About Orchestration Fulfillment Pattern Order Component Condition XQuery Expressions

This topic describes how to use the Orchestration Fulfillment Pattern editor, Orchestration Plan tab, Order Components subtab, Conditions subtab XQuery subtab to write an expression that specifies whether to include or exclude an order item from an order component. You can create a new orchestration fulfillment pattern from the Orchestration Fulfillment Pattern editor or select from conditions created in the Order Item Specification. See "About Order Item Specification Condition XQuery Expressions" for more information about the context, prolog, and body of condition XQuery expressions.

The following example XQuery expression only evaluates to true if the value of ServiceActionCode is not NONE or UPDATE. For example, if the value of ServiceActionCode were ADD, then the order item would be included in the order component.

(osm:properties/im:ServiceActionCode/text()!="NONE" and
osm:properties/im:ServiceActionCode/text()!="UPDATE") or