Task Data Node Properties View Identification Tab

Use the Task Data Node Properties View Identification tab to edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the task level.

Right-click any attribute in the Task editor Task Data tab and select Open Properties View to edit the data element properties at the task level.

Field Use


Displays the name of the element as defined in the Data Dictionary. The name of the node is not available for edit. You can edit the value in the Display Name field on the Data Schema editor Details subtab to edit the manner in which the element displays.


Displays an XPath expression to define the location of the node in the Data Dictionary.

Default Value

Select this option and enter a value to initially populate the field associated with this data node in the Task web client.

Read Only

Select this option to make the field read-only field (for this task only) in the Task web client.


By default, a node inherits significance from its parent. At the task level, you can define the significance as Not Significant if you do not want to use the node during amendment processing.

During amendment processing, the OSM system compensates only for task instances that use significant data elements as inputs. If an element is not specified as significant, the system updates the order only with the changed data (no compensation is required). Data significance is supported at the data dictionary, order template, and task view levels.

Override Data Dictionary Minimum/Maximum

You can define the Minimum and Maximum values at the task level:

In the Minimum field, select the number of times the global element referenced can appear in an instance document. Select 0 if you want the element to be optional. By default, nodes are optional at the task level.

In the Maximum field, select the maximum number of times the global element referenced can appear. Select unbounded to indicate there is no maximum number of occurrences.

Apply To Children

Select this option to propagate the Read-Only, Significance, and Override Data Dictionary fields to all direct children of the selected element. The Confirm Change dialog box appears. Select Recursive in the Confirm Change dialog box to apply the changes to all other children of the selected element. All changes are saved immediately upon confirmation.


Identifies the task that contributes the data element. For example, consider that you have 2 tasks, Task1 and Task2. Task2 extends Task1 and also contains 1 additional data element, billing_start_date. The contributor for all of the data elements (except for billing_start_date) appears as Task1. The contributor for billing_start_date appears as Task2.