Conceptual Model Editor Categorization Tab

Use the Categorization tab to tag data elements with Inventory-specific tags and to specify which data elements are persisted to a Customer Facing Service, a Resource Facing Service, a Resource, or a Location entity.

Field Use


Displays all of the data elements defined for the conceptual model entity on the Data Elements tab.


Select Yes to tag the data element as a characteristic, which means it is relevant to Design Studio for Inventory and Design Studio for Network Integrity data models.

You must tag a data element with the Characteristic tag (in the data schema) to add it to an Inventory Service specification during realization.


Select Yes if the data element changes frequently or if you need to track the life cycle of a service. For example, customers often upgrade services for higher download speeds. You can tag the DownloadSpeed data element with the Changeable tag and track the data element's history for auditing purposes.

When realizing customer facing services and resource facing services, the default design patterns save data elements that are tagged as Changeable to the Service Configuration specifications.


Select Yes to persist the data element on the conceptual model entity.

You must tag a data element with the Persisted tag to add it to an Inventory Service specification during realization. Data elements that are tagged as Changeable and Persisted, and structured data elements that are tagged as Persisted are added to the Configuration specification during realization.

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Working with Tags