8 Configuring Provisioning for Policy-Driven Charging

This document describes how to enable in-flight changes to provisioning in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

Topics in this document:

See also:

Configuring Provisioning Tags for Policy-Driven Charging

Configure the balances that BRM should track by creating provisioning tags for your services. Each provisioning tag contains the balance elements valid for that tag and information on the policy attributes used in provisioning policy for that balance element.

Policy attributes are the configured characteristics associated with a provisioning policy. They contain the information you must provide to the specific opcode which is to process changes to the charge offer or discount associated with that provisioning tag (for example, an offer profile threshold breach notification is required and/or the language in which the subscriber requires the notification).


BRM stores policy attributes as subscriber preferences (/profile/subscriber_preferences objects containing the following elements:

  • Name (required)

  • Type (optional)

  • Value (optional)

BRM provides a default provisioning tag in the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml file located in BRM_home/sys/data/config directory.

The first section of the definition seen in Example 8-1 shows the valid balance elements for the default provisioning tag. It is followed by the information on the opcodes to be called when the charge offer or discount containing the provisioning tag is purchased or canceled and the parameters that specify the fields to be added to the opcode's input flist and the value for each field.

Collecting Data for Provisioning Tags

Collect the following data for any additional services that BRM should track for policy-driven charging.

  • The name for your provisioning tag. This must be the name of the offer profile with which you associate this provisioning configuration.

  • Permitted types of services.

  • Subscriber preferences for the service stored in the database as /profile/subscriber_preferences objects.

  • Opcodes to use in association with the provisioning tag.

    You must set up the following for each opcode included in a provisioning tag:

    • The name and number of each opcode to run and when the opcode must be run. These opcodes contain the business logic to perform the provisioning, such as creating a profile.

    • Parameters that specify the fields to add to each opcode's input flist and the value for each field.

This information can now be configured in the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml file for use with your offer profiles.

Configuring Provisioning Tags for Offer Profiles

To configure provisioning tags for use with your offer profiles:

  1. Go to the BRM_home/sys/data/config directory.

  2. Open the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml file an XML editor or text editor.


    Save a copy of the default configuration file before you make any changes to it.

  3. Do one of the following to update this file:

    • Edit the default provisioning tag contained in this file.

    • Add your provisioning tag by placing your definition just below the default provisioning tag (Platinum). Include the following for each provisioning tag:

      • Provisioning tag name:

        <ProvisioningTag name="YourProvisioningTagName">

        where YourProvisioningTagName is the name of your offer profile.

      • Each service valid for the provisioning tag as a PermittedType element as shown in Example 8-1.

      • Specifications for the opcodes to call for this provisioning tag as shown in Example 8-1.

  4. Save the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml file.

Loading Provisioning Tags for Policy-Driven Charging

Use the load_config_provisioning_tags utility to load the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml file into the BRM database.

To do so:

  1. Ensure that the provisioning tags required for policy-driven charging are configured in the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml XML file.

  2. Go to the directory in which the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml file is located. The default location is BRM_home/sys/data/config.

  3. Commit the provisioning tags and policy attributes XML file to the BRM database.

    load_config_provisioning_tags -d -v pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml


    • -d creates a log file for debugging purposes.

    • -v displays information about successful or failed processing as the utility runs

    For more information on the load_config_provisioning_tags utility, see "load_config_provisioning_tags" in BRM Developer's Guide.

  4. To verify that the provisioning tags were loaded, display the /config/provisioning_tag object by using the Object Browser or the robj command with the testnap utility.

  5. Stop and restart the Connection Manager (CM).

The provisioning tags and policy attributes information associated with policy-driven charging is now stored in /config/provisioning_tag objects in the database.

Default Provisioning Tag for Policy-Driven Charging

Example 8-1 shows the default provisioning tag provided by BRM in the pin_offer_profile_provisioning_tags_policy_attributes.xml file located in the BRM_home/sys/data/config directory.

Example 8-1 Default Provisioning Tag Configuration

<BusinessConfiguration xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.portal.com/schemas/BusinessConfig business_configuration.xsd">
     <ProvisioningTag name="Platinum">
                <OpcodeParamValue> /profile/subscriber_preferences -1</OpcodeParamValue>

                <OpcodeParamValue> /profile/subscriber_preferences -1</OpcodeParamValue>