11 Set Debug Options

Administrators use the set debug options function to enable tracing for Java console and Oracle messages. The tracing options available on this screen are applicable only to the current session.

If tracing is turned on for Java console messages, more information is displayed on the current Java console.

By enabling Oracle tracing, the tracing and timing values of all SQL calls initiated in your current session are written to an Oracle trace file.




  • file is a number generated by Oracle

  • user is the name of the SMS user

Note: This function is available only to system administrators. Other users cannot view this option on the Service Management System main screen. Enabling Oracle tracing increases the load to the Oracle server, so use this function with care.

Setting debug options

Follow these steps to set up tracing options.

  1. Open the Set Debug Options screen.

    Result: You see the Set Debug Options screen.

  2. From the Java console tracing drop-down menu, select one of the following:

    • On to enable tracing

    • Off to disable tracing

  3. Repeat the step for the Oracle tracing level drop-down menu.

  4. Click Save to affect the options.