About Order Item Specification Condition XQuery Expressions

This topic describes how to use the Order Item Specification editor Orchestration Conditions tab, Condition Expression area, XQuery subtab to write expressions that specifies an order item property value as a condition that you can then use in an order decomposition rule or in a fulfillment pattern to determine whether an order item gets included in an order component. The XQuery for the condition has the following characteristics:

  • Context: The Condition Expression area XQuery input document is the order item properties you want to use as conditions. For example, the following order item contains the region and the ServiceActionCode order item properties, that could be associated to conditions:

          <im:lineItemName>Commercial Fixed Service [Add]</im:lineItemName>
          <im:productClass>Fixed Service Plan Class</im:productClass>
          <im:lineItemPayload> [34 lines]
          <im:region>Sao Paulo</im:region>

    See "About Orchestration Fulfillment Pattern Order Component Condition XQuery Expressions" for a description of the XQuery condition based on the ServiceActionCode. See "About Decomposition Rule Condition XQuery Expressions" for a description of the XQuery condition based on the region.

  • Prolog: You can declare the order item specification namespace and the OSM namespace in the XQuery prolog. For example:

    declare namespace osm="http://xmlns.oracle.com/communications/ordermanagement/model";
    declare namespace im="http://oracle.communications.ordermanagement.unsupported.centralom";
  • Body: The XQuery body must evaluate an order item property defined in the order item specification. These order item properties are available from the OSM namespace using the properties element. For example, the following expression evaluates to true if the value of region is anything other than Sao Paulo and the order item gets included in the order component. If the region were set to Sao Paulo, then the order item would not be included in the order component.

    fn:not(fn:normalize-space(osm:properties/im:region/text())='Sao Paulo')

    Another condition could be created that would only evaluate to true if the value of region was set to Sao Paulo. In this case, the order item would only be included in the order component if the region were set to Sao Paulo.