25 Payment Utilities

Learn about the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) payment utilities.

Topics in this document:


Use this utility to load the merchant account information for all credit card processor and automated clearing house (ACH) vendors into the BRM database. See "Setting Up Merchant Accounts".




load_pin_ach [-d][-v][-t] pin_ach_file



Creates a log file for debugging purposes.


Displays information as the utility runs.


Runs a test to check the input to the utility.


The name and location of the file that defines merchant accounts. The default pin_ach file is in BRM_home/sys/data/pricing/example.


If the load_pin_ach utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) to find any errors.


Use this utility to perform automatic sponsored top-ups or recurring standard top-ups.

For information about automatic sponsored top-ups, see "About Sponsored Top-Ups".




pin_balance_transfer [-test] [-start mm/dd/yy] [-end mm/dd/yy] [-standard] 
                     [-verbose [file_name.log]]



Tests the utility, but does not affect accounts. Use this parameter to see which accounts will receive automatic sponsored top-ups without actually transferring funds from group owner accounts to member accounts.

-start mm/dd/yy or yyyy

Specifies to perform top-ups scheduled on or after the specified start date.

-end mm/dd/yy or yyyy

Specifies to perform top-ups scheduled on or before the specified end date.


Performs standard recurring top-ups. See "About Standard Top-Ups".

The -start and -end parameters cannot be used with the -standard parameter.


Displays information as the utility runs.


This utility notifies you only if it encounters errors. Look in the default.pinlog file for errors. This file is either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in the utility configuration file.


Use this utility to replace credit or debit card numbers stored in /payinfo/cc objects with tokens. See "Replacing Credit Card Numbers with Tokens".


  • Ensure that the outstanding payments for credit card accounts are closed before running this utility.

  • The utility does not tokenize PINless debit card numbers.




pin_cc_migrate  -vendor payment_processor_name  
                [-num number] 
                [-account account_POID] 
                [-start_date mm/dd/yy] 
                [-end_date mm/dd/yy]
                [-verbose [file_name.log]]


-vendor payment_processor_name

Specifies the credit card processor or ACH to use for validating credit and debit cards.

See "Setting Up Merchant Accounts".

-num number

Specifies the number of /payinfo/cc objects to select for tokenization.

-account account_POID

Specifies the account POID. Use this parameter to replace credit or debit card numbers with tokens for a single account.

-start_date mm/dd/yy

Specifies the start date. The start and end dates specify the time range for selecting objects for tokenization. If you do not specify a value for the -start_date parameter, the start date is set to the current date. If a start date is specified, the entire day is included.

-end_date mm/dd/yy

Specifies the end date. If you do not specify a value for the -end_date parameter, the end date is set to the current date. If an end date is specified, the entire day is included, ending exclusively on the first second of the next day (00:00:00 a.m.).

-verbose file_name.log

Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Returns a list of the /payinfo/cc objects for which tokenization has been completed. This parameter must be used with the -verbose parameter.


Displays syntax and parameters for this utility.


If the pin_cc_migrate utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) to find any errors.


Use this utility to find unresolved credit card and direct debit payments. See "Resolving Failed BRM-Initiated Payment Transactions".




pin_clean   [-summary] [-search_count_limit n] [-auth_pending] [-schema schema_number]
            [-verbose] [file_name.log] [-help] 



Displays the total number of each type of unresolved credit card transaction.

Without the summary option, the log summary is displayed and a menu if there are checkpoints to resolve.

-search_count_limit n

Specifies the number of records to return.


Specifies the number of records with the auth pending status.

-schema schema_number

Specifies the schema on which to run the utility on multischema BRM systems: 1 specifies the primary schema, 2 specifies the second schema, and so on. By default, the utility runs on all schemas.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays syntax and parameters for this utility.


If the pin_clean utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started, or in a directory specified in the configuration file.


Use this utility to collect the balance due for accounts that use credit card and direct debit payment methods. See "Running the pin_collect Utility to Collect BRM-Initiated Payments".




pin_collect   -pay_type payment_method
              [-vendor] payment_processor_name
              [-active | -close | -inactive] 
              [-start [mm/dd/yy | number_of_days]] 
              [-end [mm/dd/yy | number_of_days]]


-pay_type payment_method

Specifies the payment method:

  • 10003 for credit card

  • 10005 for direct debit

  • 10018 for SEPA

-vendor payment_processor_name

Specifies the credit card processor or automated clearing house (ACH) to use for validating credit cards, debit cards, and direct debit transactions.

This parameter is not applicable for SEPA payment type.

-active |- close | -inactive

Specifies the status of the accounts to collect payments from.


Runs a test to find out how many accounts meet the criteria without performing the collection. The test has no effect on the accounts. This is most useful when run with the -verbose and -report options.

-verbose [file_name.log]

Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays more information than the verbose parameter. Requires the verbose option.


Collects any outstanding bills for a given account status.

-start [mm/dd/yy or yyyy | number_of_days]

Start date. Collects payments on the day utility is run and the day before the utility is run.

If a start date is specified, the entire day is included. The end date is automatically the current date if you do not specify a value for the -end parameter.

-end [mm/dd/yy or yyyy | number_of_days]

End date.

If an end date is specified, that entire day is included, ending at, but not including, the 0th (first) second of the next day (00:00:00 a.m.). The end date cannot be a future date.


Displays syntax and parameters for this utility.


If the pin_collect utility doesn't notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started, or in a directory specified in the configuration file.

When it is called by the pin_bill_day script, the pin_collect utility logs error information in the pin_mta.pinlog file.


Use this utility to deposit pre-authorized credit card transactions and PINless debit transactions made within the past 30 days (from yesterday).

When you use multiple payment processors, you run this utility for each one. See "Using More Than One Payment Processor" for more information.




pin_deposit   -pay_type payment_method
              -vendor payment_processor_name
              [-start mm/dd/yy | number_of_days ] 
              [-end mm/dd/yy | number_of_days ] 


-pay_type payment_method

Specifies the payment method. There are two possible values:

  • 10003 for credit card

  • 10005 for direct debit

-vendor payment_processor_name

Specifies the credit card processor or automated clearing house (ACH) to use for validating credit cards, debit cards, and direct debit transactions.

See "Setting Up Merchant Accounts" for more information on configuring payment processor information.

-start [mm/dd/yy or yyyy | number_of_days]
-end [mm/dd/yy or yyyy | number_of_days]

Start and end date.

If a start date is specified, the entire day is included. The end date is automatically the current date if you do not specify a value for the -end parameter.

If an end date is specified, that entire day is included, ending at, but not including, the 0th (first) second of the next day (00:00:00 a.m.). The end date cannot be a future date.


Runs a test to find out how many accounts meet the criteria without performing the deposit. The test has no effect on the accounts.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Displays syntax and parameters for this utility.


If the pin_deposit utility doesn't notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started, or in a directory specified in the configuration file.

When it is called by the pin_bill_day script, the pin_deposit utility logs error information in the pin_billd.pinlog file.


Use this utility to update a customer’s installment schedule status. This utility searches for installments with a due date on or before the current date and the installment schedule status Charged. When it finds an installment that meets the criteria, the utility changes the installment schedule status to one of the following:

  • Broken: If the installment amount is not paid by the specified due date or if only a part of the installment amount is paid, this utility changes the installment schedule status to Broken.

  • Canceled: If the customer decides to cancel an installment schedule, this utility is used to change the installment schedule status to Canceled. When this happens, any remaining installments are canceled, and any remaining installment amount gets reflected in the next bill.




pin_installment_status_change  [-verbose] [-test] [-help]



Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Tests the utility but does not affect the installment. Use this parameter to check if the status is changed correctly.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


If the pin_installments_status_change utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (pin_installments_status_change.pinlog) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started, or in a directory specified in the configuration file.


Use this utility to apply the installment charges to the customer’s bills. This utility searches for installment schedules with an effective date on or before the current date and the installment status as Open. When it finds an installment that meets the criteria, the utility applies the installment charges to the customer’s bill and changes the installment’s status to Charged.


To connect to the BRM database, this utility needs a configuration (pin.conf) file in the directory from which it is being run. For information about creating configuration files for BRM utilities, see "Connecting BRM Utilities" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.




pin_installments  [-help] [-verbose] [-test]



Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Tests the utility but does not affect the installment. Use this parameter to check if the installment charges are applied correctly.


If the pin_installments utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (pin_installments.pinlog) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started, or in a directory specified in the configuration file.


Use this utility to resolve failed credit card and direct debit transactions. See "Resolving Failed BRM-Initiated Payment Transactions" for more information.




pin_recover   -pay_type payment_method -vendor payment_processor_name
              [-schema schema_number] [-rfr | -resubmit  batch_ID | -recover_payment]
              [-verbose [file_name.log]] [-test] [-help]


-pay_type payment_method

Specifies the payment method. There are two possible values:

  • 10003 for credit card

  • 10005 for direct debit

-vendor payment_processor_name

Specifies the credit card processor or automated clearing house (ACH) to use for validating credit cards, debit cards, and direct debit transactions.

See "Setting Up Merchant Accounts" for more information on configuring payment processor information.

-schema schema_number

Specifies the schema on which to run the utility in multischema BRM systems: 1 specifies the primary schema, 2 specifies the second schema, 3 specifies the third schema, and so on. By default, the utility runs on all schemas.


Uses the Paymentech request for response (RFR) file to retrieve and reprocess an incomplete batch. See "Resolving Failed Deposits and Conditional Deposits" for more information.

-resubmit batch_ID

Resends the original batch with the same batch ID to avoid double authorization. To find the batch ID, run the pin_clean utility. See "Resubmitting Transactions" for more information.


If you use a transaction processing service or credit card processing service other than Paymentech, ensure that it uses duplicate transaction detection. If not, using -resubmit can cause customers to be billed twice.


Creates payment events for payments that have been successfully charged, but not recorded. See "Resolving Payments" for more information.


Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs.


Runs a test to find out how many accounts meet the criteria without performing the recovery. The test has no effect on the accounts.


Displays syntax and parameters for this utility.


If the pin_recover utility doesn't notify you that it was successful, look in the utility log file (default.pinlog) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started, or in a directory specified in the configuration file.


Use this utility to generate and process SEPA request and response files.

See "Implementing SEPA Payment Processing".




To generate SEPA request XML files:

pin_sepa [-sdd_req | -sct_req | -sepa_rev] [-verbose [file_name.log]] [-help]

To process SEPA response XML files:

pin_sepa -sepa_resp [-verbose] [-help]

To generate SEPA request XML files and process SEPA response XML files:

pin_sepa -all [-verbose] [-help]



Generates SEPA Direct Debit request XML files.


Generates SEPA Credit Transfer request XML files.


Generates SEPA Direct Debit reversal request XML files.


Processes SEPA response XML files for SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer.


Generates SEPA request XML files for SEPA Direct Debit, SEPA Credit Transfer, and SEPA Direct Debit reversal and processes SEPA response XML files for SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer.

-verbose [>filename]

Displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs. filename specifies the file to redirect the output to.


This parameter is always used in conjunction with other parameters and commands.


Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.


The pin_sepa utility uses the following file naming convention for the request XML files:



  • type is SDD for SEPA Direct Debit, SCT for SEPA Credit Transfer, or SDD-REV for SEPA Direct Debit reversal.

  • dbno is the database number.

  • YYYYMMDD is the year, month, and day on which the file was generated.

  • X is a unique, eight-digit sequence number.

If the pin_sepa utility does not notify you that it was successful, look in the log file (javapcm.log is the default log filename) to find any errors. The log file is either in the directory from which the utility was started or in a directory specified in the Infranet.properties configuration file.