Other Relationships Tab Relationship Detail Area

Use the Relationship Detail area to associate the conceptual model entity with other conceptual model entities.

Details Tab

Use the Details tab to further define entity information.

Field Use


Edit the name of the target entity.


Displays the conceptual model entities that the associated component can represent.

Do one of the following:

  • Select a value and click Open to open the entity in an editor.

  • Click Add to create a new entity and associate the new entity with the component.

  • Select a value and click Remove to remove the association between the component and the entity.

  • Click Select to associate an existing entity to the component.

Minimum and Maximum

Define the entity cardinality. The Minimum field indicates the minimum number of times the entity can appear, and the Maximum field indicates the maximum number of times the entity can appear.

Also, indicate whether the entity is Required or Optional or whether there can be multiple occurrences of the entity.

To define a range, do one of the following:

  • Define a range with at least one occurrence.

    Select the value 1 in the Minimum field and select Unbounded (no explicit limit) in the Maximum field.

  • Define a range with no required minimum number of occurrences.

    Select the value 0 in the Minimum field and select Unbounded in the Maximum field.

Used By Tab

Use the Used By tab to review the projects and entities in which the target component is used.

Notes Tab

Use the Notes tab to annotate entities with descriptions or with other applicable information to support the entity. For example, you can contribute content to Design Studio reports by writing your own internal documentation about entities and data elements, and you can format the documentation using plain text or simple HTML markup.

See "Notes Tab" for more information.