6 Defining Closed User groups

This chapter explains how to define Closed User Groups (CUG).

When defining a CUG, you must follow the procedures listed below, in the given order:

  1. Adding a CUG to the network.

  2. Editing the CUG network list (the networks from which the CUG stations may be selected).

  3. Editing the CUG station list.

Note: You must set up the networks and stations you want to include in the CUG before you begin defining the CUG.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Closed User Groups

CUG Networks

CUG Stations

Closed User Groups

The CUG tab on the VPN Network screen allows you to define the Closed User Group (CUG) for the network. To define a CUG, you select the stations to include, and specify the restrictions on the incoming and outgoing calls to and from the stations included in the group.

CUGs are defined at the network level. The CUG type is one of the following:

  • Restricted, where only calls between the stations included in the CUG are allowed

  • Un-restricted, where calls between any stations, including stations not in the CUG, are allowed


Calls to and from stations in the CUG are controlled in the following ways:

  • Incoming calls are controlled through use of the CUG PIN.

  • Outgoing calls are controlled by the CUG type.

CUG stations

Stations can be in more than one CUG. If a station is in more than one CUG, one of which is an un-restricted group, then the station will be able to make un-restricted calls.


This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 5 or above; level 4 may edit or delete, but not add; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Field descriptions - Closed User Groups

This table describes each field in the New Closed User Group and Edit Closed User Group screens.

Field Description
Name The name of the closed user group.
Description Text describing the closed user group.
Pin Length

Defines the length of the PIN that is used to control access to stations in the CUG. The default PIN length is four; use the up and down arrows to specify a different length if required.

Note: The minimum PIN length is one.

PIN The PIN that is used to control access to stations in the CUG. This is a required field.

Select this check box to set the CUG type to restricted.

Note: Stations in:

  • A restricted CUG can only call other stations in the same CUG.

  • An unrestricted CUG can call any other station.

Adding a CUG

Follow these steps to add a Closed User Group for a network.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the CUG tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New Closed User Group screen.

  4. Fill in the fields as described in Field descriptions - Closed User Groups.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic

Closed User Groups

Changing a CUG

Follow these steps to change the details of a CUG.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the CUG tab.

  3. Select the CUG in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Closed User Group screen.

  4. Change the details, as described in Field descriptions - Closed User Groups, as required.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic

Closed User Groups

Deleting a CUG

Follow these steps to delete a CUG.

Note: Before you can delete a CUG, you must first delete any stations defined for the CUG, and then delete any networks defined for the CUG.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the CUG tab.

  3. Select the CUG to delete in the table, and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The Closed User Group is removed from the system.

Related topic

Closed User Groups

CUG Networks

The CUG Network tab on the VPN Network screen allows you to specify the networks from which you want to select the stations to include in a CUG.

Note: You can include stations from more than one network in the same CUG.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 5 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Editing the CUG network list

Follow these steps to edit the list of networks in a closed user group.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the CUG Network tab.

  3. Select the CUG from the Group drop down list and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Closed User Group Network screen.

  4. To:

    • Add a network to the CUG, select the network from the Networks field drop down list and click Add.

      Result: The network is added to the table.

    • Remove a network, select the record from the table and click Delete.

  5. Note: Before you can delete a network from a CUG, you must first delete all the CUG stations for the CUG network.

  6. Repeat step 4 as required.

  7. Click Close.

Related topic

CUG Networks

Field descriptions - Edit Closed User Group Network

This table describes each field in the Edit Closed User Group Network screen.

Field Description
Network The name of the network in which the closed user group is defined. This field is for reference only.
Group The name of the closed user group. This field is for reference only.
Networks Choose networks from which to select the stations you want to include in the CUG.
Network table Displays the networks included in the CUG.

CUG Stations

The CUG Station tab allows you to specify which stations to include in a closed user group.

Note: Before you add a station to a CUG, check that the network the station belongs to has already been added to the CUG.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 4 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Editing the CUG station list

Follow these steps to edit the list of stations in a closed user group.

Note: You can add stations from more than one network to the same CUG.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the CUG Station tab.

  3. Select the CUG from the Group drop down list and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Closed User Group Station screen.

  4. In the Station List area, select the Network.

    Result: The list of available stations for that network appear in the Station drop down list and any stations already in the GUG appear in the table.

  5. To:

    • Add a station, select the Station from the Station field drop down list and click Add.

      Result: The network and station are added to the table.

    • Remove a station, select the record from the table and click Delete.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as required for each network in the CUG.

  7. Click Close.

Related topic

CUG Stations

Field descriptions - Edit Closed User Group Station screen

This table describes each field in the Edit Closed User Group Station screen.

Field Description
Network The name of the network where the CUG is defined. This field is for reference only.
Group The name of the selected CUG. This field is for reference only.
Network Lists the networks included in the CUG. Select the network you want from the list.
Station Lists the stations in the selected network. Select the station you want from the list.
Station List table Displays the network stations currently included in the CUG.