Activating a Working Set

You activate the working set that you want to apply to the workspace.

To activate a working set:

  1. From the Studio Projects view or from the Solution view, click the View Menu icon in the view toolbar.

    The context menu options appear.

  2. From the context menu list, select the Select Working Set option.

    The Select Working Set dialog box appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select Window Working Sets if you want to select a previously created global working set that controls project visibility in the Package Explorer view. See the Eclipse Workbench User Guide for more information about creating and using window working sets.

    • Select No Working Sets to remove any workspace filters defined by an active working set.

    • Select Selected Working Sets and then select a working set from the list to apply the filter defined by that working set to the workspace.

  4. Click OK.

    Design Studio applies the working set and updates the Studio Projects view or the Solution view to display only those projects and entities that meet the filter criteria defined in the applied working set.