Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab to define the order states and duration for the timer. The following table describes the fields on the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab.


See "Order Jeopardy Editor" for information about fields that appear on all of the Order Jeopardy editor tabs.

When configuring order jeopardy policy timer duration, see also the following topics:

Field Use

Start Condition

Specify the order states that, when the order enters one of them, should start the jeopardy timer.

This should be set if the value being returned in the Timer Duration area is a duration, rather than a date/time. If this value is not set, OSM will expect a date/time value to be returned from the configuration in the Timer Duration area. Since the Specify a Duration Value and Use the Order Expected Duration options always return a duration, this value should always be set if either of those options is selected.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to add one of the available order states to the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Remove to remove the state from the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Open to open the Order State editor for that order state.

Pause Timer and Block Jeopardy

Specify the order states that, when the order enters one of them, should pause the jeopardy timer. This should not be set if Start Condition does not have a value. If Start Condition has a value, this field is optional.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to add one of the available order states to the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Remove to remove the state from the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Open to open the Order State editor for that order state.

Stop Condition

Specify the order states that, when the order enters one of them, should stop the jeopardy timer. This value should always be set.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to add one of the available order states to the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Remove to remove the state from the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Open to open the Order State editor for that order state.

Timer Duration

Sets the time after which a jeopardy will be raised. Do one of the following:

  • Select Specify a Duration Value to specify a specific duration before a jeopardy notification is raised.

  • Select Use the Order Expected Duration to use the expected duration of the order to determine when a jeopardy notification is raised.

  • Select Specify an XQuery Expression to return a duration or date/time to provide an XQuery expression to determine the duration before a jeopardy notification is raised. The XQuery expression can return either a duration or a date/time value.

  • Select Specify a Data Path Expression to contain a duration or date/time to provide the path to a data element on the order that will contain the duration before a jeopardy notification is raised. The data path expression can return either a duration or a date/time value.