Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab

Use the Related Specifications tab to relate a specification to another specification or to change relationship properties.

The tab is divided into sections where you can define relationships to different entity types. Only the entity types listed in the tab have meaningful relationships by default in UIM. The Others section enables you to relate other specifications, but these relationships require rulesets to trigger behaviors and actions in UIM.

The fields and controls listed below appear in each section.

Field Use


Displays the name of the specification.


Displays the name of the cartridge project into which the specification is built.


Displays the type of the specification, such as Service specification or Place specification.


Indicates that the related entity is designated as either a parent or a child of the entity being edited. The normal relationship is defined as a child. You must specify a parent relationship only when the related entity is in a separate cartridge that exists independently.

Minimum Quantity and

Maximum Quantity

Displays the minimum number of instances that may be provided by the relationship and the maximum number of instances that may be provided by the relationship. Select the specification row and click Modify to change the values for these fields.

These fields are not valid for relationships with Role specifications.


(Role specifications only) Indicates whether the relationship is required in UIM for entities based on this specification.

Auto-Generated is selected automatically if you select Required.


(Role specifications only) Indicates whether a Role entity based on the listed specification should be created automatically in UIM when you create an entity based on the current specification.

Auto-Generated is selected automatically if you select Required.


Click to select an existing specification to which you can relate the selected specification.


Click to modify any of the following relationship properties:

  • Name

  • Status

  • Relationship

  • Required

  • Auto-Generated

  • Minimum Quantity.

  • Maximum Quantity

  • Description

See "Changing Specification Relationship Properties" for more information.


Click to remove the related specification.