Order Jeopardy Editor Details Tab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Details tab to define the conditions under which the jeopardy will be evaluated. The following table describes the fields on the Order Jeopardy editor Details tab.


See "Order Jeopardy Editor" for information about fields that appear on all of the Order Jeopardy editor tabs.

Field Use


Select this option to indicate that the primary configuration for this jeopardy is to be in a file in the system where OSM is running.

When you select this option, you should configure the jeopardy in the normal manner. However, only the automation information for this configuration (and the automation plug-in, if any) is deployed to OSM with your cartridge. For the rest of the configuration, the next time the cartridge is built, a sample configuration file corresponding to your configuration of the jeopardy will be generated and placed in the samples/orderJeopardy folder for your cartridge. You can see this folder in the Package Explorer view. You can then copy or move the file to the server where OSM is running. You use the oracle.communications.ordermanagement.order.OperationalOverrideFileURLs parameter in the oms-config.xml file to indicate the location of the file you have configured. For more information about configuring operational jeopardy files on the OSM server, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

Target Order

Click Select next to this field to select the order to which this order jeopardy will apply.


Click Select next to this field to select the task view the order jeopardy will use to obtain data to be used in the configuration.


Click Select next to this field to select a rule to use to limit when this order jeopardy will be evaluated.


Enter a priority from 1 to 255 (1 is the highest priority). The notification with the highest priority is evaluated first.


Select to enable this jeopardy notification, or deselect if you intend to implement the notification at a later time.


Select the roles that have permission to respond to this notification. Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to select an existing role.

  • Select a role and click Remove to remove the role from the list for this order jeopardy.

  • Click Add to create a new role. See "Creating New Roles" for more information.

  • Select a role and click Open to open the role in the Role editor.