4 Configuring the Network

This chapter explains how to configure a VPN network for a customer.

To begin using VPN, the network must be configured. When configuring a new network, follow the procedures in the order below:

  1. Enter Account Codes if required.

  2. Enter Black and White Network Number Lists.

  3. Enter network Speed Dial.

  4. Set up Stations for network, including Black/White lists for Stations and Divert A/B.

  5. Customize the station, including Speed Dial and Hunting Lists.

  6. Define any closed user groups, if required. See Defining Closed User groups.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Account Codes

Black and White Network Number Lists

Speed Dial

Inter Network Prefix

Work Zone

Account Codes

The Account Code tab of the VPN Network screen displays the list of Account Codes for the VPN Network.

Account codes are required if either of the following is set to Required and Verified:

Note: These are only relevant when the Account Code Entry node is used.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 4 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Editing the account code list

Follow these steps to edit the list of available account codes.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Account Code tab.

  3. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Account Code List screen.

  4. To:

  • Add an account code to the list, fill in the Account Code field and click Add.

Note: The length of Account Code may be up to the number of digits specified on the Network tab (Refer to Network Details) ((0-9, #, *). It is a required field and must be unique for a customer. There may be up to 10000 Account Codes set for each VPN.

Result: The account code will appear in the list.

  • Remove an account code, select an account code from the table and click Remove.

Result: The account code will disappear from the list.

  1. Click Save.

Related topic

Account Codes

Deleting an account code

Follow these steps to delete an account code.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Account Code tab.

  3. Select the account code from the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The account code is removed from the system.

Related topic

Account Codes

Black and White Network Number Lists

The Black/White tab of the VPN Network screen allows you to maintain the lists of numbers that are allowed (white lists) and numbers that are barred (black lists) for the VPN.

The black/white lists are global for all stations on the network. All calls are checked against the network black/white lists and then the station black/white lists.

You can maintain the following five types of black and white lists:

  • Allowed/Barred

  • On Net

  • Off Net

  • Pin Required

  • Pin Not Required

There are two types of call lists that can be specified for each black/white list type:

  • Incoming calls from

  • Outgoing calls to

The different types of black/white lists for both types of call list may be set to either allowed or barred independently. See Rules - Black and White Network Number Lists.

Note: An empty Allowed list means that nothing is allowed, all attempts to divert will fail. This is the default when a network is created. An empty Barred list means that nothing is barred.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 4 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Rules - Black and White Network Number Lists

Black and white allowed and barred lists follow these rules:

  • An empty allowed list means everything is barred (that is, nothing is allowed)

  • An allowed list with numbers entered in it will allow only those numbers (or prefixes)

  • An empty barred list will not bar any number (that is, every call is allowed)

  • A barred list containing numbers will bar those numbers (or prefixes)

  • For a number to be allowed, it must be allowed (or not barred) by both the station and the network Black/White lists

  • For a number to be barred, it must be barred (or not allowed) by either the station or the network Black/White lists

Field descriptions - Black and White Network Number Lists

This table describes each field on the Edit (Inward or Outward) Calls screens.

Field Description
Call List Type

This group contains two option buttons:

  • Allowed List

  • Barred List

These allow you to select the list of either the numbers that users on the Network:

  • are allowed to call, or

  • may not call.

The Allowed or Barred setting is for the entire list; either all the numbers (and only numbers on the list) are Allowed or they are Barred. The list may contain complete numbers, number prefixes, or a combination of both.

Example: Barred list may contain 0900, 04 4773384 and 00. Users on this VPN Network will be barred from calling any numbers that begin with 0900 or 00 and the number 04 4773384. All other calls will be allowed.

For Network Allowed lists, you must define the numbers in both the Network and Station screens. For the Barred list you define the numbers in the Network or Station screen.

Note: If you change the list type from Allowed to Barred, or vice versa, the system will delete the entire list.

Edit List Details

Numbers in the Allowed/Barred list may be up to 32 digits in length and there may be up to 1000 numbers in the list.

If there are no numbers defined in the Allowed list, this will mean that no calls are allowed, either incoming or outgoing. If there are no numbers defined in the Barred list, this will mean that nothing is barred.

Editing outgoing numbers

Follow these steps to add or remove an outgoing number to a black / white allowed or barred list.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Black/White tab.

  3. Select the Black White List type for the number to allow or bar.

  4. Within the Outgoing Calls To area, click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Outward Calls screen.

  5. Select the appropriate Call List Type (Allowed List or Barred List) option.

    See Field descriptions - Black and White Network Number Lists for details about the fields on this screen.

  6. To:

    • Add a number, type the number or the number prefix that is to be specifically allowed or barred in the field and click Add.

    • Remove a number, select the number in the table and click Remove.

  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6, as required.

  8. Click Save.

Related topic

Black and White Network Number Lists

Editing incoming numbers

Follow these steps to add or remove an incoming number to a black / white allowed or barred list.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Black / White tab.

  3. Select the Black White List type for the number to allow or bar.

  4. Within the Incoming Calls From area, click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Inward Calls screen.

  5. Select the appropriate Call List Type (Allowed or Barred) option.

    See Field descriptions - Black and White Network Number Lists for details about the fields on this screen.

  6. To:

    • Add a number, type the number or the number prefix that is to be specifically allowed or barred and click Add.

    • Remove a number, select the number in the table and click Remove.

  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6, as required.

  8. Click Save.

Related topic

Black and White Network Number Lists

Speed Dial

The Speed Dial tab of the VPN Network screen allows you to maintained the list of speed dial numbers for the network.

The Network Speed Dial list is global and may be used by all users on the network.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 4 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Editing the speed dial number list

Follow these steps to edit the speed dial number list.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Speed Dial tab.

  3. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Speed Dial List screen.

  4. To:

    • Remove a number, select the speed dial record from the table and click Remove.

  5. Repeat step 4, as required.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic

Speed Dial

Field descriptions - Edit Speed Dial List screen

This table describes each field in the Edit Speed Dial List screen.

Field Description
Speed Dial

Station speed dial numbers are between 0 and 999.

Tip: In the example management control plans, collect digit to sub-tag nodes, it is assumed that network speed dials are in the range 0 - 99 and station speed dials are in the range 100 - 199. The screens do not enforce these limits, but if one of these control plans is used unmodified, then the screen's users should use these ranges.

Terminating Number The terminating number (0-9,*,#) for the speed dial. This number may be up to 32 digits in length and is required.
On-net Number Used to indicate whether the Terminating Number for the speed dial is an On-net Number or not. If the box is clear, the system assumes that the terminating number is an off-net number and prefixes it with an off-net prefix.

Deleting a speed network dial

Follow these steps to delete a speed dial from the list.

Note: You can also delete a speed dial using the Edit Speed Dial List screen.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Speed Dial tab.

  3. Select the speed dial from the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The speed dial is removed from the system.

Related topic

Speed Dial

Inter Network Prefix

The Inter Network Prefix tab of the VPN Network screen allows you to maintain the list of Inter Network Prefixes for the network.

Note: The Inter Network Prefix list is global and may be used by all users on the network.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 6 or above; level 5 may edit but not add or delete; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Field descriptions - Inter Network Prefix

This table describes each field in the New Inter Network Prefix and Edit Inter Network Prefix screens.

Field Description
Network The network name assigned to the prefix. Network names must correspond to defined VPN networks.

The inter network prefix number DTMF digits (0-9,*,#,A-D).

Note: This number must be the length specified for the Network Details on the Network screen.

Adding an Inter Network Prefix

Follow these steps to add an Inter Network Prefix.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Inter Network Prefix tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New Inter Network Prefix screen.

  4. Select the Network from the drop down list.

  5. Enter the Prefix.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic

Inter Network Prefix

Changing an Inter Network Prefix

Follow these steps to change an Inter Network Prefix.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Inter Network Prefix tab.

  3. Highlight the network prefix you want to modify on the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Inter Network Prefix screen.

  4. Change the details, as described in Field descriptions - Inter Network Prefix, as required.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The entry is updated.

Related topic

Inter Network Prefix

Deleting an Inter Network Prefix

Follow these steps to delete an Inter Network Prefix.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Inter Network Prefix tab.

  3. Highlight the network prefix in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The inter network prefix is removed from the system.

Related topic

Inter Network Prefix

Work Zone

The Work Zone tab of the VPN Network screen allows you to manage the list of shapes used to define the network work zone.


  • The work zone functionality is only available if LCP is installed. For more information, see Location Capabilities Pack Technical Guide.

  • ACS also needs to have profile fields of the zone type configured in the ACS Configuration screen. For more information about setting up profile fields, see ACS User's Guide.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 5 or above; level 4 may edit but not add or delete; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Field descriptions - Work Zone

This table describes each field in the New Work Zone Shape screen.

Field Description
Circular Shape option Select to define the attributes for a circular shape.
X (Deg) Defines the x coordinate for the centre point of the circular shape. It is expressed in degrees longitude, in the range: --179.99999 to +179.99999.
Y (Deg) Defines the y coordinate for the centre point of the circular shape. It is expressed in degrees latitude, in the range: -89.99999 to +89.99999.
R (Kms) Defines the radius of the circular shape.
Rectangular Shape option Select to define the attributes for a rectangular shape.
Top-left corner X (Deg) Defines the x coordinate for the top left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees longitude, in the range: -179.99999 to +179.99999.
Top-left corner Y (Deg) Defines the y coordinate for the top left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees latitude, in the range: -89.99999 to +89.99999.
Bottom-right corner X (Deg) Defines the x coordinate for the the bottom left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees longitude, in the range: -179.99999 to +179.99999.
Bottom-right corner Y (Deg) Defines the y coordinate for the bottom left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees latitude, in the range: -89.99999 to +89.99999.

Adding a shape to a network work zone

Follow these steps to add a new shape to the work zone.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Work Zone tab.

  3. Click New.

  4. Result: You see the New Network Work Zone screen.

  5. Select the option for the type of shape you want to add (either circular or rectangular).

  6. Enter the shape attributes in the appropriate fields, as described in Field descriptions - Work Zone.

  7. Click Save.

Related topic

Work Zone

Changing a network work zone shape

Follow these steps to change the details for a work zone shape.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Work Zone tab.

  3. Select the shape (circular or rectangular) in the appropriate table.

  4. Click Edit.

    Result: You see Edit Network Work Zone Shape screen.

  5. Modify the shape details, as described in Field descriptions - Work Zone, as required.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic

Work Zone

Deleting a network work zone shape

Follow these steps to delete a network work zone shape.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Work Zone tab.

  3. Highlight the shape to delete (circular or rectangular) in the appropriate table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes.

    Result: The shape is removed from the work zone.

Related topic

Work Zone