20 CCS Charging Feature Nodes

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller CCS charging feature nodes.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Balance Cascade Override

Billable Event

Business Prefix Branch

Call Information SMS

Cost Call Duration Branching

Credit Wallet Transfer

Declined Billing Cause

Direct Unit Charge Request

Get CUG Details

Named Event

Play Tariff Plan Announcement

Set Active Domain


Set Discount

Set Tariff Plan Rule

Set Wallet Type

Tariff Plan Override

Universal ATB

Variable Amount Recharge

Voice Call Cost

Balance Cascade Override

The Balance Cascade Override node is used to specify a balance cascade to override the balance cascade that otherwise would have been used for the next charging action.

The balance cascade can be specified in the node or defined in a profile field.

Node exits – Balance Cascade Override

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.
2 Success The balance cascade has been overridden.

Configuration fields – Balance Cascade Override

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
From Profile If selected then the Select Balance Cascade Override frame become enabled.
Manual Definition If selected then the Balance Cascade Override Selection frame becomes enabled.
TagID Data Type

Specifies the data type to use when From Profile is selected.

Note: This affects the profile location list.

TagID Location Specifies the profile to use when From Profile is selected.
TagID Field The profile field containing the balance cascade to use instead of the one currently configured for the next node in the control plan, that has a balance type cascade associated with it.
Balance Cascade When Manual Definition is selected, this defines the override balance type cascade for the next node in the control plan that has a balance type cascade associated with it, such as an ATB or Named Event node.

Configuring the node – Balance Cascade Override

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. In the Balance Cascade Override area select either:

    • From Profile, or

    • Manual Definition.

  2. Result: The relevant Balance Cascade Override fields are made available.

  3. Select the Balance Cascade to override the balance cascade defined for the next charging action. If you selected:

    • Manual Definition, Select the Balance Cascade from the drop down list. Only valid balance cascades will be available.

    • From Profile, Select the TagID Data Type, Location and Field containing the balance cascade you want to use from the drop down lists.

  4. Click Save.

    Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Billable Event

Warning: This feature node has now been deprecated and should no longer be used. This feature node will still function in existing control plans. For new control plans please use the Named Event feature node.

The Billable Event feature node is used to bill the caller for a defined number of billable events with a defined discount.

The action is one of:

  • Billing the caller wallet

  • Reserving the event cost

  • Confirming the cost can be billed

  • Canceling the reserved event cost

  • Retrieving the cost of the event

The number of events is either configured in the node, or stored at a selected location.

Node exits – Billable Event

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Note: These exit descriptions are specific to the responses received from an Oracle Voucher and Wallet Server billing engine. For specific information about how responses from other billing engines map to these exits, see the technical guide for the interface for billing engine being used.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success

The caller has successfully exited the node with the billing event successfully completed.

Note: This includes:

  • A negative wallet balance when the allow negative balance option has been selected (allow not selected would result in the No Credit branch being taking instead).

  • Any single Reserve or Confirm requests regardless of wallet balance.

2 No Credit The caller has no credit and the allow negative balance option is off.
3 Billing Fault

An error has occurred within the billing function. Possible faults are:

  • multiple reservation attempts (just a single reservation at a time is permitted).

  • confirm or revoke requests when there has not been a previous reserve request.

4 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.

Configuration fields – Billable Event

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Event Class List of event types that can be billed.
Billable Event List of events for the Event Class selected.
Number of Events

The number of events to bill the subscriber. This value can be obtained from:

  • Number of Events field, when the Node dialog option is selected, or

  • Number of Events Field location, when the Profile option is selected.

Note: The number of events value is hexadecimal, for example: 10 in the Number of Events field is actually 16 events.

Discount Percentage The percentage discount to apply to the billable event cost.
Allow Negative Balance Indicates if the caller wallet balance is allowed to become negative as a result of this event billing (includes an already negative wallet balance before this billable event).
Billable Event Feature Selection

This node has five modes of operation:

  • Direct Event - requests the billing engine to charge the caller wallet with the cost of the event(s).

  • Reserve Event - requests the billing engine to reserve the cost of the event(s) against the caller wallet.

  • Confirm Event - confirms the previously reserved event cost.

  • Revoke Event - cancels the previously reserved event cost.

  • Cost of Event - requests the billing engine to return the cost of the event(s).

Note: The option selected here will affect the list of available items to select in the Event Class and Billable Event.

Store Cost Indicates if the billed cost is to be saved in the Charge Cost location.
Charge Cost Location to save the billed cost into for later use.

Configuring the node – Billable Event

Follow these steps to configure the node.

Warning: If using Diameter, refer to Diameter Control Agent Technical Guide before configuring this node.

  1. Select the mode of operation for this instance of the node:

    • Direct Event - to bill the caller for the event cost.

    • Reserve Event - to reserve the event cost against the caller wallet balance.

    • Confirm Event - to confirm the reserved event cost.

    • Revoke Event - to cancel a previously made reserve request.

    • Cost of Event - to retrieve the cost of the event.

    Note: This affects content for Event Class and Billable Event lists.

  2. From the Event Class drop down list, select the class of this billable event.

  3. From the Billable Event drop down list, select the event to bill.

  4. In the Number of Events section, select the option to use to obtain the number of events to bill.

    Either select:

    • Node dialog to obtain the value from this node, or

    • Profile to obtain the value from a location.

    Result: The relevant Number of Events fields are made available.

  5. If Node dialog: In the Number of Events field, type the number of events to bill.

    • If Profile :Select the Number of Events Data Type, Location and Field from the drop down lists.

    Warning: The number of events value in either field is a hexadecimal number, for example 10 entered is actually 16 events.

  6. In the Discount field, type the discount percentage to apply to the billed event cost.

  7. To permit a negative wallet balance when reserving or billing, select the Allow check box.

  8. If the mode of operation is:

    • Direct Event,

    • Confirm Event, or

    • Cost of Event

    and the cost is to be saved, select the Store Cost check box.

  9. If the Store Cost check box has been selected, select the ChargeCost Data Type, Location and Field from the drop down lists.

  10. Click Save.

Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Business Prefix Branch

The Business Prefix Branch node checks to see if the caller has dialed the business prefix as part of their number. If so, the node strips the prefix from the dialed number and routes accordingly.

The Business Prefix is configured in the Resource Limits tab on the Resources screen within CCS.

Node exits – Business Prefix Branch

This node has one entry and three exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.
2 Set Personal The caller has not dialed the Business Prefix.
3 Set Business The caller has dialed the Business Prefix.

Configuring the node – Business Prefix Branch

This node requires no configuration data. You may change the Node name, if required.

Call Information SMS

The Call Information SMS node is used after a uATB node to send an SMS notification to the user with regards to the duration and cost of the call, using templates defined for each language. The user can also configure the following items in the node:

  • The template to use to send the message (configured through the ACS > Configuration > Notification screens)

  • The currency in which to display the cost of the call

The following parameters (some use strings configured in CCS, see CCS User's Guide, can be included in the messages:

  • Duration - hours/minutes/seconds (available only after a call)

  • Call cost (available only after a call)

  • Wallet type

  • Wallet expiry

  • Balances

  • Balance expiry


The node will filter out all Expenditure Balance Types and not include them in the SMS notification message. See CCS User's Guide - Balance Types topic.

Node exits – Call Information SMS

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node, a text message has not been sent.
2 Success A text message has been successfully sent to the short message service.

Configuring the node – Call Information SMS

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. In the SMS Termination Number Selection panel, select the location of the number to which the SMS will be sent. Select either:

    • Number Buffer, or

    • Profile String

    Result: The relevant fields are made available.

  2. If Number Buffer: Select from the Number Buffer drop down list.

    If Profile String: Select from the Profile String Data Type, Location and Field drop down lists.

  3. Select the Application where the notification template is defined from the drop down list.

    Note: ACS will be used by default.

  4. Select the notification Type from the drop down list.

    Defaults to CallInfoDurationCost for application ACS.

  5. To use the subscriber's wallet currency when constructing the cost string for the SMS, select Use Wallet Cost Currency.

    • To use a different currency, select Override Cost Currency and select the currency you want from the drop down list.

  6. Click Save.

Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Message parameters – Call Information SMS

Message parameters included in the notification template message text are searched for and replaced with an appropriate value.

Here is a list of available parameters.

Parameter Description
$1 Call length hours (not zero padded).
$2 Call length minutes (not zero padded).

Call length seconds (not zero padded).



The Balance Types details of the Wallet. Details include:

  • Balance description

  • Balance currency

  • Balance amount

  • Balance expiry (either the number of days to expiry or the no balance expiry text).

Note: The balance details string is configured on the Balance Type Translations tab in the Wallet Management screen in CCS. You must configure an entry for all languages used for sending notifications. See CCS User's Guide for details.


The wallet expiry details. One of the following:

  • The number of days remaining before the wallet expires

  • The no expiry date text defined for wallets that have no expiry date set

Note: The wallet expiry date text is configured on the Wallet Name Translations tab in the Wallet Management screen in CCS. See CCS User's Guide for details.


The cost details including the currency and amount.

Note: The cost string is configured on the Balance Type Translations tab in the Wallet Management screen in CCS. See CCS User's Guide for details.


The wallet description.

Note: The wallet description is configured on the Wallet Name Translations tab in the Wallet Management screen in CCS. You must configure an entry for all languages used for sending notifications. See CCS User's Guide for details.


The total call length in hours, minutes and seconds.

Example: 1:16:51.


The total call length in minutes and seconds.

Example: 76:51

Note: Use parameters $8 or $9 instead of using parameters $1, $2 and $3.

Examples for parameters $1, $2, and $3:

Actual call length $1 $2 $3
1 hour, 15 minutes and 23 seconds 1 15 23
28 minutes and 5 seconds 0 28 5

Message examples – Call Information SMS

Here are some example templates and the corresponding messages generated by the Call Information SMS node.

Example 1

A template of:

Call Dur: $1 hr $2 min $3 secs - call cost $6 - a/c type $7 - exp details $5- bal $4

will send the message:

"Call Dur: 0 hr 7 min 42 secs – call cost Gen Bal AED7.68 – a/c type Eng Private - exp details no expiry – bal Eng Gen Bal AED7287.21-no expiry"

Example 2

A template of:

Call Dur: $9 minutes - call cost $6 - a/c type $7 - exp details $5- bal $4

will send the message:

"Call Dur: 7:42 minutes – call cost Gen Bal AED7.68 – a/c type Eng Private - exp details no expiry – bal Eng Gen Bal AED7287.21-no expiry"

Cost Call Duration Branching

Allows for balance type and cost threshold branching, or call duration branching, on the values returned for the last charged call.

This feature node when combined with the Store Profile Field and Retrieve Profile Field feature nodes will allow a service to be defined in a control plan where a configured number of the free daily connections of less than a configured number of seconds can be allocated to a group of specified numbers.

This feature node is used for one of:

  • Call cost branching

  • Call duration branching

Depending on the mode, either the balance type and cost threshold (call cost branching) or just the duration threshold (call duration branching) will be configured on the feature node, making these parameters instance specific within the control plan. Optionally, the cost per duration may be stored in a selected profile field.

This feature node when used for call cost branching will limit the balance types that can be selected by the operator to only those that are used as chargeable balance types; hence this does not include ‘Expenditure’ and ‘Cross Balance Type Discount’ balance types.

Node exits – Cost Call Duration Branching

This node has one entry and five exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Note: The reason an exit is taken depends on the mode in use (cost or call duration).

Exit Cause Description
1 >

The wallet balance or call duration is greater than the configured threshold.

Telephony actions are allowed after this branch.

2 <

The wallet balance or call duration is less than the configured threshold.

Telephony actions are allowed after this branch.

3 =

The wallet balance or call duration is the same as the configured threshold.

Telephony actions are allowed after this branch.

4 No Balance Found

The specified balance type was not found in the subscriber’s wallet, or the current domain does not support the required actions.

Telephony actions are allowed after this branch.

5 Unsupported Any error/failure encountered.

Note: A zero wallet balance could potentially use either exit 2 or exit 3 depending on the threshold value.

Configuring the node – Cost Call Duration Branching

Follow these steps to edit the node configuration.

  1. Select the Branch Type to use.


    • Cost, or

    • Call Duration

    Result: The relevant fields are made unavailable.

  2. If you selected Cost, select which balance type(s) to use.


    • Tick the Sum All check box to use all the balance of the type selected from the Balance Category drop down list, or

    • Select from the Balance Type drop down list to use a single cash balance type.

    Note: The Balance Type drop down list shows all Cash, Data, and Time chargeable balance types for the current ACS customer that can be used for charging. This excludes all Expenditure and Cross Balance Type Discount balances.

  3. For both Cost and Call Duration, type the comparison balance or duration threshold to use in the Threshold field.

  4. To store the call cost or duration tick the Enabled check box in the Store Cost/Duration area. Then, select the Destination profile from the Data Type, Location and Field drop down lists.

  5. Click Save.

Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Credit Wallet Transfer

The Credit Wallet Transfer node allows cash credit to be converted into an alternative balance type for a subscriber’s own account or the account of an alternate subscriber.

Credit transfers only apply to peer-to-peer and service bundle transfer definitions. See CCS User's Guide for further information.

Node exits – Credit Wallet Transfer

This node has one entry and six exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Unsupported The current charging domain does not support all the required services needed by the feature node.
2 Success Credit transfer completed successfully.
3 Unauthorised The product type of the purchaser was not found in the limited product type list associated with this credit transfer.
4 Bad PIN

The PIN of the purchaser failed to validate. This may be due to the:

  • Supplied PIN was invalid

  • PIN was required but was not supplied

  • Subscriber does not have a PIN associated with this wallet

5 Invalid Transfer The credit transfer short name specified was invalid.
6 Error

Various general errors which may, amongst others, be:

  • Configuration related

  • Insufficient funds related

  • Purchaser or recipient wallet related

Configuration fields – Credit Wallet Transfer

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Recipient CLI

The phone number of the credit transfer recipient, found in one of the ACS phone-number buffers.

Note: Location Area Code and Cell Identity buffers are not available for use; all remaining phone-number buffer types are valid.

Purchasing Subscriber PIN

The PIN number for the purchasing subscribers wallet the credit is coming from, found in one of the ACS phone-number buffers.

Note: Location Area Code and Cell Identity buffers are not available for use; all remaining phone-number buffer types are valid.

Recipient Wallet Type Category

The destination wallet for the credit transfer. Can be one of:

  • Primary wallet

  • Secondary wallet

  • Retrieve from buffer


  • The buffer content must be PRIMARY or SECONDARY.

  • Location Area Code and Cell Identity buffers are not available for use; all remaining phone-number buffer types are valid.

Credit Wallet Transfer Name Selection

Select the Credit Transfer short name (this list is configured in the CCS Transfer Management screen.

Can be one of:

  • RetrieveFromNode (Credit Wallet Transfer list)

  • RetrieveFromBuffer (Credit Wallet Transfer Name section, Credit Wallet Transfer list)

  • RetrieveFromProfile (Credit Wallet Transfer Name section, Data Type, Location and Field lists)

Note: Location Area Code and Cell Identity buffers are not available for use; all remaining phone-number buffer types are valid.

Credit Wallet Transfer

Select the Credit Wallet Transfer to use in the feature node. This is configured in the CCS Transfer Management screen.

This option is enabled when the Credit Wallet Transfer Name Selection is set to RetrieveFromNode:

Credit Wallet Transfer Name

This field is enabled when the Credit Wallet Transfer Name Selection is set to RetrieveFromBuffer:

  • CwTrName1 - The name of the Credit Wallet Transfer.

These fields are enabled when the Credit Wallet Transfer Name Selection is set to RetrieveFromProfile:

  • CwTrName2 Data Type - The data type of the Credit Wallet Transfer name.

  • CwTrName2 Location - The location of the Credit Wallet Transfer name.

  • CwTrName2 Field - The second name field for the Credit Wallet Transfer.

Configuring the node – Credit Wallet Transfer

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. From the Recipient CLI drop down list, select the buffer containing the phone number of the credit transfer recipient.

  2. From the Purchaser PIN drop down list, select the buffer containing the purchaser wallet PIN.

  3. From the Recipient Wallet Type Category Selection options, select the wallet to use or the location of the wallet to use.

    Note: If the buffer option is selected, from the Wallet Type Category drop down list also select the buffer containing the wallet type.

  4. From the Credit Wallet Transfer Selection options, select the location of the credit transfer details.

    Note: The following fields require completion depending on the option selected.

  5. If Feature Node option selected:

    • from the Credit Wallet Transfer drop down list, select the Credit Transfer short name to use.


    If Buffer option selected:

    • from the CreditWalletTransfer drop down list, select the buffer containing the Credit Transfer short name to use.


    If Profile option selected:

    • from the Data Type, Location and Field drop down lists the profile the Credit Transfer short name is located in.

    Note: The short name in a buffer or profile field must match a name configured in the Transfer Management screen.

  6. Click Save.

    Result: The purchaser and recipient may receive SMS notifications, depending on the setting of the notification opt out flag and the result of the transfer. See CCS User's Guide, Adding Subscribers for configuration instructions and SMS notifications for messages and their content.

Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

SMS notification – Credit Wallet Transfer

This table describes the SMS notifications and the conditions enabling them to be sent.

Message to MSISDN Transfer status Message content


Differs from recipient


Cost of the transfer plus the recipient MSISDN


Differs from recipient


Alternative failure message.


Same as recipient


Cost of the transfer plus credits received.


Same as recipient


Alternative failure message.
Recipient Differs from purchaser Success Credits received plus the purchaser MSISDN.

Declined Billing Cause

The Declined Billing Cause node sends the cause of a billing failure to the subscriber.

This feature node provides additional functionality for the UATB feature node when placed after the "declined (no funds)" branch of the UATB feature node.

Node exits – Declined Billing Cause

This node has one entry and seven exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Not Declined The billing was not declined.
2 No Funds The billing was declined due to lack of funds.
3 Max Concurrent Number of concurrent users for this wallet has been exceeded.
4 Restricted Rating Rating/ tariff for this call destination has not been established.
5 Invalid Wallet State Wallet is frozen.
6 Blocked Destination The billing was declined due to the destination being barred.
7 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.

Configuring the node – Declined Billing Cause

This node requires no configuration data. You may change the Node name, if required.

Direct Unit Charge Request

The Direct Unit Charge Request node retrieves wallet information and sends it to the billing engine.

Node exits – Direct Unit Charge Request

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success The request has been successfully applied to the BE.
2 Not Enough Info No call information was found.
3 Billing Fault Any BE error (such as insufficient credit or timeout).
4 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.

Configuration fields – Direct Unit Charge Request

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Use Actual Duration Uses the actual call duration for billing.
Override Duration Uses the specified duration time for billing. You must enter a value in the Duration Time field.
Duration Time Time, in seconds, to use for billing. A value of 0 or greater is accepted.
Debit Allow the request to perform a debit instead of a credit.
Credit Allow the request to perform a credit instead of a debit.
Ignore Wallet Balance Allows the wallet balance to go negative instead of being rejected (used only when the account reference is configured to do so.)

Configuring the node – Direct Unit Charge Request

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Select the duration to use for billing:

    • Actual Duration – To bill for the actual call duration.

    • Override Duration – To bill for the specified duration (in seconds). You must enter a duration of 0 seconds or greater.

  2. Select either the Debit or Credit options.

  3. Select the Ignore Wallet Balance check box to allow the wallet balance to go negative.

  4. Click Save.

Get CUG Details

The Get CUG Details node analyzes the calling and called party numbers to determine whether they are part of a closed user group (CUG). If they belong to the same CUG, then the tariff plan used by the next UATB node is overridden by the tariff plan specified for the CUG in the Resources screens.

Note: If both parties belong to more than one CUG, then the tariff plan from the first CUG to be returned, is normally used.

Node exits – Get CUG Details

This node has one entry and three exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.
2 Not In CUG Either the Calling Party or the Called Party are not in a Closed User Group (CUG), or they are not in the same one.
3 In CUG Both the Calling Party and the Called Party are in the same CUG, and the current tariff plan has been successfully overridden.

Configuring the node – Get CUG Details

This node requires no configuration data. You may change the Node name, if required.

Named Event

The Named Event feature node is used to bill the caller for a defined number of named events with a defined discount.

The action is one of:

  • Billing the caller wallet

  • Reserving the event cost

  • Confirming the cost can be billed

  • Canceling the reserved event cost

  • Retrieving the cost of the event

The number of events is either configured in the feature node or stored at a selected location.

Node exits – Named Event

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Note: These exit descriptions are specific to the responses received from an Oracle Voucher and Wallet Server billing engine. For specific information about how responses from other billing engines map to these exits, see the technical guide for the interface for billing engine being used.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success

The caller has successfully exited the node with the billing event successfully completed.

Note: This includes:

  • A negative wallet balance when the allow negative balance option has been selected (allow not selected would result in the No Credit branch being taking instead).

  • Any single Reserve or Confirm requests regardless of wallet balance.

2 No Credit The caller has no credit and the allow negative balance option is off.
3 Billing Fault

An error has occurred within the billing function. Possible faults are:

  • multiple reservation attempts (just a single reservation at a time is permitted).

  • confirm or revoke requests when there has not been a previous reserve request.

4 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.

Configuring the node – Named Event

Follow these steps to configure the node.

Warning: If using Diameter, refer to Diameter Control Agent Technical Guide before configuring this node.

  1. From the Event Definitionsection, select the option to define how the event class and name will be specified.

    Select one of:

    • Node dialogto read the event class and named event from the values specified in the dialog

    • Profileto read the event class and named event from theEvent ClassandEvent Typetags in temporary storage

  2. If Node dialog:

    From the Event Class drop down list, select the class of this named event.

    From the Named Event drop down list, select the event to bill.

  3. If required, select the Persistent Reservation check box to write the reservation ID to the Reservation ID tag in temporary storage in reserve mode. In commit mode, the reservation ID will be read from the Reservation ID tag in temporary storage. This can be used to pass the reservation ID in an OSD SOAP request, for example.

    Note: If you elect to use this feature, set the CCS.namedEventHandler.reservationPeriod parameter in the configuration file on the VWS to a suitable value, such as setting the CCS.namedEventHandler.reservationPeriod parameter to the maximum time that persistent reservations are allowed open before being confirmed or revoked, as reservations will expire at the end of this period.

  4. In the Number of Events section, select the option to use to obtain the number of events to bill.

    Select one of:

    • Node dialog to obtain the value from this node

    • Profile to obtain the value from a profile location

  5. If Node dialog: In the Number of Events field, type the number of events to bill.

    If Profile: Select the Number of Events Data Type, Location and Field from the drop down lists.

    Note: The number of events value in the Node Dialog is a decimal number, but the value from the Profile field depends on the type of the profile:

    • INTEGER: the value is a decimal number

    • STRING or NSTRING: if the string has a "0x" prefix then the value is a hexadecimal number; if the string does not have a "0x" prefix then the value is a decimal number

  6. In the Discount Percentage field, type the discount percentage to apply to the billed event cost.

  7. To permit a negative wallet balance when reserving or billing, select the Allow check box.

  8. Select the mode of operation for this instance of the node:

    • Direct Event - to bill the caller for the event cost.

    • Reserve Event - to reserve the event cost against the caller wallet balance.

    • Confirm Event - to confirm the reserved event cost.

    • Revoke Event - to cancel a previously made reserve request.

    • Cost of Event - to retrieve the cost of the event.

    Note: This affects content for event class and named event lists.

  9. If the mode of operation is:

    • Direct Event

    • Confirm Event

    • Cost of Event

    and the cost is to be saved, select the Store Cost check box.

  10. If the Store Cost check box has been selected, select the ChargeCost Data Type, Location and Field from the drop down lists.

  11. Click Save.

Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Play Tariff Plan Announcement

The Play Tariff Plan Announcement node plays the announcement associated with the selected tariff plan.

The tariff plan can be selected in the node or specified in a profile tag field.

Node exits – Play Tariff Plan Announcement

This node has one entry and 2 exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success The node successfully found the selected tariff plan and played the associated announcement.
2 Error An error/failure occurred finding the selected tariff plan or when loading and playing the announcement.

Configuring the node – Play Tariff Plan Announcement

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. In the Tariff Plan Source area select:

    • From Profile

    • Manual Definition, or

    • Active Tariff Plan.

  2. If From Profile: Select the Data Type, Location and Field drop down lists containing the required tariff plan.

    If Manual Definition: Select the Tariff Plan from the drop down list.

    If Active Tariff Plan: Then the currently active tariff plan will be used.

  3. Click Save.

    Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Set Active Domain

The Set Active Domain node allows the selection of a billing domain for use by the current top-up/voucher redeem activity for the following management types:

  • Wallet

  • Voucher

  • Subscriber

  • Service

This node also allows changing the domain type at any point within a control plan.

For example, if TUS is installed (using the default VoucherDomainType from eserv.config for TUS) then the domain can be changed mid call to UBE and vice versa with the Set Active Domain node.

Node exits – Set Active Domain

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success The billing domain to use was set successfully.
2 Error A system error of some kind occurred. The billing domain to use has not set.

Configuration fields – Set Active Domain

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Domain options The domain to set can be either the name of a domain or a type of domain. The drop down list available will depend on the option selected here.
Name A drop down list of all the valid domain names. The domain names are maintained in the Service Management > Domain tab screens.
Type A drop down list of all the valid domain types. The domain types are maintained in the Service Management > Domain tab screens.
Management check boxes

These are the chassis actions to apply to the selected domain.

The availability of check boxes for selection is maintained with the domain in the Service Management > Domain tab screens.

Service Sets service chassis action.
Subscriber Sets the subscriber chassis action.
Voucher Sets the voucher chassis action.
Wallet Sets the wallet chassis action.

Configuring the node – Set Active Domain

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Select the option to use to identify the domain:

    • Domain Name

    • Domain Type

  2. From the Name or Type drop down lists, select the domain name or type.


    • When Domain Name is selected, the Type is automatically filled.

    • When Domain Type is selected, the Name field is blank and disabled.

    • The domain names and types are maintained in the Service Management > Domain tab screens.

  3. Optionally select the Management check boxes allowed to set the required chassis action for the domain:

    • Service

    • Subscriber

    • Tracker

    • Wallet

    • Voucher


    • The defaults are: Service - unselected, the others except the Tracker option - selected. The Tracker option will only be available if the domain type is set to UBE.

    • The Service check box should only be selected with due caution and a thorough understanding of the potential consequences. See CCS User's Guide.

  4. Click Save.

Note: The optional check boxes are available for use once they have been selected in the Service Management > Domain tab screens.

Example use of node – Set Active Domain

The following is an example of how this node can be used under the existing available features.

Example Description
Scenario A system is setup to redeem UBE vouchers, but this control plan requires the redemption of a voucher.
Solution Select a domain type of TUS, then select the voucher check box.
Result All subsequent voucher requests will be made to the TUS servers instead of the UBE.


The Set BE EDR node alters and adds EDR tags in EDRs generated by slee_acs during call flow. The EDR tag must be specified. The value can be static or populated from a profile field. If the tag already exists on the EDR, the value of the tag is overridden.

Node exits – Set BE EDR

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success Existing BE EDR tag details successfully over-ridden, new tag appended.
2 Unsupported Either error / failure or the Domain being used does not support this feature node.

Configuration fields – Set BE EDR

This table describes the function of each field.

Note: Location/Field are mutually exclusive from Fixed Value.

Field Description

The tag to set the value to. One of:

  • A new tag to add to the EDR

  • The EDR tag to replace the value of

This field must be between 1 and 50 characters long. This field is required.

Warning: The only characters which can be used in this field are 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -_ and spaces.

Data Type, Location, Field The type, location and field of the profile block that contains the required field.
Field The profile field that contains the value to use for the EDR Tag.
Context Field

The call context field to use for the EDR Tag. For more information about call context fields, see ACS User's Guide.

Note: The entries in this field are a sub-set of the fully available set of call context fields.

Fixed Value

Select the Data Type of Fixed Value to see this field.

Value to use for the EDR Tag

This field must be between 1 and 50 characters long.

Warning: The only characters which can be used in this field are 0-9, a-z, A-Z, -_ and spaces.

Context Number When selected, normalization occurs on fields selected from the Context Field based upon capability and rules.

Configuring the node – Set BE EDR

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. In the EDR Tag field, enter the string you want to use as the EDR field label.

  2. To set the EDR Tag value or source:

    • From a profile field, select Get value from profile variable radio button.

    • Enter a fixed value, select Get value from profile variable radio button.

    • From a CCS context field, select Get value from CCS context field radio button.

  3. From a profile field:

    1. Select the field from the Data Type, Location and Field drop down lists.

    2. Click Save.

  4. From a fixed value:

    1. Select the Data Type field.

      Result: The screen changes, the Fixed Value field replaces the Location and Field list boxes.

    2. Type the value in the Fixed Value field.

      Note: To revert to a profile field selection, select an entry from the Data Type drop down list.

    3. Click Save.

  5. From a CCS context field:

    1. Select the field from the drop down list.

    2. Select the Context Number check box to have the CCS context field value normalised.

      Un-select to use the CCS context field value as stored.

    3. Click Save.

For more information about the fields this node uses, see Configuration fields.

Set Discount

The Set Discount node retrieves discount information from the specified location and uses that information for any subsequent billing requests. The discount information collected by this node overrides the last set discount node encountered while traversing a Control Plan.

Note: The discounts provided by the node are applied in addition to any existing discounts.

Node exits – Set Discount

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success Discount information retrieved successfully.
2 Unsupported


  • General error or failure

  • The Domain being used does not support this feature node

Configuration fields – Set Discount

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Discount Override Source

Takes the discount from either:

  • The configured profile (From Profile option)

  • This node (Manual Definition option)

Select Discount Override From

The profile Data Type, Location and Field (in decimal) for the discount information.

Available when From Profile option is selected.

Maximum Charge The maximum charge allowed for the call.
Discount Period n

Allows up to ten discounts. Each discount is configured as a percentage. This will be applied to the corresponding period for the rate in the tariff plan used for the charge. Negative percentages may be specified, allowing the cost to be increased instead of decreased.

The number of Discount Periods is maintained through Add Next (to add a new entry) or Remove Last (remove the most recently added entry).

Configuring the node – Set Discount

Follow these steps to configure the node

  1. Select the source for the discount from the Discount Override Source options.


    • From Profile (retrieves the discount from the specified profile block and tag)

    • Manual Definition (retrieves the discount from this node configuration).

  2. If From Profile option used:

    1. From the drop down lists in the Select Discount Override From area, select the profile data type, location and field where the discount is stored.

    2. Click Save to complete this procedure.

  3. If Manual Definition used:

    1. Type the maximum charge allowed for the call in the Maximum Charge field.

    2. Click Add Next to display the Discount Period 1 field, and type in the discount percentage for this period.

      Note: When editing, all the discount percentages currently configured in the node will be shown.

    3. To add a discount percentage for the next period, repeat step 5 (you may specify discount percentages for up to ten periods).

    4. To remove the discount percentage for the most recent discount period, click Remove Last.

    5. Click Save to complete this procedure.

Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Set Tariff Plan Rule

Specifies the tariff plan to be used for combinations of network access type and bearer capability.

When the Set Tariff Plan Rule node is activated during a call, the settings configured in the node are retrieved from the call plan data. When the call passes through the next UATB node, these settings are used to determine which tariff plan should be used for the caller's current network access type and bearer capability. If the tariff plan changes, then the notification configured in the node for network access type and bearer capability combination will be sent.

Node exits – Set Tariff Plan Rule

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Unsupported Either error / failure, or the domain being used does not support this feature node.
2 Success The product type tariff plan has been successfully overridden by the one specified in the node.

Configuration fields – Set Tariff Plan Rule

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Access Network

List of available access network types. These are defined in Access Network geography set in ACS.

Note: The "None" value is used for rules where the access network type is not relevant.

Bearer Type

List of available bearer types. Valid values are 1 to 255 and "None".

Note: The "None" value is used for rules where the bearer type is not relevant.

Tariff Plan Sets the tariff plan for the selected access network type and bearer type combination.
Notification Application List of applications defined in ACS under which the available notification messages are grouped.
Notification Message Lists the available notification messages for the selected notification application.

For more information about the notifications and geography sets configured in ACS, see ACS User's Guide.

Configuring the node – Set Tariff Plan Rule

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. From the Access Network drop down list, select the access network for the rule you are adding.

  2. From the Bearer Type drop down list, select the bearer type for the rule.

  3. From the Tariff Plan drop down list, select the tariff plan to use for this combination of access network type and bearer type.

  4. From the Notification App drop down list, select the application for which the notification message you want to use has been configured in ACS.

  5. From the Notification Message drop down list, select the message to output for this rule.

  6. Click Add.

    Result: The rule is added to the grid.

  7. Repeat step 1 to 6 for all the combinations of access network type and bearer type you require.

    Modify any existing rules as required. To

    • update a rule, highlight it in the grid. Use the selection boxes to change its values, and click Update.

    • delete a rule, highlight it in the grid and click Delete.

  8. Click Save.

Set Wallet Type

The Set Wallet Type node specifies the wallet type to use in the call context. Currently, one of:

  • Primary

  • Secondary

Node exits – Set Wallet Type

This node has one entry point and two exits that are set by the system. The number of exits is not changeable by the user.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success The caller has successfully exited the node and the desired wallet type has been set.
2 Unsupported

One of the following:

  • An error or failure occurred.

  • The domain being used does not support this feature node.

  • The caller does not have a business wallet but the BusinessWallet configuration option has been ticked.

Configuration fields – Set Wallet Type

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Announcement Set List of all the available Announcement Sets.
Announcement Entry List of all the announcements belonging to the selected Announcement Set.
UseSecondaryWallet Select this check box to use the secondary wallet for billing.

Configuring the node – Set Wallet Type

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. For each relevant announcement, use the drop down lists to select the pre-recorded announcements that are to be played as prompts to the caller.

    Select the specific Announcement Set to which the Announcement Entry belongs. Only valid announcements are available from the lists.

  2. Select the UseSecondaryWallet check box to use the secondary wallet.

  3. Click Save.

    Note: This will be grayed out until all the announcement sets have been selected.

Tariff Plan Override

The Tariff Plan Override node overrides the configured tariff plan with the tariff plan specified in the node. Optionally the tariff plan can be selected from a profile field.

The override only applies to the next UATB node in the control plan.

Node exits – Tariff Plan Override

This node has one entry and two exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the domain being used does not support this feature node.
2 Success The product type tariff plan has been successfully overridden by the one specified in the node.

Configuring the node – Tariff Plan Override

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. In the Tariff Plan Override Source area select one of the following:

    • From Profile

    • Manual Definition

  2. Select the tariff plan to use instead of the one configured for the product type, for the next IRR or CRR action. If you selected:

    • From Profile: Select from the Data Type, Location and Field drop down lists the profile field containing the tariff plan you want to use.

    • Manual Definition: Select from the Tariff Plan drop down list.

  3. Click Save.

Note: The list of data types is fixed at installation time for each feature node or screen.

Further reference:

  • For information about profile blocks (data type, location, and field) and how to use them, see Profile Blocks and Tags.

  • The primary tag lists are configured in the SMS > Services > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs (see ACS User's Guide, Profile Tag Details for more information).

Universal ATB

The Universal Attempt Termination with Billing (UATB) node is used to bill subscribers for calls that they make or receive.

The UATB node can be used in either an originating or a terminating control plan with one of the following switch types:

  • CS1 switch (the VSSP is required to translate from CS1 to CAMEL for UATB to operate)

  • Nokia switch

  • CAMEL Phase 2 switch

  • CAMEL Phase 3 switch

The switch type is determined by extracting the ‘Application Context’ parameter from the TCAP primitive and will follow the correct charging flow accordingly.

A pre-call announcement may be played by setting the PreCallAnnouncementId parameter (in eserv.config file) to a valid announcement ID. For more information about this parameter, see CCS Technical Guide topic ccsSvcLibrary.

The UATB feature node checks if a control plan trigger has been armed after each billing engine action is performed. If a control plan trigger has been armed the UATB feature node will fetch the required trigger details for the call capability/product type and invoke the new control plan trigger chassis action, passing in the trigger detail.

The duration of a call can be limited by determining a value for the Maximum Permitted Call Duration profile tag. If a value is included in the Max Permitted Call Duration profile tag, that value will determine the maximum duration of a call, and will be used to overwrite the corresponding value in the InitialTimeReservationResponse.

Note: If a Max Permitted Call Duration value is not set in the profile tag, no limit on call duration will occur.

Note: The Max Permitted Call Duration profile can be set using the Set feature node prior to the UATB feature node in your control plan.

A grace period can be used to configure whether a call is allowed to continue for the specified number of seconds on communication or system errors for subsequent reservations. If a value is included in the GracePeriodLength profile tag, that value will determine the grace period of a call. If the GracePeriodLength profile tag is set, its value will be used to overwrite the value set the BFTGracePeriodLength parameter in the ccsMacroNodes section in eserv.config. It can also be set using the Set feature node prior to the UATB node.

Node exits – Universal ATB

This node has one entry and 14 exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Note: These exit descriptions are specific to the responses received from an Oracle VWS Voucher and Wallet Server. For specific information about how responses from other Voucher and Wallet Servers map to these exits, see the technical guide for the interface for Voucher and Wallet Server being used.

Exit Cause Description
1 Declined (No Funds)

Exit taken for one of the following:

  • Insufficient balance found to satisfy even the initial reservation request

  • Max-concurrent reached for the subscriber’s wallet

  • Restricted rating

  • Blocked destination

  • Invalid wallet state (that is: frozen, suspended or terminated).


Exit taken for one of the following:

  • Could not talk to the Voucher and Wallet Server due to one of the following:

    • Could not contact billing engine client

    • Voucher and Wallet Server is busy

    • Various internal "no dialog" type errors

  • Could not charge for call,

  • Unknown account/wallet

3 BFT (Released)

Exit taken for one of the following:

  • Calling number has run out of funds during the call (subsequent reservation has failed due to a system error or through failing to contact the Voucher and Wallet Server)

  • ‘BFT grace period length’ is set (that is, BFT grace period length is greater than ‘0’)

Call will be released and call processing will no longer be permitted.

4 BFT (Disconnected)

Exit taken for one of the following:

  • Calling number has run out of funds during the call (subsequent reservation has failed due to a system error or through failing to contact the Voucher and Wallet Server)

  • ‘BFT grace period length’ is set (that is, BFT grace period length is greater than ‘0’)

Called number (leg 2) will be disconnected and call processing will still be possible.

Warning: Not supported for the Nokia switch.

5 NSF (Released) Exit taken when calling number has run out of funds during the call. Call will be released and call processing will no longer be permitted.
6 NSF (Disconnected)

Exit taken when calling number has run out of funds during the call. Called number (leg 2) will be disconnected and call processing will still be possible.

Warning: Not supported for the Nokia switch.

7 Free Call (Released)

Exit taken when:

  • ‘free call’ indicator flag is set in the Apply Charging Report

  • ‘free call disposition’ set in the initial reservation response is ‘free call release’

Call will immediately be released when the Apply Charging Report is received.

Warning: Not supported for the Nokia switch.

8 Abort

Exit taken when:

  • TCAP Abort as indicated in the event type Event Report BCSM returned from the switch

  • TCAP Abandon as indicated in the event type Event Report BCSM returned from the switch

  • ‘abort’ flag is set by ACS in the response to the Apply Charging returned to the Universal ATB

  • Processing error during the call which cannot be classified elsewhere

9 Route Select Failure

TCAP Route Select Failure as indicated in the event type in the Event Report BCSM returned from the switch.

Warning: Not supported for the Nokia switch.

10 Busy Called number is busy as indicated in the event type in the Event Report BCSM returned from the switch.
11 No Answer Called party failed to answer as indicated in the event type in the Event Report BCSM returned from the switch.
12 Disconnect (Calling) Calling party has disconnected as indicated in the event type in the Event Report BCSM returned from the switch.
13 Disconnect (Called)

Called party has disconnected as indicated in the event type in the Event Report BCSM returned from the switch.

Warning: Not supported for the Nokia switch.

14 Unsupported


  • an unexpected error or failure, or

  • the Domain being used does not support this feature node.

15 NSF When Subscriber's wallet does not have enough credit to support a subsequent reservation and the VWS rejects the reservation request with NSF (Not Sufficient Funds). Call can be routed to another node e.g. SET Node where a redirection address can be set before returning to UATB node to continue call processing.
16 Continue Successful reservation, but allows additional call processing by another node whilst call is running. Call is then returned to UATB node to continue call processing

Note: These exit descriptions pertain to the Oracle VWS. When used with other Voucher and Wallet Servers the exit causes may differ. See the relevant technical guide for the Voucher and Wallet Server being used.

Call end reasons – Universal ATB

This feature node provides ACS callEndReasons on issuing a FinaliseCall action, prior to taking one of the exits. This table lists the callEndReasons.

callEndReasons Value Description
reasonNotSet 0 Not set (default)
precallAnnouncementFailure 1 Issued when a precall announcement cannot be played, whether due to abandonment, or other error conditions.
firstEventACRAbort 2 Issued when an abort occurs when ACR is received before event report.
firstEventATAbort 3

Issued when an abort occurs due to an AT (Attempt Terminate) which is caused by sending either a connect or a continue to the switch.

Note: This value is currently not set, and is reserved for future use.

secondEventACRAbort 4 Issued when an abort occurs following receipt of an event report (waiting for the apply charging report).
secondEventATAbort 5 Is set (for CS1 / Nokia switches) when ACS is attempting termination and waiting for a
BCSM Event
Report. For CAMEL, it is set where an abort is received in the ERBCSM.
abortWaitingForBEResponse 6 Issued when an abort occurs on the main dialog while waiting for a response to the extend time reservation action.
releasedOnTCPExpiry 7 Issued when the switch releases the call on timer expiry (noted in the apply charging report).
releasedNoFunds 8 Issued where the UATB issues a release on failure to secure further funds for the call.
disconnectedLegBNoFunds 9 Issued where the UATB issues a B leg disconnect on failure to secure further funds for the call.
calledPartyBusy 10 Issued on busy.
routeSelectFailure 11 Issued on route select failure.
callingPartyAbandon 12 Issued on abandon.
noAnswer 13 Issued on no answer.
callingPartyDisconnected 14 Issued on calling party disconnected.
calledPartyDisconnected 15 Issued on called party disconnected.

Configuration fields – Universal ATB

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
UseNoAnswer Select this check box to use the No Answer Timer value.
NoAnswerTimer This option provides a value for the No Answer Timer that is sent with a Connect message. This option is supported for all switch types.
PlayToneTimer This option is only available for the CAMEL charging flow. When selected, a tone will be played before the caller runs out of funds.

Configuring the node – Universal ATB

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. If required select the UseNoAnswer check box and then enter a value, in seconds, in the NoAnswerTimer(sec) field.

  2. If required select the PlayToneTimer check box.

  3. Click Save.

Note: Additional configuration is available in eserv.config. For more information, see CCS Technical Guide, ccsSvcLibrary and ccsMacroNodes.

Variable Amount Recharge

The Variable Amount Recharge node will attempt a standard recharge for the specified wallet based on the voucher and wallet data derived from profile fields.

The feature node will combine the following recharge details and invoke the WalletDelegation chassis action:

  • Recharge entries (containing balance, recharge amount information)

  • Wallet expiry extension policy

  • Wallet expiry extension period

  • Voucher specified by the voucher type name (if supplied and configured)

Node exits – Variable Amount Recharge

This node has one entry and eight exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success The variable recharge data was found and applied successfully.
2 No Balances No balance information is specified in Recharge List. Recharge action is skipped.
3 Invalid Wallet Type Specified wallet type is invalid/ not recognized by the billing engine.
4 Wallet Not Found The wallet does not exist upon the charging domain.
5 Wallet Non-rchrgble The wallet cannot be recharged as it is in an inappropriate state (for example: pre-use, frozen, suspended or terminated), or a balance is not rechargeable (for example: single use balance type).
6 Invalid Recharge Val Recharge attempt was unsuccessful due to Bad PIN.
7 System Error A general system error occurred.
8 Communicate Error A communication error occurred (usually meaning unable to communicate with the billing engine).

Configuring the node – Variable Amount Recharge

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. In the Recharge List area, select a profile location from the RechargeData Type, Recharge Location and Recharge Field drop down lists.

    The Recharge List profile field stores a list of recharge entries, each containing the following sub profile fields and tags:

    • Balance Type Name

    • Recharge Amount

    • Balance Expiry Extension Period (optional)

    • Balance Expiry Extension Policy (optional)

    • Bucket Creation Policy (optional)

  2. Optionally, select the balance type override from the Override Type drop down list to overwrite the balance specified in the Recharge List.

  3. Select the Wallet Expiry Extension Policy profile from the Expiry Policy Data Type, Expiry Policy Location and Expiry Policy Field drop down lists.

    This profile indicates the policy used in determining the expiry date for the wallet.

  4. Select the Wallet Expiry Period profile from the Expiry Period Data Type, Expiry Period Location and Expiry Period Field drop down lists.

    This profile indicates the period used to determine the new expiry date for the wallet.

  5. In the Select Voucher Type area, choose the source of voucher information as either:

    • From Node

    • From Profile

  6. Depending on the above selection, appropriate fields are enabled in the Voucher Type area.

    • Select a voucher profile location from Data Type, Location and Field drop down lists, or

    • Select a voucher node from Data Type, Type from node drop down lists.

  7. Select the Wallet Type profile from the Wallet Type Name Data Type, Wallet Type Name Location and Wallet Type Name Field drop down lists.

    This profile contains the wallet that will be recharged at the end of the transaction.

Note: The items in the drop down lists are all managed via the SMS > ACS Service > Configuration > Profile Tag Details and Profile Tag Mapping tabs.

Voice Call Cost

The Voice Call Cost node plays the cost of the last call within the current control plan.

Node exits – Voice Call Cost

This node has one entry point and three exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success All information has been played successfully.
2 Abandon The caller has abandoned the call.
3 Unsupported Either error / failure or that the Domain being used does not support this feature node.

Configuration fields – Voice Call Cost

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Announcement Set List of all the available Announcement Sets.
Announcement Entry List of all the announcements belonging to the selected Announcement Set.

Configuring the node – Voice Call Cost

Follow these steps to configure the node

  1. For each relevant announcement, use the drop down lists to select the pre-recorded announcements that are to be played as prompts to the caller.

    Select the specific Announcement Set to which the Announcement Entry belongs. Only valid announcements are available from the lists.

  2. Click Save.

    Note: This will be grayed out until all the announcement sets have been selected.