5 Password Verification Function

Password verification functions are a feature in the Oracle database and allow a site to configure their own, usually stricter, password verification policy. A password policy is site dependent, based on the password verification function specified.

A verification function is installed in the SYS schema in the Oracle database, which is then associated with a user profile in the database. The profile can be allocated to one or more users. When users attempt to change their password in either the Change Password or User Management tabs in the Operator Functions feature, and their password is not compliant with the password policy, they receive the following dialogue:

Description of smspasswordverificationpolicy_50210.jpg follows
Description of the illustration smspasswordverificationpolicy_50210.jpg

The password does not change but instead the user must specify a new password that is compliant with the password policy.

Password Policy

A password policy allows a site to specify that a password meets a number of requirements. For example the requirements could include one or more of the following requirements:

  • Contains a minimum number of characters
  • Contains a minimum number of digits
  • Contains a minimum number of letters
  • Contains a minimum number of special characters
  • Does not contain double-quote characters
  • Differs from a previous password by a specified number of characters

Example Password Policy

The following is an example of a password policy:

  • Contains a minimum of 9 characters
  • Contains a minimum of 2 digits
  • Contains a minimum of 2 letters
  • Contains a minimum of 2 special characters
  • Differs from a previous password by 3 characters