5 ENUM Feature Nodes

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller ENUM Control Agent feature nodes.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Available Feature Nodes

ENUM Call Out

ENUM Naptr Response

ENUM Query

Available Feature Nodes

This table lists the feature nodes available from the ENUM palette group in the ACS Control Plan Editor and the fast key for each feature node in the list. You can use the fast key to search for a feature node in the palette or the canvas.

Node name Node description
ENUM Call Out

The ENUM Call Out node performs an ENUM lookup using the ENCA interface.

Fast key: enco

ENUM Naptr Response

The ENUM NAPTR Response node processes a previously retrieved NAPTR response to extract specific records.

Fast key: ennr

ENUM Query

The ENUM Query node is used to query the ENUM database.

Fast key: enqr

ENUM Call Out

The ENUM Call Out node performs an ENUM lookup using the ENCA interface.

Node exits

This node has one entry and ten exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success ENCA return code = 0
2 Too Few Parameters No number was given in the call-out ENCA request (number is blank).
3 Failed Translation ENCA DNS response translation failed.
4 DNS Timeout DNS server(s) failed to respond within the configured time-limit.
5 DNS Format Error DNS served responded with message: "Format Error".
6 DNS Server Failure DNS served responded with message: "Server Failure".
7 DNS Name Error DNS served responded with message: "Name Error".
8 DNS Not Implemented DNS served responded with message: "Not Implemented".
9 DNS Refused DNS served responded with message: "Refused".
10 ENCA Fail ENCA failure (out of resources / bad domain name / any other error).

Configuring the node

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Select where the number to convert will be sourced from, one of:

    • Profile (from a profile block and tag)

    • Freeform (from this configuration screen)

  2. Result: The relevant Number Location fields are made available.

  3. Depending on what was selected at step 1, one of:

    • Select the Number Location from the Number Location and Number Field drop down lists

    • Enter the number in the Number field

  4. If the number is to be converted to FQDN format, select the Convert to FQDN check box.

  5. Select where the domain name will be sourced from, one of:

    • Profile (from a profile block and tag)

    • Freeform (from this configuration screen)

  6. Result: The relevant Domain Name fields are made available.

  7. Depending on what was selected at step 4, one of:

    • Select the Domain Name from the Domain Name Location and Domain Name Field drop down lists, or

    • Enter the domain name in the Domain Name field.

  8. Click Save.

ENUM Naptr Response

The ENUM NAPTR Response node processes a previously retrieved NAPTR response to extract specific records.

When extracting AUS (Application Unique String) type, the presence of the AUS is detected by a ‘+’ character found, followed by one or more numerical characters terminated with ‘@’ (for example "!^.*$!+441473289900@oracle.com!")

Node exits

This node has one entry and four exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Success The record was extracted and saved.
2 No Match NAPTR The required record could not be found.
3 No Match AUS An AUS format number could not be found.
4 Error Any other error situation.

Configuring the node

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. In the Search String section, set the search criteria to match records against.

    • Enter the record type to extract in the Search String field

    • Enter the record number to extract in the Index field

  2. In the Active Record Save Location, identify where the found record is to be saved, one of:

    • A new location, select from the Profile Location and Profile Field drop down lists

    • Same location, select the Overwrite NAPTR check box

    Note: selecting this check box over-rides any profile selection.

  3. In the Regular Expression Substitution section, to invoke the regular expression substitution, check the Perform Substitution check box, then:

    • Identify incoming profile location, one of:

      • Select an incoming AUS value from the Incoming Profile Location and Incoming Profile Field drop down lists

      • Select the Use Default Profile check box

    • Select a save location from the Outgoing Profile Location and Outgoing Profile Field drop down lists

  4. In the AUS Processing section, for AUS format numbers extracted:

    • Select the Extract AUS check box

    • If required, select the Remove + check box to remove the preceding +

    • If required, select the Remove - check box to remove the preceding -

  5. In the AUS Save Location section, for AUS format numbers, select the save location from the Profile Location and Profile Field drop down lists.

  6. Click Save.

ENUM Query

The ENUM Query node is used to query the ENUM database.

Node exits

This node has one entry and five exits. The number of exits cannot be changed.

Exit Cause Description
1 Subscriber records

Search key found subscriber records that matched the search key (dialed number within a record number range) and may have matched the optional Service criteria.

Note: The search key is used to find subscribers/operators. This is a dialed number (for example, 1234567) that is searched for between a range of numbers.

2 Operator records Search key did not find any subscriber records, but did find operator records that matched the search key (dialed number within a record number range) and may have matched the optional Service criteria.
3 No NAPTR Records Search key did find subscriber or operator records that matched the search key but did not find any NAPTR records.
4 No SUB/OP info Search key did not find any subscriber or operator records that matched the search key.
5 Error Database or I/O error.

Note: The Service criteria is an optional delimiter for the NAPTR record returned. By specifying the service you can delimit on the service of a NATPR records (that is, only return records of E2U+sip type). The search key is still the primary search criteria.

Configuring the node

Follow these steps to configure the node.

  1. Select the Search Key Location, one of:

    • Select from the drop down lists

    • Select the Use Default Profile check box

  2. To optionally specify a Service Type:

    • Select the Specify Type check box

    • Select the Service Type from the drop down list

    Note: The Service Type list is configured in SMS > Services > ENUM service > NAPTR Record Management > Service tab/screens.

  3. Select the Outgoing Destination location using the drop down lists.

  4. Click Save.