Creating a Working Set

You can create a working set that defines a filter to control which projects appear in the Studio Projects view. You can also create a working set that controls visibility of entities of projects (at the root level) in the Solution view. You can create one or more working sets and apply them to a workspace.


Before you create a working set, you can associate projects with system-defined tags (such as the Base Project tag) and with tags that you create, and filter the workspace to include or exclude projects associated with this tag. Also, you can create your own tags. See "Project Editor Tag Tab" and "Creating Tags" for more information.

To create a working set:

  1. From the Studio Projects or from the Solution view, click the View Menu icon in the view toolbar (the icon is an arrow).

    The context menu options appear.

  2. From the context menu list, select the Select Working Set option.

    The Select Working Set dialog box appears.

  3. Click New.

    The New Working Set dialog box appears.

  4. Select Design Studio and then click Next.

  5. In the Working Set Name field, enter a name to describe the working set.

  6. Select a working set filter option.

    • Select Include to include specific projects in the workspace.

    • Select Exclude to exclude specific projects from the workspace.

  7. In the Project Type area, select the project types that you want to include in the workspace or exclude from the workspace, depending on your selection in the previous step.

  8. In the Tag area, select one or multiple tags to include or to exclude projects associated with these tags from the workspace, depending on your selection in the previous step.


    If your working set includes selections in the Project Type area and in the Tag area, the working set filters only those projects that meet the criteria defined in both areas. For example, if the working set is defined to exclude OSM projects (selected in the Project Type area) and base projects (selected in the Tag area), the filter hides only those projects that are OSM projects associated with the Base Project tag.

    Tags do not apply to Environment projects.

  9. Click Finish.

  10. In the Select Working Set dialog box, select the new working set and click OK.

    Design Studio applies the working set and updates the Studio Projects view or the Solution view to display only those projects and entities that meet the filter criteria defined in the applied working set.