About Read Only Behaviors

The Read Only behavior enables you to target specific conditions when the OSM server should make a field read-only in the Task web client. Information is always read-only in the Order Management web client. You can use the Read Only behavior to make fields read only or read/write, depending on the content of other fields.

For example, assume that a view has an IP Allocation {static, DHCP}, an IP Address, a Subnet Mask, and a Default Gateway field. You can create a read-only rule on IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway that evaluates to True when the value DHCP is selected for the IP Allocation field.

See OSM Concepts for more information about behavior default values, inheritance, and declarative syntax.


If a data node's Read Only behavior evaluates to true, all children of that data node are read-only.

About Read Only Behaviors and Read Only Task View Options

In Design Studio, you can define a data node as read-only by creating a Read Only behavior, and by defining the data node as read-only at the task view level:

  • Defining a Read Only behavior for a data node enables you to apply specific conditions to determine when the OSM server should make the associated field in the Task web client read-only.

  • Defining a data node as read-only at the task view level ensures that a field always is displayed as read-only in the Task web client (in the context of the associated task). See "Task Data Node Properties View Identification Tab" for information about defining data nodes as read-only at the task view level.


If a Read Only behavior and a task view read-only option conflict for the same data node, the OSM server defaults to the Read Only behavior. For example, consider that you have identified a data node as read-only on the Task Data Node Properties View Identification tab, and you've also defined a Read Only behavior for that same data node. If the behavior evaluates to false, the Task web client field associated with the data node will be editable.