7 Feature Nodes

This chapter describes the VPN feature nodes.

You can configure these nodes through the ACS Control Plan Editor management screens, available through the ACS service control plans.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Available Feature Nodes

Profile Blocks and Fields

VPN Analyze

VPN Originating CUG

VPN Load Station

VPN Lookup

VPN CLI Lookup

VPN Mobile Analyze

VPN Caller is On-Net

VPN Get Hunting Number

VPN Redirection Counter Branching

VPN Set Redirection Counter

VPN Set Tariff Code From Profile

VPN Subscriber Lookup

VPN Voice Mail Number Configuration

VPN Terminating CUG

Available Feature Nodes

This topic lists all the feature nodes that are available to VPN within the Control Plan Editor. In some cases, additional nodes may have been created and installed to fit a specific customer need. These custom feature nodes do not appear in this list.

Node name Node description Reference
VPN Analyze Used to break down the digits contained in the Pending TN Buffer. VPN Analyze
VPN Load Station Used to load an alternate calling station profile. VPN Load Station
VPN Lookup Used to translate an OnNet number to the corresponding Network address from VPN_STATION in the database. VPN Lookup
VPN CLI Lookup Used to set the Originating Network ID for the current service interaction. VPN CLI Lookup
VPN Mobile Analyze Used to break down the digits contained in the Pending Termination Number Buffer. VPN Mobile Analyze
VPN Caller is On-Net Used to check if the incoming caller is on-net. VPN Caller is On-Net
VPN Get Hunting Number Used to search a list of termination numbers and timeout pairs. VPN Get Hunting Number
VPN Redirection Counter Branching Allows comparison of the Redirection Information Counter received in the invoking message. VPN Redirection Counter Branching
VPN Set Redirection Counter Allows an integer constant to be set as the redirection information counter. VPN Set Redirection Counter
VPN Set Tariff Code From Profile Used to add network charging data to the next outgoing TCAP primitive. VPN Set Tariff Code From Profile
VPN Subscriber Lookup Allows you to look up a number buffer and load the VPN network and station profiles associated with that number. VPN Subscriber Lookup
VPN Voice Mail Number Configuration Allows modification of the Pending Termination Number to provide compatibility with voicemail systems. VPN Voice Mail Number Configuration
VPN Originating CUG Analyses the calling and called numbers contained in the Calling Private Network or Logical Calling Buffer, and the PendingTN Buffer, respectively. VPN Originating CUG
VPN Terminating CUG Analyses the calling and called numbers contained in the Calling Private Network or Logical Calling Buffer, and the PendingTN Buffer respectively. VPN Terminating CUG

Profile Blocks and Fields

A profile block is a piece of binary data which is usually stored in the database. Profile blocks are usually stored in the database in a "long raw" column type. For example, the profile block containing data relevant to an ACS customer is held in the PROFILE field of the ACS_CUSTOMER table.

Profile blocks store data used during call processing.

Primary tags

Profile blocks contain a series of different pieces of data called primary tags. Each tag is indexed by a hex tag. Some feature nodes enable you to specify which tag to use. For example, the Profile Branch feature node enables you to compare the value of a specific primary tag with a specified value, and branch on the result.

Profiles are generally maintained by editing the relevant screens in the application, for example, Edit Customer Details. They can also store data from the session or call context, or be updated by a feature node (for example, Store Profile).

Nodes using profile blocks

The following VPN nodes use the profile blocks listed below:

Profile block availability

The service loader you are using determines the profile blocks that are available to the control plan and whether they are read-only or can be updated. All service loaders include the Global Profile.

For example, you can read the VPN Network Profile, VPN Station Profile and Customer Profile if the VPN service loader is used.

The VPN service loader specifies the Station Profile as updateable and the Network Profile as read-only. This means that any nodes that can write back to a profile can update the VPN Station Profile in the database.

The service loader also specifies the uses of Application Specific profiles 1-8. Some of these will be specified as temporary profiles, which are never written back to the database and are cleared at the end of the call. They can be used for such things as moving data from one application to another within the control plan (for example between a USSD node and a DAP node).

Profile block list

Here are the profile blocks.

Name Description
VPN Network Profile

Contains most of the information you can specify in the VPN edit network, for example:

  • Account code maximum length

  • Outgoing barred/allowed list type

  • Incoming barred/allowed list type

  • VPN network SD no check

  • VPN present private address

Note: Only relevant if you have the VPN service installed.

VPN Station Profile

Contains most of the information you can specify in the VPN edit station, for example:

  • Outgoing barred/allowed list type

  • Incoming barred/allowed list type

  • VPN bar all incoming

  • VPN bar off network incoming

Note: Only relevant if you have the VPN service installed.

Customer Profile

Contains customer information, for example:

  • Incoming barred/allowed list type

  • Incoming barred/allowed list

  • PIN rights

  • Default language

  • Incoming barred/allowed ignore

  • Termination number ranges

  • Termination number range policy

Control Plan Profile This profile contains current switch node exits only.
Global Profile

Contains global information, for example:

  • PIN rights

  • Multi-lingual announcements

  • Default language

  • Control plan version hiding

CLI Subscriber Profile

Contains most of the information you can specify in the CLI tab of the Numbers screen, for example:

  • Account Code

  • Language

  • Follow me number

Note: Only relevant to the 0800 service.

Service Number Profile

Contains most of the information you can specify in the Service Number tab of the Numbers screen, for example:

  • Account code

  • Language

  • Follow me number

Note: Only relevant to the 0800 service.

App Specific Profile 1

App Specific Profile 2

App Specific Profile 3

App Specific Profile 4

App Specific Profile 5

App Specific Profile 6

App Specific Profile 7

App Specific Profile 8

Contains information specific to an application (for example, Messaging Manager or CCS).

Note: Unless it is in use by a specific application, these profiles, for example, App Specific Profile 7 can be specified as a temporary profile (where nothing is written back to the database) in order to pass information from one application to another, for example between USSD and DAP).

Any Valid Profile Allows you to search for tags in all profiles that have been loaded.

ACS primary tags

Here is a list of ACS primary tags.

Description Hex Decimal
DO NOT USE 0x0000 0
PIN Prefix 0x0001 1
PIN Length 0x0002 2
Account Code Prefix 0x0003 3
Account Code Max Length 0x0004 4
A/S Prefix 0x0005 5
A/S Length 0x0006 6
Off Net Prefix 0x0007 7
S/D Prefix 0x0008 8
Outgoing Barred/Allowed List Type 0x0009 9
Outgoing Barred/Allowed List 0x000a 10
Incoming Barred/Allowed List Type 0x000b 11
Incoming Barred/Allowed List 0x000c 12
Account Code Values 0x000d 13
Account Code Policy 0x000e 14
-RESERVED- 0x000f 15
Divert RSF 0x0010 16
Divert Busy 0x0011 17
Divert No Answer 0x0012 18
Divert Follow Me 0x0013 19
Divert TOW Schedule 0x0014 20
PIN Digits 0x0015 21
PIN Rights 0x0016 22
Off Net Bar 0x0017 23
Follow on Break Out Sequence 0x0018 24
Station is Manager 0x0019 25
Speed List 0x001a 26
Divert Barred/Allowed List Type 0x001b 27
Divert Barred/Allowed List 0x001c 28
Divert Locations 0x001d 29
Break Limit 0x001e 30
LCR Old National 0x001f 31
LCR New National 0x0020 32
LCR Old International 0x0021 33
LCR New International 0x0022 34
Multi Lingual Announcements 0x0023 35
Number Lists 0x0024 36
Language 0x0025 37
Switch Configuration 0x0026 38
Virtual Message List 0x0027 39
Number Of Messages 0x0028 40
GUI Language 0x0029 41
Carrier Code 0x002a 42
Barred Categories 0x002b 43
Outgoing Barred/Allowed Ignore 0x002c 44
Incoming Barred/Allowed Ignore 0x002d 45
Divert Barred/Allowed Ignore 0x002e 46
Account Code Minimum Length 0x002f 47
Timezone Geographical Map 0x0030 48
PIN Encryption Method 0x0031 49
Silent Disconnect 0x0032 50
Postpaid Flag 0x0033 51
Hunt On Busy 0x0034 52
Hunt On No Answer 0x0035 53
Hunt Always 0x0036 54
Hunt RESERVED 0x0037 55
Help Line Address 0x0038 56
Legacy 0x0039 57
Disable 0x003a 58
VARS 0x003b 59
VARS Mapping 0x003c 60
Toll Free Beep ID 0x003d 61
Toll Free Beep Type 0x003e 62
Termination Number Ranges 0x003f 63
Termination Number Range Policy 0x0040 64
Control Plan Version Hiding 0x0041 65
Toll Free Beeps Required 0x0042 66
Bar Pay Phone Callers 0x0043 67
Bar Cell Phone Callers 0x0044 68

Note: Each service may have its own specific tags in a separate tag range.

VPN primary tags

Here is a list of the VPN primary tags, used in the VPN service.

Description Hex Decimal
Network SD No Check 0x30001 196609
Present Private Address 0x30002 196610
Bar All Incoming 0x30003 196611
Bar Off Network Incoming 0x30004 196612
PIN Prefix 0x30005 196613
Account Code Prefix 0x30006 196614
Alternate Station Prefix 0x30007 196615
Off Network Prefix 0x30008 196616
Speed Dial Prefix 0x30009 196617
PIN Length 0x3000a 196618
Account Code Length 0x3000b 196619
Station Length 0x3000c 196620
Off Network Call Barred 0x3000d 196621
Station Is Manager 0x3000e 196622
Restrict Calling Address 0x3000f 196623
Allow Short Extensions 0x30010 196624
Hunting List 1 0x30011 196625
Hunting List 2 0x30012 196626
Hunting List 3 0x30013 196627
Hunting List 4 0x30014 196628
Hunting List 5 0x30015 196629
Hunting List Default 0x30016 196630
Hunting To List 1 0x30017 196631
Hunting To List 2 0x30018 196632
Hunting To List 3 0x30019 196633
Hunting To List 4 0x3001a 196634
Hunting To List 5 0x3001b 196635
Hunting To List Default 0x3001c 196636
Send Identical CPN 0x3001d 196637
Match Undefined Extensions 0x3001e 196638
Hunting Configuration 0x30020 196640
Hunting Scheduling 0x30060 196704
SCI ID 0x30100 196864
SCI Data 0x30101 196865
Dialing Prefix Length 0x30200 197120
Calling On Network List 0x30310 197392
Calling On Network List Type 0x30311 197393
Calling Off Network List 0x30320 197408
Calling Off Network List Type 0x30321 197409
Calling PIN Always List 0x30330 197424
Calling PIN Always List Type 0x30331 197425
Calling PIN Never List 0x30340 197440
Calling PIN Never List Type 0x30341 197441
Called On Network LIST 0x30350 197456
Called On Network List Type 0x30351 197457
Called Off Network List 0x30360 197472
Called Off Network List Type 0x30361 197473
Called PIN Always List 0x30370 197488
Called PIN Always_List Type 0x30371 197489
Called PIN Never List 0x30380 197504
Called PIN Never List Type 0x30381 197505


VPN work zone functionality relies on profile fields of the zone type being set up in ACS. For more information about zone profile fields, see ACS User's Guide and Location Capabilities Pack User's Guide.

VPN Analyze

The VPN Analyze node allows you to break down the digits contained in the Pending TN Buffer. It parses the optional VPN prefix fields, placed into dedicated buffers, and the content and type of the actual termination number, placed in Pending TN Buffer. Depending on the outcome, it may replace the original content of the Pending TN Buffer.

VPN Analyze checks the following:

  • VPN Network Site Code

  • Mapped Network Prefix

  • Optional Prefixes

  • Termination Number

VPN Network Site Code

The first digits in the Pending TN Buffer are compared with the site codes for all defined VPNs. If a match is found, then the network id for the VPN of the matched site code is compared with the network id for the current VPN. If the ids are the same, then the Pending TN Type is set to 'Private' (called number is on-net). If they are different, then the Pending TN Type is set to 'Public' (called number is off-net).

Mapped Network Prefix

If no match is found for the VPN site code, then VPN Analyze tries to match the first digits of the Pending TN Buffer against all the mapped network prefixes of the owning VPN. If a match is found then the site code of the VPN of the matched network prefix is replaced in the Pending TN Buffer by the mapped network prefix. The network id of the VPN for the matched network prefix is compared with the network id for the current VPN. If the ids are the same, then the Pending TN Type is set to 'Private' (called number is on-net). If they are different, then the Pending TN Type is set to 'Public' (called number is off-net).

Optional Prefixes

The dialed digits can be prefixed with one or more of the following components. They can appear in any order.

Prefix Description
PIN Number: Indicated by the PIN Prefix. If present, this is placed in the PIN Buffer.
Account Code: Indicated by the Account Code prefix. If present, this is placed in the Account Code Buffer.
Alternate Station ID: Indicated by the Alternate Station prefix. If present, this is placed in the Calling OnNet Address Buffer.

Termination Number

Only one of the following must be present. This must be the last item in the digits string.

Termination Number Description
Speed Dial: Indicated by the Speed Dial prefix. There must be at least one and at most three digits remaining. The remaining digits are taken as the speed dial number and are copied into the Sub-Tag Buffer as a numeric value.
Off-Net: Indicated by the Off Net prefix. The remaining digits are taken off net number and are copied into the Pending TN Buffer.
On-net: In the absence of either of the above prefixes, the remaining digits are considered to be an On-Net address and are copied into the Pending TN Buffer.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Analyze

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success The decode did not fail and no alternate station was found.
2 AltStation An alternate station has been found
3 DecodeFail A decode failure has occurred.
4 CollectFail A collect info failure has occurred.

Configuring the node - VPN Analyze

Follow these steps to set prefix numbers.

  1. Options can be excluded using the following values in the Exclude Flags box. Exclude:

    • Alternate Station = 0x1

    • PIN number = 0x2

    • Account Code = 0x4

    • Off-Net number = 0x8

    • Speed-Dial number = 0x10

  2. The Get More Digits box lets you specify that CollectInformation should be used if there are insufficient digits for parsing.

  3. The Buffer ID value for the Speed Dial Buffer must be 5, to match the Collect To SubTag buffers (which are currently fixed at 5 and cannot be modified).

  4. Click Save.

Note: Decode failure occurs when:

  • Insufficient digits are present to decode an optional prefix.

  • Field already parsed.

  • Excluded fields are present.

VPN Originating CUG

The Originating CUG node analyzes the calling and called numbers contained in the calling private network or logical calling buffer, and the pending TN buffer, respectively.

It determines whether the calling and called numbers are in the same logical CUG, and it determines the CUG type. The following rules apply:

  • If the calling number is in a restricted CUG, then the called number must be in the same CUG. If it is not in the same CUG, then the CUG failure branch of the node is followed.

  • If a VPN station is in more than one CUG, one of which is non-restricted, then the VPN station is also deemed to be non-restricted.

  • If the calling number is not in a CUG or it is in a non-restricted CUG, then the success branch of the node is followed.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Originating CUG

This node has one entry and three exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success

Decode succeeded as follows:

  1. Calling number is not in CUG or it is in a non-restricted CUG.

  2. Calling number is in a restricted CUG, called number is on-net and both numbers are in the same CUG.

2 Error

General errors:

  1. ACS engine pending context PendingTN or Logical Address buffer may not contain enough digits.

  2. Error returned from Oracle.

3 CUG Error

Decode failed as follows:

  1. Calling number is in a restricted CUG, called number is on-net and the numbers are in different CUGs.

  2. Calling number is in a restricted CUG and called number is not in the same CUG (the called number may be on-net, off_net, on a different VPN, or a non VPN number).

Configuring the node

This node requires no configuration data. You may change the Node name, if required.

VPN Load Station

The VPN alternate station allows you to load an alternate calling station profile.

If defined, the network address of the station to call is in Calling On-Net Address. If it is not defined, then the VPN alternate station node prompts you to enter a station ID, using the specified announcements. You are prompted up to a defined maximum number of times before following the Not Loaded exit.

The Load Station process is described below.

Stage Description

Calling on-net address is defined?

If there is a value currently defined in the calling on-net address, then skip directly to stage 3.


Prompt for Input.

  • Check if max iterations reached (follow Not Loaded).

  • Collect a digit string, between 2 and 16 digits in length.

  • On input failure, increment the iteration counter and restart this stage (stage 2).

  • Also check here for Canceled (follow Not Loaded) or Abandoned (follow Abandoned).


Load the profile?

  • Load the specified station profile from the database.

  • Go to stage 4 on success.

  • If the data is not found and max iterations are reached then follow the Not Loaded branch.

  • Otherwise return to stage 2 for re-prompt.



Update the callingOnNetAddress in the engine context to correspond to the new station profile.


  • If you were prompted, then the collected digits are not placed in the engine context callingOnNetAddress buffer until the profile has been successfully loaded.

  • If max iterations is set to 0, then the you should never be prompted. In this case the announcement ids may not actually be defined. This is permitted by the editor and compiler.

  • This feature does not check the PIN for the remote profile, or any specific access rights. A subsequent PIN authorization feature node is typically required.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Load Station

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success See node description.
2 Not Loaded See node description.
3 Abandoned See node description.
4 Collected See node description.

Configuring the node - VPN Load Station

Follow these steps to edit the node

  1. Select the Initial and Reprompt Announcements to set the initial prompt and re-prompt announcement.

  2. Set the Max Iterations value to the number of retries.

  3. Click Save.

VPN Lookup

The VPN Lookup allows you to translate an On-Net number to the corresponding Network address from VPN_STATION in the database. The node uses the PendingTN type to determine if a lookup should be performed.

The VPN Lookup process is described below.

Stage Description

If the PendingTN type is:

  • OffNet, or Unknown, return Success

  • SpeedDial, return Failure

  • OnNet, then go to stage 2


Look up the corresponding NETWORK address from VPN_STATION in the database using the current network ID. If:

  • Found, replace the pending TN with that OffNet address, and return Success

  • Otherwise, return Failure


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Lookup

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success See node description.
2 Failure See node description.

Configuring the node

This node requires no configuration data. You may change the Node name, if required.

VPN CLI Lookup

The VPN CLI Lookup node allows you to set the Originating Network ID for the current service interaction. The node matches a calling number buffer with the physical address of a VPN station.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN CLI Lookup

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 On This Net The value matched the physical address of a VPN station in this network.
2 On Another Net The value matched the physical address of a VPN station in another network.
3 Off Net The value did not match any known VPN station physical address.
4 Macro Fail There was a failure.

Configuring the node - VPN CLI Lookup

Follow these steps to configure the VPN CLI Lookup.

  1. You can set the node to check the:

    • Calling Logical number buffer,

    • Calling Network value, or

    • Calling Party ID

  2. from the invoking message.

    Note: If multiple buffers have been selected, the first will be used.

  3. Click Save.

    Result: The node will then branch based on the result.

VPN Mobile Analyze

The VPN Mobile Analyze node allows you to break down the digits contained in the Pending Termination Number Buffer. This node differs from the VPN Analyze node in that it does not use the network defined prefixes to analyze the type of call being made, unless the option to strip prefixes is enabled in the configuration file.

The logic of the node is to check, in order:

  • Network Site Code

  • Mapped Network Prefix

  • Global Special Numbers

  • Network Speed Dial

  • Station Speed Dial

  • Network Station Extensions.

If a match is:

  • Found, the number type is set accordingly and the node exits through the appropriate exit.

  • Not found, the number of digits needed to make the shortest possible match is used to collect more digits and the whole process is started again.

This matching process is repeated until a valid match is found. If no match is found, then the number is assumed to be off-net and the off-net branch is taken.

Network Site Code

VPN Mobile Analyze compares the first digits in the pending TN buffer with the site codes for all defined VPNs. If a match is found, then the network ID of the VPN for the matched site code is compared with the network ID of the current VPN. If the IDs are the same, then the pending TN type is set to 'Private' (on-net), if they are different, it is set to 'Public' (off-net).

Mapped Network prefix

If there is no match for the network site code, then the first digits of the pending TN buffer are compared with all the mapped network prefixes of the owning VPN. If a match is found, then the site code of the VPN for the matched network prefix is replaced in the pending TN buffer by the mapped network prefix. In addition, the network ID of the VPN for the matched network prefix is compared with the network ID for the current VPN. If the IDs are the same, then the pending TN type is set to 'Private' (on-net), otherwise it is set to 'Public' (off-net).

Stripping off number prefixes

When the corresponding configuration option in the eserv.config file is enabled, the node strips off the VPN network speed dial or off-net prefix prior to number matching. If a match is found, the node exits via the appropriate branch, depending on the applicable number match.

Global Special Numbers

The global special number check, network speed dial check, and station speed dial checks can be enabled and disabled using the check boxes in the node.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Mobile Analyze

This node has one entry and six exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Global Special Match has been made with Global Special number.
2 Network Speed Dial Match has been made with Network Speed Dial number.
3 Station Speed Dial Match has been made with Station Speed Dial number.
4 On Net Match was made with extension number of a VPN station on the same VPN Network as the caller.
5 Off Net No match was made.
6 Error General failure

Configuring the node - VPN Mobile Analyze

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Select the following check boxes to enable or disable the check comparisons against specific number lists:

    • Global Special

    • Network Speed Dial

    • Station Speed Dial

  2. Enter the decimal value of the tag for the profile block in the text box below any selected box.

    Note: The tag for Speed Dial is 26. Refer to Profile Blocks and Fields.

  3. Click Save

VPN Caller is On-Net

The VPN Caller is On-Net node allows you to check if the incoming caller is on-net.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Caller is On-Net

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Yes A private calling and called address is defined and the calling network ID matches the called network ID.
2 No no match

Configuring the node

This node requires no configuration data. You may change the Node name, if required.

VPN Get Hunting Number

Warning: This feature node has now been deprecated and should no longer be used. This feature node will still function in existing control plans. For new control plans please use the Get Hunting Number feature node.

The VPN Get Hunting Number feature node allows you to search a list of termination numbers and timeout pairs. On each iteration, the node sets the PendingTN and timeout using the next number on the list until no numbers remain.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Get Hunting Number

This node has one entry and three exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Next Number A number is found
2 No More Numbers No numbers remain
3 Failure General failure

Configuring the node - VPN Get Hunting Number

The hunting numbers and timeouts are set for every station through the VPN Station Hunting Planner screen.

This node requires no configuration data. You may change the Node name, if required.

VPN Redirection Counter Branching

The Redirection Counter branching node allows you to compare the Redirection Information Counter received in the invoking message. The node lets you define an integer constant for the comparison. One of the following branches is taken, as appropriate:

  • Less than

  • Equal to

  • More than

Note: If no value is supplied for the redirection counter, then the error branch is taken.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Redirection Counter Branching

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Less Than The redirection counter was less than the value.
2 Equal To The redirection counter was equal to the value.
3 More Than The redirection counter was more than the value.
4 Fail The redirection counter was not supplied.

Configuring the node - VPN Redirection Counter Branching

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Enter the number in the Compare with value field, against which the Redirection Information is compared.

  2. Click Save.

VPN Set Redirection Counter

The Set Redirection Counter node allows you to set an integer constant as the redirection information counter. This value is then used as the redirection information counter in the next Connect message sent by the system.

You can also configure the following redirection information for inclusion in the Connect message:

  • Indicator (for example, call was diverted)

  • Original reason (for example, no reply)

  • Redirection reason (for example, mobile subscriber busy)


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Set Redirection Counter

The VPN Set Redirection Counter feature node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success Redirection succeeded
2 Failure Redirection failed

Configuring the node - VPN Set Redirection Counter

Follow these steps to configure the Set Redirection Counter feature node.

  1. From the Redirection Counter list, select the number of redirections to send in the connect message.

  2. From the Redirection Indicator list, select the redirection indicator to send in the connect message.

  3. From the Original Redirection Reason list, select the original reason for the redirection to send in the connect message.

  4. From the Redirection Reason list, select the redirection reason to send in the connect message.

  5. Click Save.

VPN Set Tariff Code From Profile

The Set Tariff Code node allows you to add network charging data to the next outgoing TCAP primitive. The node first looks at the station profile, then the network profile and finally the customer profile, and selects the network charging data, based on the first successful match.

The SCI/FCI data for the Customer/Network/Station can be accessed and set through the VPN Customer/Network/Station provisioning screens.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Set Tariff Code From Profile

This node has one entry and three exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Tariff Set Tariff successfully set
2 No Tariff Found Tariff not found
3 Error General failure message

Configuring the node - VPN Set Tariff Code From Profile

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Select the Tariff From Profile from the list.

  2. Click Save.

VPN Subscriber Lookup

The VPN Subscriber Lookup node allows you to look up a number buffer and load the VPN network and station profiles associated with that number. This will store them in chassis context so that other nodes (for example, Set Pending TN from Profile, Profile Branching) can use the information.

Note: This can be used with any service library, not just VPN.

Node exits - VPN Subscriber Lookup

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success Profile was successfully retrieved from the database.
2 Failure Profile was not retrieved from the database.

Configuring the node - VPN Subscriber Lookup

Follow these steps to edit the node configuration.

  1. Select the number buffer from the Which Number? drop down list. Available buffers are:

    • Dialed Service Number

    • Calling Logical Number

    • Calling Network Address

    • Calling Party ID

    • Pending Termination Number

    • Original Called Number

  2. Click Save.

Note: For more information on number buffers, refer to the CPE User's Guide.

VPN Voice Mail Number Configuration

The Voice Mail Number Configuration node allows you to modify the Pending Termination Number to provide compatibility with voicemail systems. The node allows you to modify a selected number buffer by inserting some defined digits at an offset, also defined in the feature node.


Insert At Position: 5

Insert What (Pattern): 888

Buffer (Call Context Number): pendingTN (01473200)

In this case the final number would be 01473888200.

The final number is copied to the pendingTN buffer and the node is exited through the SUCCESS branch.

If the length of the final number is too long ( typically 32 digits or more), or if there is no number available for the selected buffer under the processing call, then no number is copied to the pendingTN buffer and the node is exited though the ERROR branch.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Voice Mail Number Configuration

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success See node description.
2 Error See node description.

Configuring the node - VPN Voice Mail Number Configuration

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Enter the offset where the pattern list should be inserted in the Insert At Position field.

  2. Enter the string to be inserted in the Pattern List field.

  3. Select the buffer to use to form the final voice mail number from The Call Context Number drop down list.

    Note: For a definition of each buffer, refer to the CPE User's Guide.

  4. Click Save.

VPN Terminating CUG

The VPN Terminating CUG node analyzes the calling and called numbers contained in the Calling Private Network or Logical Calling Buffer, and the PendingTN Buffer respectively.

The node determines whether the calling and called numbers are in the same logical CUG, and also determines the CUG type. If required, it also collects the PIN for the called number's CUG. The following rules apply:

  • If the CUG PIN is required, and the called number is in a CUG, and the calling number is not in a CUG, and the maximum number of retry attempts is reached, then the CUG PIN failure branch of the node is followed.

  • If the called number is in a CUG, and the calling number is not in a CUG, and the correct PIN has been entered, then the success branch of the node is also followed.


Available in VPN.

Node exits - VPN Terminating CUG

This node has one entry and three exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success

Decode succeeded as follows:

  1. Called number is not in a CUG.

  2. Calling and called numbers are in the same CUG.

  3. Called number is in a CUG, calling number is not in a CUG and correct PIN has been collected.

2 Error

General errors:

  1. ACS Engine context PendingTN or Logical Address buffer may not contain enough digits.

  2. Error returned from Oracle.

3 CUG Error

Decode failed as follows:

  1. Available for future enhancements.

4 CUG PIN Error

Decode failed as follows:

  1. Called number is in a CUG, calling number is not in a CUG and number of retry attempts for collecting the PIN has been exceeded.

Configuring the node - VPN Terminating CUG

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Enter the number of retry attempts for collecting the PIN in the Number of PIN Attempts field.

  2. Select the Collect PIN Introduction announcement from the lists.

  3. Select the Invalid PIN Entered announcement from the lists.

  4. Select the Maximum PIN Attempts Reached announcement from the lists.

  5. Click Save.