Activation Project Editor Locations Tab

Use the Locations tab to define default naming and code generation values and to verify or change project directory locations.


  • If you change the ASAP version in the Locations tab to a version different than the version you selected during cartridge project creation, you must also update all dependent JAR files, such as asaplibcommon.jar, JInterp.jar, Studio_2_6_0.jar, and any other related JAR files. These files are required when the cartridge project depends on third-party libraries. Additionally, you must delete any generated code. Lastly, you must perform a clean and full build to regenerate the code.

  • Design Studio uses the default implementation package name as a prefix for generated code. Oracle recommends that you accept defaults and follow recommended naming conventions for all entities that you create.

Field Use

Project Directories area

Displays the project directory locations. You can edit these locations, as necessary.

Default Naming area

Displays the default name of the generated SAR file. You can edit this name, as necessary.

Code Generation area

Enter the following information:

  • In the Indexed Parameter Identification Token field, identify the CSDL label suffix pattern for indexed type parameters.

    Design Studio ignores this setting if you enable the Index Parameters Default Suffix option on the Activation Preferences page. See "Activation Preferences Page" for more information.

  • In the Indexed Parameter Delimiter field, enter the character that Design Studio uses to separate indexed parameters when generating code.

  • In the Compound Parameter Identification Token field, define the logic that Design Studio generates to read the compound parameters format.