5 Customizing Suspense and Recycle

This document describes how to customize suspending and recycling events in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

Topics in this document:

See also:

Overriding Suspense Handling Rules

During recycling, Suspense Management Center lets you process failed call records and batches.

This override feature allows you to capture and temporarily hold suspicious calls in a suspended state until you can inspect them. If they pass inspection, you can override your validation rules and recycle the calls to capture the revenue they represent. The reasons for suspended CDR file are separate from those or individual CDRs and must be handled separately.

You select the override reasons from the Suspense Management Center Recycle screen. The suspense reasons are then overridden for all of the calls in that recycle CDR files. This directs Suspense Manager to successfully process the individual CDRs or CDR files, even though they do not pass your validation rules.

Changing the List of Override Reasons

The list of override reasons offered to Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) during recycling is configurable. You can change the list at any time by editing the BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_suspense_override_reason file, and then loading it into your database by using the load_pin_suspense_override_reason utility in the BRM_home/bin directory. BRM_home is the directory where you installed BRM components.

For example:

%load_pin_suspense_override_reason pin_suspense_override_reason

For details on this utility, see "load_pin_batch_suspense_override_reason".

Changing the List of CDR File Override Reasons

The list of CDR file override reasons offered to Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) while resubmitting them is configurable and is separate from the override reasons for individual call records. You can change the list at any time by editing the BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_batch_suspense_override_reason file, and then loading it into your database by using the load_pin_batch_suspense_override_reason utility in the BRM_home/bin directory.

For example:

%load_pin_batch_suspense_override_reason pin_batch_suspense_override_reason

For details on this utility, see "load_pin_batch_suspense_override_reason".

Using Custom Data with Suspense Manager

When you use Suspense Management Center, you can search for records and edit records based on data in the Suspense Manager storable classes. You can extend those classes to add custom fields that you can display, search on, and edit in Suspense Management Center.

  • The /suspended_usage class contains the data on which you can search for records, and edit records. For example, you can search for records that have a specific APN number.

  • The /suspended_batch class contains the data on which you can search for batches. You cannot edit batches.

In addition to enabling custom fields to be searchable and/or editable, you can enable Suspense Management Center to display the custom fields.


Before adding custom event types to the pin_rel Infranet.properties file, append the suspense_Infranet.properties file to the pin_rel utility Infranet.properties file. See "Connecting Suspended Event (SE) Loader to the BRM Database."

To use custom data in Suspense Manager Center:

  1. Extend the Suspense Management storable classes:

    • To add fields for searching on and editing records, extend the /suspended_usage subclasses.

    • To add searchable fields for batches, extend the /suspended_batch/cdr subclass.

    To extend storable classes, use the Storable Class Editor. See BRM Developer's Guide. For a list of fields in the suspense classes, see BRM Developer's Reference.

  2. Edit the BRM_home/apps/pin_rel/Infranet.properties file to add new event types for each of your /suspended_usage or /suspended_batch subclasses and for temporary objects. Use the /suspended_usage/telco section of BRM_home/apps/pin_rel/Infranet.properties as a guide.

  3. To display custom fields in Suspense Management Center, add them to the custom.properties file in the Program Files/Portal Software/SuspenseManagementCenter/lib.

    This example defines a new field called Record Type: to display in Suspense Management Center:

    #1. Specify the display name: 
    #field.<dd_field_name>.name = <display name> 
    field.PIN_FLD_RECORD_TYPE.name = Record Type: 
  4. To display custom fields in the Web version of Suspense Management Center, add them to the SuspenseManager_en.jnlp file (in the Web_Start_home directory), adding any custom fields from your /suspended_usage subclasses.

    This example defines a new field called Record Type: to display in Suspense Management Center:

    #1. Specify the display name: 
    #field.<dd_field_name>.name = <display name> 
    field.PIN_FLD_RECORD_TYPE.name = Record Type: 
  5. When you configure suspense and recycle on Offline Mediation Controller, you need to configure the Suspense DC node rule file and add the BRM table names for the searchable fields. See Offline Mediation Controller User's Guide and the Offline Mediation Controller Online Help.

Specifying Editable Fields in Suspense Manager Center

The fields that you can edit in Suspense Management Center are called editable fields. The are defined in the pin_suspense_editable_flds file.

To add or remove editable fields, edit and load the pin_suspense_editable_flds file. To improve performance, you should limit the number of editable fields to only those that are necessary.

These fields can be standard fields, or custom fields. such as custom /event fields. If they are custom fields, you also need to add them to the /suspended_usage subclasses to enable them to be part of the suspense and recycle process. For a list of fields in the /suspended_usage subclasses, see BRM Developer's Reference.


If you need to edit custom fields, extend the /suspended_usage subclasses before defining editable fields.

To load your list of editable fields into the database for use by Suspense Management Center:

  1. Edit the BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_suspense_editable_flds file.

  2. Run the load_pin_suspense_editable_flds utility (located in BRM_home/bin) to load the editable fields into the database:

    %load_pin_suspense_editable_flds pin_suspense_editable_flds

    For details, see "load_pin_suspense_editable_flds."