3 Adding the Network

This chapter explains how to add networks to the VPN service and maintain their details.

Networks must be created and deleted by the telecommunications provider. Once a new network is created, a customer with a privilege level of 5 may change the details of the Network. A customer may have several networks created for them.

When adding a new network follow the procedures, in the order given below:

  1. Adding a network for the customer

  2. Adding a range

  3. Adding a range

  4. Adding a range

To begin using VPN, the network must be configured. When configuring a new network, follow the procedures in the chapter Configuring the Network.

This chapter contains the following topics.


GVNS Address Ranges

Physical Address Ranges

VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges


The Network tab of the Network screen displays the list of Network details.

Each VPN customer may have several networks, and each network will support multiple stations.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 5 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Adding a network

Follow these steps to add a new network.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Network tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New VPN Network screen.

  4. Fill in the fields, as described in the Field descriptions - New VPN Network.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic


Field descriptions - New VPN Network

This table describes each field of the New VPN Network screen and Edit Network screen.

Field Description
Network Name The name of the Network. A customer may have several networks, so all network names for a customer must be unique. This field may be up to 50 text characters in length and is a required field.
Network Details
Field Description
Network Site Code The site code for the network. Each network site code must be unique across all networks. This is a required field. It may be up to 10 DTMF digits (0-9,*,#,A-D) long.
Inter Network Prefix Length The length of the inter network prefix defined for this network. This must be between 2 and 10.
Alt. Extension Prefix

The telephone digit/s (0-9, *, #) to be dialed before an alternate extension number is entered, (or the digit that all alternate extension number's should begin with). This may be up to 5 characters in length.

The alternate extension number prefix must be unique for the network however is not a required field.

Note: If the alternate extension number prefix is not set, users of this VPN network may not use the roaming profile features.

Extension Length The length of the alternate extension number. This must be between 1 and 32.
PIN Prefix

The telephone digit/s (0-9, *, #) to be dialed before a PIN is entered.

The PIN Prefix is an optional field. It must be unique for the network and may be up to 5 characters in length.

Note: If the PIN prefix is not specified, a user will not be able to enter their PIN at the time of dialing the call; they will be prompted for it by the system, if required.

PIN Length The length of the PIN. This must be between 1 and 32.
Account Code Prefix

The telephone digit/s (0-9, *, #) to be dialed before an account code is entered (or the digit that all account codes should begin with).

This is an optional field. It must be unique for the network and may be up to 5 characters in length.

Note: If the account code prefix is not specified, a user will not be able to enter an account code at the time of dialing the call; they will be prompted for it by the system if required.

Account Code Length The length of the account code. This must be between 1 and 32.
Speed Dial Prefix

The telephone digit/s (0-9, *, #) to be dialed before a speed dial number is entered (or the digit that all speed dial numbers should begin with).

This is an optional field. It must be unique for the network and may be up to 5 characters in length.

Note: If no speed dial prefix is set, users of this VPN will not be able to use the speed dial features.

Max Follow On Calls The number of calls that may be made from the station manager at any one dial-up. This must be between 1 and 32.
Off-net Call Prefix

The telephone digit/s (0-9, *, #) that are to be dialed before an off-net call is entered.

This is an optional field. It must be unique for the network and may be up to 2 characters in length.

Note: If no off-net prefix is set, users of this VPN may not make off-net calls.


The default language for the Network.

By default, all announcements played to users of this network will be played in this language. If the selected language is not available for an announcement, the announcement will play in the system default language. The default language is determined by ACS.


The tariff code associated with this network.

Note: This only takes effect when used by a VPN set tariff code from profile node.

Restrict CLI If selected , this option will restrict all caller line identifiers on the network.
Screen Network Speed Dials If selected, this option will allow the user to enable speed dialing over the network. The network speed dials are screened against the allowed/barred list.
Allow short extensions If selected, stations with extension numbers shorter than the network extension length can be defined within this network.
Present On-Net Address If selected, this option will allow the user to display addresses on the network as caller line identifiers.
Compulsory Physical Address Range If selected, stations within this network will require their physical address to be defined within one of the network physical address ranges.`
Send Identical CPN If selected, send the calling party number in the connect, even if it is identical to the one in the initialDP.
Matched Undefined Extensions If selected, there is no need to define the extensions for the site. If the dialed number site code plus it has the right number of digits is recognized, it will treat it like a station.
Default Account Code Policy

The default Account Code Policy determines if a station user must enter an Account Code when making off-net calls and, if required, whether these will be checked for validity or not.

The default Account Code Policy will be used for those stations in the network that do not have a specified Account Code Policy set for them. Select the required option to set the Account Code Policy.

Field Description
Not Required A VPN user will not be required to add an Account Code and will not be prompted to enter one.
Required and Verified An Account Code is required and the user will be prompted for one if not supplied. The Account Code will then be checked against the list of valid account codes and the call may only proceed if the Account Code is valid.
Required and Unverified An Account Code is required. The system will prompt for one if not supplied and will check number of digits entered, but will not check that the Account Code is valid.

Note: This is only relevant when the Account Code Entry node is used.

Default Least Cost Routing Prefixes
Field Description
Old National

The Old National Routing Prefix in this field, which is to be used as a default if no prefix is specified for a network.

The Least Cost Routing Prefix may be up to 32 digits in length, but is optional.

New National

The Old National Routing Prefix in this field, which is to be used as a default if no prefix is specified for a network.

The Least Cost Routing Prefix may be up to 32 digits in length, but is optional.

Old International

The Old International Routing Prefix in this field, which is to be used as a default if no prefix is specified for a network.

The Least Cost Routing Prefix may be up to 32 digits in length, but is optional.

New International

The International Least Cost Routing Prefix, which is to replace the Old International Routing Prefix in this field.

The Least Cost Routing Prefix may be up to 32 digits in length, but is optional.

Call Plans
Field Description

The control plan that is triggered when a call is originated from VPN.

There are three sample Originating control plans:

  • VPN_Originating_Alternative

  • VPN_Originating_Fixed

  • VPN_Originating_Mobile


The control plan that is triggered when a call is terminated at VPN.

There are two sample Terminating control plans:

  • VPN_Terminating

  • VPN_Terminating_Alternative


The management control plan that is triggered for all calls.

There are two sample Management control plans:

  • VPN_Management

  • VPN_Management_Alternative

Refer to VPN Control Plans for details.

Note: The term Call Plan is the obsolete name for Control Plan.

Default PIN Profile Allowed

Select the appropriate check boxes that are required as the default PIN profile. This will set the default access given to a user by using a PIN.

An individual PIN profile may be set for each station. This is set in the Station screen.

The PIN profile allows a VPN user to dial up to manage aspects of their own profile.

You may select as many PIN profile check boxes as required.

Field Description
Station Roaming

If selected, this will allow the user to move to another station and have it behave as if they were at their home station.

For example; a user may move stations and have things that are set up for their station available to them (that is, their speed dial list, their allowed/barred lists), as if they were at their home station.

Off-net Call Bar override If selected, this will allow the user to override the off-net call bar that may be set on a station.
Speed Code Management If selected, the user may manage their speed code dial list.
PIN Management allowed

If selected, the user may manage their PIN.

This will include changing their PIN and changing their own PIN profile.

Schedule Management If selected, the user may manage their scheduling information.
No Answer Management If selected, this will allow the user to manage and change their busy and no answer forwarding numbers.
Follow Me Number Management If selected, this will allow the user to manage and change the follow me number for their station.
Station Manager Dial up If selected, this will allow the user to dial up from within the VPN network and manage aspects of their own station profile.
Station Manager Dial up from Off-net If selected, this will allow the user to dial up from a location that is not on the VPN network and manage aspects of their own station profile.
Failure Behaviour
Field Description
Help line

The help number that calls are diverted to if the caller experiences difficulties.

Enter the extension number if the help line number is on the network or enter the full number if the number if off the network.

On-net Select this box if the Help line number is on the network.
Help Announcements Select this if Help announcements are to play over the network. If this option is not checked the network will disconnect without playing an announcement.
Changing network details

Follow these steps to change the network details, if required.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Network tab.

  3. Select the network in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit VPN Network screen.

  4. Change the details as required. Refer to Field descriptions - New VPN Network.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The network entry is updated.

Related topic


Deleting a network

Follow these steps to delete a network.

Warning: This will also remove all stations belonging to the network. Use with caution.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Network tab.

  3. Select the network in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The network is removed from the system.

GVNS Address Ranges

The GVNS Address tab of the VPN Network screen displays the list of GVNS address ranges.

Each Station in a network may have a GVNS Address, but the Address that they use must be within the ranges that are assigned for the network.

When multiple VPNs are in use by a customer, the capability to route calls between these VPNs requires a numbering scheme that uses destination addresses based on a customer ID and extension number. These GVNS addresses can then be interpreted to provide inter-VPN operation.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 6 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Field descriptions - GVNS Address Ranges

This table describes each field of the New GVNS Address Range and Edit GVNS Address Range screen.

Field Description
Start of range Start of the number range that is allocated to the virtual network. This may be up to 32 characters in length (0-9).
End of range End of the number range that is allocated to the virtual network. This may be up to 32 characters in length (0-9).

Adding a range

Follow these steps to add a GVNS address range.

  1. 1 Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. 2 Select the GVNS Address tab.

  3. 3 Click New.

    Result: You see the New GVNS Address Range screen.

  4. 4 Enter the numbers of the GVNS address range for the:

    • Start

    • End

  5. Note: Address ranges must not overlap. If a number is within another range in any network, you will see an error.

    If this occurs, check the GVNS address ranges of all of the customer's networks and create a unique range.

  6. 5 Click Save.

Related topic

GVNS Address Ranges

Changing range details

Follow these steps to change the details of a range, if required.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the GVNS Address tab.

  3. Select the range in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit GVNS Address Range screen.

  4. Change the details, described in Field descriptions - GVNS Address Ranges, as required.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The entry will be updated.

Related topic

GVNS Address Ranges

Deleting a range

Follow these steps to delete a range.

Note: You cannot delete a range if the station uses the numbers within the range.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the GVNS Address tab.

  3. Select the range in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The range is removed from the system.

Related topic

GVNS Address Ranges

Physical Address Ranges

The Physical Address tab of the VPN Network screen displays the physical address ranges for the Network. Each Station in a network may have a Physical Address, but the Address that they use must be within the ranges that are assigned for the network.

The Physical Address is the address of the Physical telephone line that a station uses.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 6 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Field descriptions - Physical Address Ranges

This table describes each field of the New Physical Address Range screen and Edit Physical Address Range screen.

Field Description
Start of range Start of the physical address that is allocated to the virtual network. This may be up to 32 characters in length (0-9).
End of range End of the physical address that is allocated to the virtual network. This may be up to 32 characters in length (0-9).

Adding a range

Follow these steps to add a physical address range.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Physical Address tab

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New Physical Address Range screen.

  4. Enter the numbers of the range for the:

    • Start

    • End

  5. Note: Address ranges must not overlap. If a number is within another range in any network, you will see an error.

    If this occurs, check the Physical address ranges of all of the customer's networks and create a unique range.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic

Physical Address Ranges

Changing range details

Follow these steps to change the details of a range, if required.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Physical Address tab.

  3. Select the range in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Physical Address Range screen.

  4. Change the details, as described in Field descriptions - Physical Address Ranges, as required.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The entry will be updated.

Related topic

Physical Address Ranges

Deleting ranges

Follow these steps to delete a range.

Note: You cannot delete a range if the station uses the numbers within the range.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Physical Address tab.

  3. Select the range in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The range is removed from the system.

Related topic

Physical Address Ranges

VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges

The VPN Direct Dial Number tab of the VPN Network screen displays the VPN Direct Dial Number ranges for the network.

The VDDI (Virtual Direct Dial In) Address is the number that outside callers use to dial the station as a VPN call. It is the number that is dialled to reach the station using the VPN network.

Each Station in a network may have a VDDI Address but the Address that they use must be within the ranges that are assigned for the network.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 6 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Field descriptions - VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges

This table describes each field of the New VPN Direct Dial Number Range screen and Edit VPN Direct Dial Number Range screen.

Field Description
Start of range Start of the DDI number that is allocated to the virtual network. This may be up to 32 characters in length (0-9).
End of range End of the DDI number that is allocated to the virtual network. This may be up to 32 characters in length (0-9).

Adding a range

Follow these steps to add a VDDI number range.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the VPN Direct Dial Number tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New VPN Direct Dial Number Range screen.

  4. Enter the numbers of the VDDI range for the:

    • Start

    • End

    Note: Address ranges must not overlap. If a number is within another range in any network, you will see an error.

    If this occurs, check the VDDI address ranges of all of the customer's networks and create a unique range.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic

VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges

Changing range details

Follow these steps to change the details of a range, if required.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the VPN Direct Dial Number tab.

  3. Select the range in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit VPN Direct Dial Number Range screen.

  4. Change the details, as described in Field descriptions - VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges, as required.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The entry will be updated.

Related topic

VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges

Deleting ranges

Follow these steps to delete a range.

Note: You cannot delete a range if the station uses the numbers within the range.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the VPN Direct Dial Number tab.

  3. Select the range in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The range is removed from the system.

Related topic

VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges