Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab Offset Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Offset subtab to set the details of an offset to the calculated duration. This subtab is available for all timer duration options.

Field Use

Apply an offset or use a percentage of the duration

Select this option to provide an offset using the other fields in this subtab.


Select this option to configure the offset in terms of the percentage of the duration. For example, you could raise a jeopardy when 90% of the order's expected duration has passed.


Select this option to add a fixed amount of time to the duration.


Select this option to subtract a fixed amount of time from the duration.

Offset/Percentage Amount

If you have selected Percentage, enter a number between 1 and 100 to indicate the percentage of the total duration that should elapse before the jeopardy is raised.

If you have selected Add or Subtract, enter the number of offset units to add or subtract from the duration.

Offset Unit

Set the units for the offset amount. This field is not available when the Percentage option is selected.