5 Station

This chapter explains how to add and maintain stations for the VPN service.

When adding a new station follow the procedures in the order given below:

  1. Adding a station for the customer.

  2. Add Black/White lists for Stations to the station.

  3. Editing the speed dial number list.

  4. Editing the divert number list.

  5. Adding a hunting list

  6. Editing hunting planner

This chapter contains the following topics.

Accessing the Station Module


Black/White lists for Stations

Speed Dial

Divert A/B

Hunting Lists

Hunting Planner

Work Zone

Accessing the Station Module

To access the VPN Station module, on the VPN main screen, select Edit, Station.

Station screen tabs

The VPN Station screen contains the following tabs:

Selecting a customer

Follow these steps to select a customer.

  1. In the Customer field, type the first letters, or whole name.

  2. Press Enter.

    Result: The name of the customer and the fields on the screen will be populated with the relevant data.

Finding a network

Follow these steps to find a network.

  1. Select the network from the Network list field.

  2. Press Enter.

    Result: The related records appear in the grid.

Finding a station

Follow these steps to find a station.

  1. Select a station from the Station drop down list.

  2. Press Enter.

    Result: Related stations will appear in the grid.


The Station tab of the VPN Station screen displays the station records for the selected Network. This functionality is available from the VPN standalone system as well as if you are accessing VPN through the SMS system.

Stations are the equivalent of extension numbers on the network.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 4 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Adding off-net hunt/forward numbers

Follow these steps to add Follow Me or Alternative Routing numbers that are off-net after creating the Station as per the previous instructions.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Divert A/B tab.

  3. Create an Allowed list for Outward calls. Refer to Editing the divert number list.

  4. Add the off-net number that the Follow Me or Alternate Routing number is to use.

  5. Save the Divert Allowed list.

  6. Select the Station tab.

  7. Edit the required station. Refer to Changing station details.

  8. Add the Follow-me or Alternative Routing number and leave the related On-net Number box clear.

  9. Save the station.

Field descriptions - Stations

This table describes each field in the New VPN Station and Edit Station screens.

Station Details
Field Description
Extension Number

The Extension Number (0-9, *, #) of the Station on the network. This may be up to 32 digits in length and must be unique for the network.

This field is required.

GVNS Address

A GVNS (Global Virtual Numbering Scheme) Address for the station. This field is automatically populated with the network site code plus extension number. It must be within the range of GVNS Addresses that have been allocated for the network.

The list of available ranges is available to all users on the GVNS Address tab of the Network screen.

When multiple VPNs are in use by a customer, the capability to route calls between these VPNs requires a numbering scheme that uses destination addresses based on a customer ID and extension number.

These GVNS addresses can then be interpreted to provide inter-VPN operation.

The GVNS Address may be up to 32 digits in length.

The GVNS address must be unique for all stations in a network, i.e. no two stations can have the same GVNS address.

Defined Address Range - GVNS

The GVNS range that has been defined for the network.

When the 'Use Network Site Code' option is selected, the GVNS Address field is automatically populated with the value composed from the network site code plus the extension number. To manually enter the GVNS Address, select a different option from the GVNS Address Range.

Physical Address

A Physical Address for the station (this is the telephone number of the station). This may be up to 32 digits in length.

This must be within the range of Physical Addresses that have been allocated for the network.

The list of available ranges is available to all users on the Physical Address tab of the Network screen.

The physical address must be unique for all stations in a network, that is, no two stations can have the same physical address.

Defined Address Range – Physical Address The physical address range that has been defined for the network.
VPN Direct Dial Number

A VPN Direct Dial Number (0-9, *, #) for the station. This may be up to 32 digits in length. This must be within the range of VPN VPN Direct Dial Number Ranges that have been allocated for the network.

The list of available ranges is available to all users on the VPN Direct Dial Number tab of the Network screen.

The VDDI must be unique for all stations in a network, i.e. no two stations can have the same VDDI address.

Defined Address Range –VPN Direct Dial Number The VPN Direct Dial Number range that has been defined for the network.
Language The default language for the station.
Station is Station Manager Selecting this box makes the Station's Extension Number the Dial up Management Address for the Network.
SCI The Tariff Code associated to this station.
Allow Off-net Calls Selecting this box allows the Station to make calls to locations off the VPN network.
Comments Any comments required. This field may be up to 2000 text characters.
Fixed Station Choose this radio button to unselect Mobile Station and set the station type to Fixed Station.
Mobile Station Choose this radio button to unselect Fixed Station and set the station type to Mobile Station.
Hunt/Forward Settings
Field Description
Follow-me Number

The follow-me number (0-9, *, #) of the station. This may be up to 32 digits in length.

Upon creating a new station, the On-net Number check box to the right of the Follow Me number is automatically selected. If the Follow Me number is not entered, the on-net option disappears when you open the Edit Station screen. This ensures that at least initially, the Follow Me number for the station is on the network.

To set the Follow Me number to be an off-net number, the Divert Allowed/Barred list must contain that number or prefix of the number to be allowed or barred.

You cannot set the Follow Me number to be an off-net number if it is not allowed or is barred.

Alternate Routing Number

The Alternate Routing number (0-9, *, #) of the station. This may be up to 32 digits in length.

This feature is not available if VPN is being run on an AIN network.

Upon creating a new station, the On-net Number check box to the right of the Alternate Routing number (RSF) is automatically selected. If the RSF number is not entered, the on-net option disappears when you open the Edit Station screen. This ensures that at least initially, the RSF number for the station is on the network.

To set the RSF number to be an off-net number, the Divert Allowed/Barred list must contain that number or prefix of the number to be allowed or barred.

You cannot set the RSF number to be an off-net number if it is not allowed or is barred.

Note: To add an off-net number, see Adding off-net hunt/forward numbers.

Account Code Policy

The default Account Code Policy determines if a station user must enter an Account Code when making off net calls and, if required, whether these will be checked for validity or not.

The default Account Code Policy will be used for those stations in the network that do not have a specified Account Code Policy set for them. The Account Code Policy option is set by selecting the required option.

Field Description
Use Network Default Use the Network Account Code policy for this station.
Not Required A VPN user will not be required to add an Account Code and will not be prompted to enter one.
Required and Verified An Account Code is required and the user will be prompted for one if not supplied. The Account Code will then be checked against the list of valid account codes and the call may only proceed if the Account Code is valid.
Required and Unverified An Account Code is required. The system will prompt for one if not supplied and will check number of digits entered, but will not check that the Account Code is valid.
Incoming Call Barring
Field Description
All incoming Selecting this box will bar all incoming calls to the station.
All incoming off-net Selecting this box will bar all incoming calls from an off-net number to the station.
Field Description
Use Default PIN Profile

Selecting this box means the PIN will use the default profile for the Network.

Selecting this box will disable all check boxes in the PIN Profile group.

PIN The PIN for the station. The PIN length is set in the Network screen.
Allowed PIN Profiles

Select the boxes that are required as the PIN Profile for the station. This will set the access given to the station user by using a PIN.

The PIN Profile allows a VPN user to Dial up to manage aspects of their own profile. As many PIN Profile check boxes as required may be selected.

Field Description
Station Roaming

Selecting this box will allow the user to move to another station and have it behave as if they were at their home station.

For example, a user may move stations and have things that are set up for their station available to them (i.e. their speed dial list, their allowed/barred lists), as if they were at their home station.

Speed Code Management allowed Selecting this box will allow the user to manage their speed code dial list using the Dial In Station Manager.
Schedule Management Selecting this box will allow the user to manage their scheduling information.
Follow Me Number Management Selecting this box will allow the user to manage and change the Follow Me number for their station.
Station manager Dial up from Off-net Selecting this box will allow the user to dial up from a location that is not on the VPN Network and manage aspects of their own station profile.
Off-net Call bar override Selecting this box will allow the user to override the Off-net Call Bar that may be set on a station.
PIN Management allowed Selecting this box will allow the user to manage their PIN. This will include changing their PIN and changing their own PIN Profile.
No Answer Management Selecting this box will allow the user to manage and change the No Answer/Busy setting options for their station.
Station manager Dial up On-net Selecting this box will allow the user to dial up from within the VPN Network and manage aspects of their own station profile.
Adding a station

Follow these steps to add a new station.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Station tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New VPN Station screen.

  4. Fill in the fields, as described in the Field descriptions - Stations.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic


Changing station details

Follow these steps to change the details of a station.

  1. Select the customer, network and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Station tab on the VPN Station screen.

  3. Select the station in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit VPN Station screen.

  4. Change the details, as required. Refer to Field descriptions - Stations.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic


Deleting a station

Follow these steps to delete a station.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Station tab.

  3. Select the station in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The station is removed from the system.

Related topic


Black/White lists for Stations

The Black White tab of the VPN Station screen allows you to maintain lists of numbers that are allowed (white lists) and numbers that are barred (black lists) for the VPN Station. You can maintain the following five types of black and white lists:

  • Allowed/Barred

  • On Net

  • Off Net

  • Pin Required

  • Pin Not Required

There are two types of call lists that can be specified for each black/white list type:

  • Incoming calls from

  • Outgoing calls to

The different types of black/white lists for both types of call list may be set to either allowed or barred independently. See Rules - Black and White Network Number Lists.

An empty Allowed list means that nothing its allowed, all attempts to divert will fail. This is the default when a station is created. An empty Barred list means that nothing is barred. A station owner may divert to any number. This may be a concern with respect to fraud.

Note: The station black and white lists are checked after the network black and white lists for all calls. This may result in a call being barred by the Network that is allowed by the Station.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 4 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab. You can access this functionality from both the VPN standalone system and when accessing VPN through the SMS system.

Field descriptions - Black/White lists for Stations

This table describes each field on the Edit (Inward or Outward) Calls screens.

Field Description
Call List Type

This group contains two option buttons:

  • Allowed List

  • Barred List

These allow you to select the list of either the numbers that users on the Station:

  • are allowed to call, or

  • may not call.

The Allowed or Barred setting is for the entire list; either all the numbers (and only numbers on the list) are Allowed or they are Barred. The list may contain complete numbers, number prefixes, or a combination of both.

Example: Barred list may contain 0900, 04 4773384 and 00. Users on this Station will be barred from calling any numbers that begin with 0900 or 00 and the number 04 4773384. All other calls will be allowed.

The Outwards Calls and Inwards Calls Allowed/Barred lists may be set to either Allowed or Barred independently. If the list type is changed, the numbers in the list will be removed.

If you change the list type from Allowed to Barred, or vice versa, the system will delete the entire list.

Edit List Details

Numbers in the Allowed/Barred list may be up to 32 digits in length and there may be up to 1000 numbers in the list.

If there are no numbers defined in the Allowed list, this will mean that no calls are allowed, either incoming or outgoing. If there are no numbers defined in the Barred list, this will mean that nothing is barred.

Editing incoming numbers

Follow these steps to add or remove an incoming number to a black/white allowed or barred list.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Black / White tab.

  3. Select the Black White List type for the number to allow or bar.

  4. Within the Incoming Calls From area, click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Inward Calls screen.

  5. Select the appropriate Call List Type (Allowed List or Barred List) option.

    See Field descriptions - Black/White lists for Stations for details about the fields on this screen.

  6. To:

    • Add a number, type the number or the number prefix that is to be specifically allowed or barred and click Add.

    • Remove a number, select the number in the table and click Remove.

  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6, as required.

  8. Click Save.

Related topic

Black/White lists for Stations

Editing outgoing numbers

Follow these steps to add or remove an outgoing number to a black / white allowed or barred list.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Black / White tab.

  3. Select the Black White List type for the number to allow or bar.

  4. Within the Outgoing Calls To area, click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Outward Calls screen.

  5. Select the appropriate Call List Type (Allowed List or Barred List) option.

    See Field descriptions - Black/White lists for Stations for details about the fields on this screen.

  6. To:

    • Add a number, type the number or the number prefix that is to be specifically allowed or barred and click Add.

    • Remove a number, select the number in the table and click Remove.

  7. Repeat steps 2 to 6, as required.

  8. Click Save.

Related topic

Black/White lists for Stations

Speed Dial

The Speed Dial tab of the VPN Station screen displays the list of speed dial numbers for the station.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 2 or above; level 1 will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Editing the speed dial number list

Follow these steps to edit the speed dial number list for a VPN station.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Speed Dial tab on the VPN Station screen.

  3. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Speed Dial List screen.

  4. To:

  5. Repeat step 4, as required.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic

Speed Dial

Field descriptions - Edit Speed Dial List screen

This table describes each field in the Edit Speed Dial List screen.

Field Description
Speed Dial

Station speed dial numbers are between 0 and 999.

Tip: In the example management control plans, collect digit to sub-tag nodes, it is assumed that network speed dials are in the range 0 - 99 and station speed dials are in the range 100 - 199. The screens do not enforce these limits, but if one of these control plans is used unmodified, then the screen's users should use these ranges.

Terminating Number The terminating number (0-9,*,#) for the speed dial. This number may be up to 32 digits in length and is required.
On-net Number Used to indicate whether the Terminating Number for the speed dial is an On-net Number or not. If the box is clear, the system assumes that the terminating number is an off-net number and prefixes it with an off-net prefix.

Deleting a station speed dial

Follow these steps to delete a speed dial from the list.

Note: You can also delete a speed dial using the Edit Speed Dial List screen.

  1. Select the customer and network from the drop down lists on the VPN Network screen.

  2. Select the Speed Dial tab.

  3. Select the speed dial from the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The speed dial is removed from the system.

Related topic

Speed Dial

Divert A/B

The Divert A/B tab of the VPN Station screen lists the allowed or barred numbers, to which a VPN Station can be diverted.

The Divert Allowed/Barred list is checked when any diversion numbers are entered, to ensure that they are not barred by the list. This may result in an error when a diversion number (that is, Alternate Routing Number or Scheduled Location number) that is barred by the Divert Allowed/Barred list is being saved.

The Divert Allowed/Barred list may contain numbers that are barred or not allowed by either the Station or Network Black/White lists.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 3 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Editing the divert number list

Follow these steps to edit the divert number list for a VPN station.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Divert A/B tab on the VPN Station screen.

  3. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Divert Numbers screen.

  4. Select the appropriate Call List Type (Allowed List or Barred List) option.

    Note: You can maintain only one type of Call List. You cannot have an allowed list and a barred list. If you change type, the list is cleared.

  5. To:

    • Add a number, type the number or the number prefix for the diversion that is to be specifically allowed or barred for a station and click Add.

      Result: The number is added to the table.

    • Remove a number, select the number from the table and click Remove.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, as required.

  7. Click Save.

Related topic

Divert A/B

Hunting Lists

The Hunting Lists tab of the VPN Station screen displays the hunting list entries for each hunting list that is set for the station. A hunting list consists of one or more hunting list entries. Each entry in a hunting list consists on a rank value, a terminating number, a short code number and a timeout value in seconds.

Hunting lists are used by hunting plans to establish what termination numbers will be attempted when hunting is taking place.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN stand-alone and have a privilege level of 2 or above; level 1 will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Field descriptions - Hunting Lists

This table describes each field in the New Hunting List screen and the Edit Hunting List screen.

Field Description
Name The name of the Hunting List.
Terminating Number The Terminating Number for the next entry to be added to the new Hunting List.
On-Net Number Used to indicate that the Termination Number is the on-net number of a VPN station.
Timeout(s) Specifies the waiting time ( in seconds) before next number in the list is attempted during hunting.
Hunting List Displays the Rank, Terminating Number, Short Code Number and a Timeout for every entry in the Hunting List.

Adding a hunting list

Follow these steps to add a hunting list.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Hunting Lists tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New Hunting List screen.

  4. Complete the fields, as described in Field descriptions - Hunting Lists.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, as required.

  7. Click Save.

Related topic

Hunting Lists

Changing hunting list details

Follow these steps to change an existing hunting list for a station.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Hunting Lists tab.

  3. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Hunting List screen.

  4. Edit the name of the list, if required.

  5. To modify an existing list entry, highlight it in the Hunting List table.

    Result: The values are displayed in the fields in the Hunting Entry area.

    Change its values as required, and click Update. Refer to Field descriptions - Hunting Lists.

  6. To add a new entry, in the Hunting Entry area, enter its values and click Add.

  7. In the Hunting List area, to:

    • Change the rank of an entry in the list, click on a record in the table and use the Up and Down buttons.

    • Remove an entry, click on the record in the table and click Remove.

  8. Click Save.

Related topic

Hunting Lists

Deleting a hunting list

Follow these steps to delete a hunting list for a VPN station.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Hunting Lists tab.

  3. Select a hunting list from the Hunting List drop-down box and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm

    Result: The hunting list will be removed from the table.

Related topic

Hunting Lists

Hunting Planner

The Hunting Plans tab of the VPN Station screen displays the scheduled hunting information set for the station. It lists the different Hunting Plans set up for the station showing the Location, CLI and the time ranges for every Hunting Plan and its associated Hunting List.

A Hunting Plan allows a user to set their station to specify a Hunting List to use at set periods of time.

Example: A user may set a Hunting Plan that, from 5:00 pm on Friday to 8:00 am Monday, attempts to terminate all calls from a specific CLI and Location to the numbers in the Hunting List ‘Weekend’.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 2 or above; level 1 will be able to view, but not edit this tab.

Editing hunting planner

Follow these steps to edit the hunting plans on the hunting planner for a VPN station.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Hunting Planner tab.

  3. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Hunting Planner screen.

  4. To:

    1. Select the plan from the table.

      Result: The details of the plan will appear in the fields.

    2. Change the details in the fields and click Add.

      Result: A new plan will appear in the table. The original plan will still appear in the table. You will need to remove it.

    • Remove a plan, select it from the table and click Remove.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic

Hunting Planner

Field descriptions - Edit Hunting Planner screen

This table describes each field in the Edit Hunting Planner screen.

Field Description
Default Hunting Plan Allows you to specify which Hunting List is used when hunting is enabled but no Hunting Plan is matched in terms of Location, CLI and time.
Hunt Unconditionally Allows you to configure the station to perform hunting every time a call is received.
Hunt On Busy Allows you to configure the station to perform hunting every time a call is received and the station is engaged.
Hunt On No Answer Allows you to configure the station to perform hunting every time a call is received and the station is not answered after a timeout period.

Allows you to specify a matching pattern for the calling party location.

For example: A combination of Mobile Country Code, Mobile Network Code, Location Code and Cell ID can be used. A subset of the values can be also be specified, but the omission must start from the Cell ID, then the Location Code and so on.

Format: MccMncLacCellid


  • Mcc: A 3-digit country code

  • Mnc: A 2 or 3-digit network code (starting with 0)

  • Lac: A 5-digit Location code with decimal value (starting with 0), and

  • Cellid: A 5-digit Cell ID with decimal value (starting with 0).

CLI The CLI number for the Hunting Plan Entry being added or selected.
Time Range These three option buttons allow you to select between the Time Range types for the Hunting Plan Entry being added or selected.
Start Time

Use the drop down lists to specify the Start Time for the Hunting Plan Entry.

The label for the fields will be the selected Time Range option and the fields will be for:

  • Day of Year: Day of Month and Time of Day

  • Day of Week: Day of Week and Time of Day

  • Time of Day: Time of Day

End Time

Use the drop down lists to specify the End Time for the Hunting Plan Entry.

The label for the fields will be the selected Time Range option and the fields will be as described in Start Time.

Hunting List This list sets the Hunting Plan for the current Hunting Plan Entry.
Hunting Plans The table lists all the Hunting Plans set for the station. The displayed fields for every plan are Location, CLI, start and end times of a Hunting Plan and the associated Hunting List.

Work Zone

The Work Zone tab of the VPN Station screen allows you to manage the list of shapes used to define the station work zone.


  • The work zone functionality is only available if LCP is installed. For more information, see Location Capabilities Pack Technical Guide.

  • ACS also needs to have profile fields of the zone type configured in the ACS Configuration screen. For more information about setting up profile fields, see ACS User's Guide.

Privileges: This tab is available for editing if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 3 or above; levels below this will be able to view, but not edit this tab. It can be accessed both from the VPN standalone system and from the VPN service available through the SMS screens.

Field descriptions - Work Zone

This table describes each field in the New Work Zone Shape screen.

Field Description
Circular Shape option Select to define the attributes for a circular shape.
X (Deg) Defines the x coordinate for the centre point of the circular shape. It is expressed in degrees longitude, in the range: --179.99999 to +179.99999.
Y (Deg) Defines the y coordinate for the centre point of the circular shape. It is expressed in degrees latitude, in the range: -89.99999 to +89.99999.
R (Kms) Defines the radius of the circular shape.
Rectangular Shape option Select to define the attributes for a rectangular shape.
Top-left corner X (Deg) Defines the x coordinate for the top left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees longitude, in the range: -179.99999 to +179.99999.
Top-left corner Y (Deg) Defines the y coordinate for the top left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees latitude, in the range: -89.99999 to +89.99999.
Bottom-right corner X (Deg) Defines the x coordinate for the the bottom left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees longitude, in the range: -179.99999 to +179.99999.
Bottom-right corner Y (Deg) Defines the y coordinate for the bottom left corner of the rectangular shape. It is expressed in degrees latitude, in the range: -89.99999 to +89.99999.

Adding a shape to a station work zone

Follow these steps to add a new shape to the station work zone.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Work Zone tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New Station Work Zone Shape screen.

  4. Click the option for the type of shape you want to add (either circular or rectangular).

  5. Enter the shape attributes in the appropriate fields, as described in Field descriptions - Work Zone.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic

Work Zone

Changing a station work zone shape

Follow these steps to change the details for a VPN station work zone shape.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Work Zone tab.

  3. Select the shape (circular or rectangular) in the appropriate table.

  4. Click Edit.

    Result: You see Edit Station Work Zone Shape screen.

  5. Modify the shape details as required. For details see Field descriptions - Work Zone.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic

Work Zone

Deleting a station work zone shape

Follow these steps to delete a VPN station work zone shape.

  1. Select the customer, network, and station from the drop down lists on the VPN Station screen.

  2. Select the Work Zone tab.

  3. Select the shape to delete (circular or rectangular) in the appropriate table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes.

    Result: The shape is removed from the work zone.