing Suspended Payments".



The payment arrived in BRM as failed for financial reasons but meets the criteria for suspending a payment. Failed suspended payments are saved to the payment suspense account.

This status code is used only for payments that originally post to the suspense account. It is not used for recycled payments.

The Payment Suspense Manager feature must be enabled. See "Managing Suspended Payments".



The payment was generated for an amount that remains in the payment suspense account after an original payment has been partially distributed to customer accounts. You can continue to generate distributed payments until this remaining suspended payment is used up.

For example, an original payment fails validation and enters BRM as a suspended payment with a payment status of PIN_PYMT_SUSPENSE. The original payment is then partially distributed and a new suspended payment is generated for the remainder. This new suspended payment is assigned a status of PIN_PYMT_RECYCLED_SUSPENSE.



The payment was distributed to a customer account from the payment suspense account but was then resuspended.



The payment does not comply with the financial practices of your company because, upon collection, it has been dishonored or rejected by the bank. For example, payments can fail due to expired credit cards, incorrect account details, or insufficient funds.



Payments with a value equal to or greater than 45 are not supported by BRM.