Service Bundle Editor Upstream Interface Tab

Use the Upstream Interface tab to modify the upstream parameter values. Apart from the upstream parameters added automatically, you can further add upstream parameters manually on this tab.

Service Bundle Details

Field Use


Click to manually add upstream interface parameters.


Click to remove upstream interface parameters.


Click to import the upstream parameters from a sample upstream service request (in XML format).

Export Schema

Click to export the service bundle interface to an .xsd file and save it to your machine.

When working with the Upstream Interface tab, see the following topics:

Details Tab

Use the Details tab to view and edit the parameters.

Field Use


Modify the name (label) of a parameter to match a parameter that will come from upstream.


Specify an optional default value for an upstream parameter. If the upstream parameter does not have a value, the default is supplied to ASAP.


Modify or provide a description for a parameter.

Data Type

Select to modify the data type for a parameter. Valid types include integer, string, boolean, and so on.


Select if this upstream parameter is required.

Multi Instance

Select if the specified label is the stem of a series of parameters. This allows for a dynamic number of instances and possible use with ASAP's indexing capability for spawning multiple atomic actions.

Related Topics

Working with Upstream Interface Parameters

Upstream Parameter Map Tab

Use the Upstream Parameter Map tab to display the mapping between the selected upstream interface parameter and service action label (service action parameters) associated with the service bundle.

Related Topics

Working with Upstream Interface Parameters

Lookup Map Tab

Use the Lookup Map tab to display how the selected upstream interface parameter is used in different lookups for further data processing. For example in a mobile scenario, for a given MSISDN value, the SRT may need to perform a database lookup to determine which HLR to send the work order to or possibly split the MSISDN into country code, operator code, and the number parameters for use with a particular service action. See "Configuring Lookups" for information on creating lookups.

Related Topics

Working with Upstream Interface Parameters

Advanced Tab

Use the Advanced tab to specify complex data types for the selected upstream interface parameter that are different than those available in the Details tab.

In the XML Schema field, enter the complex data type for the selected upstream interface parameter.

Related Topics

Working with Upstream Interface Parameters