Activation Project Editor Cartridge Layout Tab

Use the Cartridge Layout tab to generate a framework model for a network or service cartridge project.

For Activation Network cartridge projects, this tab enables you to generate a framework model, which creates a service action, atomic action and an action processor for any combination of action and entity and creates the appropriate association for the three elements in a 1:1:1 relationship.

For Activation Service cartridge projects, this tab enables you to generate service actions. You can create a service model that is appropriate for a specific customer.

Field Use


Click to add action names and description in the cartridge project. For example, ADD, MOD, DEL, or QUERY.


Click to clear action names and description from the cartridge project.


Click to add entities, which are related to actions, and their description in the cartridge project. For example, SUBSCRIBER, GSM-SUBSCRIBER, ROUTE, TRUNK, or LINE.


Click to clear entities from the cartridge project.

Generate Cartridge

Click to generate a framework model for a network or service cartridge project. The framework model is based on a combination of actions and entities. See "Generating Framework Models" for more information about framework models.